The tides are the result of the rotation of the Earth and the whirlpools

Such an excellent topic has been described as pseudoscience,
Aligning yourself with this obviously pseudoscience topic does not help your case.
and the scientific truth is brazenly blocked.
So you think that the scientific truth is that the tides are not caused by the moon and sun? Really?:rolleyes:
Such an excellent topic has been described as pseudoscience, and the scientific truth is brazenly blocked.
"Scientific truth" is that gravitational forces (primarily from the sun and moon) cause tides on Earth.
The idea that there are 'whirlpools' independent of gravitational forces that cause tides is pseudoscience.
October 3, 1869, the amplitude of the tide in the Bay of Fundy was 5 meters.
October 4, 1869 amplitude of the tide in the Bay of Fundy was 21 meters (once in the history of observation).
For one day in the Bay of Fundy, the amplitude of the tides increased from 5 to 21 meters, 4 times.
Question. What happened in the Bay of Fundy in one day (gravity, coastline or the inclination of the lunar orbit have changed).
October 3, 1869, the amplitude of the tide in the Bay of Fundy was 5 meters.
October 4, 1869 amplitude of the tide in the Bay of Fundy was 21 meters (once in the history of observation).
For one day in the Bay of Fundy, the amplitude of the tides increased from 5 to 21 meters, 4 times.
Question. What happened in the Bay of Fundy in one day (gravity, coastline or the inclination of the lunar orbit have changed).
Nothing happened to the bay on that one day.

Tides vary due to the angle between the Sun and the Moon, the location of the shoreline with respect to the tidal bulge and the distance from Earth to Sun to Moon. As a result, some places have one weak tide and one strong tide a day. Occasionally, a location will have only one high tide a day. On a day when everything lines up perfectly (a spring tide, location close to the tidal bulge, perigee and perihelion) you will see the highest possible tide. When all those factors don't line up you will see a smaller one.
Побережье полуострова Новая Шотландия (Канада), с востока оно омывается водами Атлантического океана, на западе - водами залива Фанди.
Приливная волна на полуострове движется с востока на запад. (со скоростью 1650 км в час).
Максимальная высота приливов на востоке полуострова составляет 1 метр, на западе полуострова - 20 метров (залив Фанди).
Почему высота приливов на западе полуострова в 20 раз больше, чем на востоке, но все должно быть наоборот (где логика).
1. Why the height of the tides in the White Sea is 100 times greater than in the Baltic Sea.
The height of the tides in the Baltic Sea is 10 cm, and in the White Sea 10 meters.
2. The tidal current moves to the White Sea from the Atlantic Ocean. How. (trajectory, distance, travel time).
a). As the flow moves, pulsates every 12 hours, or flows a continuous stream (eternal tide).
b). As there is an ebb in the river Severnaya Dvina, if in the Northern Dvina, the eternal tidal current moves.
at). What is the mechanism of transformation of the tidal current into a tidal wave.
g). How much water to move in the tidal current.
e). At what speed does the tidal current (km / h) move.
(The distance to the throat of the Baltic Sea is 10 km, to the throat of the White Sea is 3000 km.
The flow from the throat of the White Sea moves from south to north, at a speed of 1 km an hour).
Why the height of the tides in the White Sea is 100 times greater than in the Baltic Sea.
The height of the tides in the Baltic Sea is 10 cm, and in the White Sea 10 meters.
Type into Google "Baltic Sea tides" and read the first paragraph on the page for your answer.

If you have any other questions please feel free to post them. These questions are exceedingly easy to answer!
It is believed that the tidal wave reflected from the eastern coast of Canada is moving towards the Baltic, White and Chukchi seas.
It is believed that the tidal wave reflected from the eastern coast of Canada is moving towards the Baltic, White and Chukchi seas.
Not sure what that is supposed to be about? The answer to your question can still be found in post #209. Good luck on your quest.
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Tidal waves are synchronized with the daily rotation of the Earth and a daily delay of 50 minutes.
The moon is not synchronized with tidal waves.
The "daily delay of 50 minutes" is the moon moving in its orbit.
Correct. It takes some time for the "lunar hump" (tide) to make its way into some places. In tight, obstructed areas like New York Harbor it can be as long as 8 hours.
Along the equatorial zone, "tidal force" is everywhere the same, and there is no need to calculate it.
(It can be conditionally aligned 1).
The height of the tide depends on the shape of the gulf.
(And the speed of the tidal wave is ridiculously small, and the filling time of the bay is too great).
In England, the "tidal power" is the same everywhere, and the height of the tides is different, why?
The height of the tide depends on the shape of the gulf.
Correct. The shape of the gulf can focus the tidal bore and amplify it.
(And the speed of the tidal wave is ridiculously small, and the filling time of the bay is too great).
Incorrect. The speed of the wave doesn't matter one bit. What matters is the flow in gallons per second. You could fill the bay with no perceptible tidal wave.
In England, the "tidal power" is the same everywhere, and the height of the tides is different, why?
Different shapes along the coast, as you mention above.
I'd say you're wasting your time. This is a write-only blog for Fermer. I doubt he even reads the thread.
I, for one, have learned a thing or two about tides from this thread. On the Internet, you tend to need somebody to be wrong so somebody else can be right.
Tides are the result of the rotation of the earth and the whirlpools.

The opening was published in the Russian-German scientific peer-reviewed journal "Eastern European Scientific Journal" No. 3/2015. 64. June
Scientific journal "NBIX-Nauka. Technology" No. 4/2018. Page 104.
(Nanotechnological Society of Russia)
A positive review was also received from the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

There is a strict regularity, tides and ebbs are formed not along the entire coast of the seas and oceans but only on those coasts where the high angular velocity of the currents.
And the higher the velocity of currents, the higher the amplitude of the tidal wave. On the rectilinear coasts where the currents do not have an angular velocity the tide is not formed.

The waters of lakes, seas and oceans of the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, and the waters of the southern hemisphere rotate by the hour hand, forming giant whirlpools.

As is known, everything that rotates, including whirlpools, possess the property of a gyroscope (yule) to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space, regardless of the rotation of the Earth.

If you look at the Earth from the Sun, the whirlpools, rotating together with the Earth, turn over twice a day, due to which the whirlpools precess (swing by 1-2 degrees) and reflect the tidal wave around the entire perimeter of the whirlpool.

The waters of the White Sea rotate counter-clockwise, forming a huge whirlpool-gyroscope, which, precessing, reflects a tidal wave along the entire perimeter of the White Sea.
A similar pattern of tides is observed in all lakes, seas and oceanas.

The waters of the Mediterranean Sea rotate counter-clockwise, forming tides 10-15 cm high. But in Gabes Bay, off the coast of Tunisia, the tides can reach three meters, and sometimes even more, and this is considered one of the mysteries of nature. But at the same time, in the Gulf of Gabes the whirlpool turns, precessing the reflecting additional tidal wave.
A tidal wave in the Amazon River creates a huge planetary maelstrom a few thousand kilometers in diameter, rotating between South America and North Africa, embracing the mouth of the Amazon River.
The scheme of motion of a tidal wave, along the perimeter of the North Atlantic planetary maelstrom.

The length of the tidal wave depends on the diameter of the whirlpool. And the height of the tidal wave depends on the rotation speed of the whirlpool of the orbital velocity of the Earth, and the time of the tilting of the whirlpool (12 hours).
A = V1 • V2 / t
where: A is the amplitude of the tidal wave (precession angle).
V1 - rotation speed of the whirlpool.
V2 is the orbital velocity of the Earth.
t - the time of tilting of the whirlpool (12 hours).

The vortex theory of tides can be easily verified by the connection between the height of the tidal wave and the rotation speed of the whirlpools. The height of the tidal wave can be determined by the location of the whirlpools. Drawing on a map of the depths and currents of the seas and oceans.

Continuation. Forum. National Research Nuclear University of Russia.
Forum SPbSU Faculty of Geography.
Forum of Cambridge University