The Trump Presidency

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"A floating moral compass" is a term used to describe someone whose morality depends on the situation only. Having no particular set of moral principles to anchor morality except any thing that serves the self in moment.
No regard for memories of moral contradiction or moral hypocrisy, nor any concern for the consequences of such a state... ( re: pathological liars)
There fore, one moment the military are the best the next they are the worst.. or one moment he loves women then the next he doesn't and so on...
The worst part is people like Vociferous support this sort of floating moral opportunism and allow it to take positions of power.
Before the natural disaster of Covid, record low unemployment (including for veterans), with historically low minority unemployment (for blacks, Hispanics, and Asians), brokered peace deals between Israel and UAE and between Serbia and Kosovo (with mutual agreements with Israel), new trade agreements with Canada, Mexico, and EU, tax cuts for the average citizen and small businesses, terminal patient right-to-try experimental treatments, etc..
4 years...??
oh don't forget his amazing performance in North Korea's and Iranian Nuke agenda...and how he has messed up all those other trade treaties you seem to wish to ignore...
not to mention how he has dis-empowered the USA voice in the UN and WHO.
so in 4 years he has managed to do the MAGA big time hey?
oh also do not forget his rather convenient long term relationship with Netanyahu and ME real estate...
Vociferous said:
Before the natural disaster of Covid, record low unemployment (including for veterans), with historically low minority unemployment (for blacks, Hispanics, and Asians)
OK, lets have a look at the facts.

Barak Obama,

Obama had the unique disadvantage of taking office in the midst of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. More than 4 million jobs were lost in his first year in office, on top of the 4 million lost in George W. Bush’s final year.

Donald Trump

Trump had the unique advantage of taking office in the midst of a great recovery from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression
The COVID-19 emergency and the sudden economic recession it triggered have greatly altered many statistical measures of the Trump years. Since he took office:
  • 7.8 million jobs have been lost — including 7,100 coal mining jobs and274,000 manufacturing jobs.
  • The unemployment rate soared to the highest levels since World War II, and stood at 11.1% most recently.
  • The economy — which had been growing modestly — shrank at an annual rate of 5% in the first quarter and much worse is predicted in the quarter just ended.
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The worst part is people like Vociferous support this sort of floating moral opportunism and allow it to take positions of power.
Yes, like people who say; "you're not gonna force me to buy health insurance", but when they need to go to the hospital they will stick the Hospital for the bill and the tax payer for the Health Care expense.

Worst of it is that they'll be pleased to stick it to the governement that is "taxing us to death".
Think of the mind-set of this kind of public parasite.
No, we're talking about "public services" provided by government, without regard to "cost" which is borne by the public to begin with. "Underuse" is of no importance.
And since every mailbox is also a collection box, that's like saying every business has two wheelchair ramps and we're going to remove the one that's used less. Doesn't affect access at all.
You think so, huh?
First: The mailman only stops for delivery and/or pick up. They do not automatically stop at every house.
Second: You'd rather add an extra 20 seconds to open the mailbox and collect outgoing mail from say 120 private mailboxes than a single 60 second collection of 120 pieces of mail from a single public collection box. Do the math.
First: Why would a postal carrier stop at a house that doesn't have any incoming or outgoing mail? Again, you don't seem to be making any point at all.
Second: It's not an either/or situation. All mailboxes are already collection boxes. Collection boxes only exist for convenience, where traffic and volume warrant their use. Low volume does not, because that means people in the area are simply using mailboxes instead. And routes go by every mailbox anyway, whether they are getting or receiving any mail that day. And guess what, if nothing else, there is always a local post office. Again, you have no point.

i just read in the news ...
calling military personal who have died in the field

"Looser's" & "Sucker's"

im almost speechless(& you know that takes a lot)
This coming from the greatest "Commander in Chief", ever !!! ................
No, it's coming from anonymous, and thus unverifiable, sources. Why would former officials not go on record? It's not like they would lose their jobs.


Trump had the unique advantage of taking office in the midst of a great recovery from the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression

Too bad you couldn't manage to read that the Trump chart "REFLECTS SUBSTANTIAL EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY".
And if you think the economic gains were largely Obama's doing, would you equally say the poor race relations were also his doing, seeing as Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. racial riots began on his watch?

Yes, like people who say; "you're not gonna force me to buy health insurance", but when they need to go to the hospital they will stick the Hospital for the bill and the tax payer for the Health Care expense.
No, conservatives are all for relatively cheap catastrophic health insurance, that would cover emergency care, which is the kind people skip out on paying.
For the bills that go unpaid, hospitals can try to compensate by charging other patients more. But that doesn’t happen as much as many people – including policymakers -- think.
The majority of hospitals are non-profits and are exempt from federal, state and local taxes if they provide a community benefit, such as charitable care. Hospitals also receive federal funding to offset some of the costs of treating the poor.
So your arguments about the USPS being non-profit and providing a community benefit would apply doubly to hospitals, because we're talking about saving lives here. So you're either a hypocrite or heartless.

Worst of it is that they'll be pleased to stick it to the governement that is "taxing us to death".
Think of the mind-set of this kind of public parasite.
Oh, you mean a "public parasite" like the USPS, that needs to be bailed out for billions every year? 9_9

There fore, one moment the military are the best the next they are the worst.. or one moment he loves women then the next he doesn't and so on...
The worst part is people like Vociferous support this sort of floating moral opportunism and allow it to take positions of power.
No, I'm just not duped by anonymous sources, which have proven unreliable in the past.

4 years...??
oh don't forget his amazing performance in North Korea's and Iranian Nuke agenda...and how he has messed up all those other trade treaties you seem to wish to ignore...
not to mention how he has dis-empowered the USA voice in the UN and WHO.
so in 4 years he has managed to do the MAGA big time hey?
oh also do not forget his rather convenient long term relationship with Netanyahu and ME real estate...
The US and UN has been at a stalemate with NK for decades. It was worth at least trying other tactics.
Trump: US demands restoration of UN sanctions against Iran
The administration’s insistence on snapping back international sanctions against Iran sets the stage for a contentious dispute. It’s possible that the U.S. call will be ignored by other U.N. members — an outcome that could call into question the U.N. Security Council’s ability to enforce its own legally binding decisions.
Trump administration struggles to rally international support for new Iran sanctions
The Trump administration notified the United Nations on Thursday that the U.S. will — on its own — reinstate numerous sanctions to punish Iran after failing to rally international support to extend an arms embargo on the Islamic Republic.
That's the UN standing in the way of keeping Iran from acquiring new arms. That sounds like that would make the UN complicit in Iran becoming a nuclear power.

Trump didn't mess up any needed trade deals, and Russia and China veto power in the UN long since made it impotent. Netanyahu has likely been a factor in the Israeli, UAE, Serbia, and Kosovo peace deals, and like Trump in the US, it seems his political opponents are largely trying the same tactics. Those haven't worked out so well here. "ME real estate"?
First: Why would a postal carrier stop at a house that doesn't have any incoming or outgoing mail? Again, you don't seem to be making any point at all.
And how would you know, who has outgoing mail unless they were delivering mail?
Second: It's not an either/or situation. All mailboxes are already collection boxes. Collection boxes only exist for convenience, where traffic and volume warrant their use. Low volume does not, because that means people in the area are simply using mailboxes instead. And routes go by every mailbox anyway, whether they are getting or receiving any mail that day.
I see, the mailman stops at every mailbox to check if there is outgoing mail?
And guess what, if nothing else, there is always a local post office. Again, you have no point.
Thank, you just made my point for me. There is always the post office 30 miles from where I live and no collection boxes in between. That is no convenience, that's a hardship and that is against the law.
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Google "Trump Heights" for starters
And? Trump has done more for Israel and its security than any President in decades. Why shouldn't they honor him?

And how would you know, who has outgoing mail unless they were delivering mail?
Because depending on the type of mailbox, it's indicated with a raised flag, mail pinned to the outside (visible from the curb), or in the case of apartments, has a single collection box for the entire building/complex. How young are you that you don't already know this very basic stuff? Well, it has been reported that many young adults don't know how to find the post office, can't change a tire, etc..

I see, the mailman stops at every mailbox to check if there is outgoing mail?
As I just said, there are ways to indicate mail needs to be picked up. Ways that the mail carrier can see just passing by on their normal route.

Thank, you just made my point for me. There is always the post office 30 miles from where YOU live and no collection boxes in between. That is no convenience, that's a hardship and that is against the law.
Again there is no such thing as "no collection boxes" where there are mailboxes, which serve the same purpose. The depth of your ignorance continues to amaze.
So your arguments about the USPS being non-profit and providing a community benefit would apply doubly to hospitals, because we're talking about saving lives here. So you're either a hypocrite or heartless.
You are the hypocrite. I am FOR Universal Healthcare just as I am FOR Universal Postal Service, you are not.
As I just said, there are ways to indicate mail needs to be picked up. Ways that the mail carrier can see just passing by on their normal route.
And that would be faster than stopping by a single mail collection box, every couple of miles and only have to worry about prompt mail delivery and opportunistic pick-up as an added value?
I don't think you'd make a good civil engineer.

And if you think that Trump's motive for tearing down bulk "collection boxes" was to save the tax payers from paying ten cents too much for dependable Universal mail service, then you are more naive than you even present yourself to be.
Too bad you couldn't manage to read that the Trump chart "REFLECTS SUBSTANTIAL EFFECTS OF THE COVID-19 EMERGENCY".
And Obama's numbers record the effects of the serious international flu emergency that hit while he was in office - the full effects, not just the first couple of months.
The difference in the way Trump handles such things is one of the reasons his numbers suck.
And if you think the economic gains were largely Obama's doing, would you equally say the poor race relations were also his doing, seeing as Ferguson, Baltimore, etc. racial riots began on his watch?
No. That would be bizarrely stupid.
(Probably that requires explanation in your case - a few factors:
The race relations in those cities did not begin on Obama's watch.
Unlike their responsibility for executive management of many relevant factors involving the US economy, a US President is not officially responsible for the behaviors of city police forces, or city governments in general.
The success of the Republican efforts to prevent Obama from doing his job in race-related matters (such as appointing better judges, etc) is also well known. Nobody prevents Republicans from fulfilling their responsibilities.

And so forth.

In short, one doubts you really meant to suggest comparing Obama's handling of race riots with Trump's handling of race riots, or police behavior as encouraged and rewarded by Obama and Trump (children in cages will come up, as will the military influence, Posse Comitatus, quasi-deputized teenagers with rifles shooting people after being encouraged by the police, the suspension of civil rights anywhere near a national border, the use of gas and clubs and rubber bullets on peaceful demonstrators, public asphyxiation and beating of handcuffed people by uniformed police, that kind of stuff).
It's a bizarre bit of nonsense you posted there, in short. Whatever were you trying to say?
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