The tides are the result of the rotation of the Earth and the whirlpools


Registered Senior Member
The tides are the result of the rotation of the Earth and the whirlpools.

There is a strict pattern; tides are formed, not across the coast of the seas and oceans, but only on those coasts where the high angular velocity of the currents. And the higher the velocity of currents, the higher the amplitude of the tidal wave. On the rectilinear coasts, where the currents do not have angular velocity, tides and ebbs do not form.

The waters of lakes, seas and oceans of the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, while the waters of the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, forming giant whirlpools.

As is known, everything that rotates, including whirlpools, has the property of a gyro (yule) to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space, regardless of the rotation of the Earth.

If you look at the Earth from the side of the Sun, the whirlpools, spinning with the Earth, capsize twice a day, thanks to which the whirlpools precess (swing by 1-2 degrees) and reflect the tidal wave around the perimeter of the whirlpool.

The waters of the White Sea rotate counter-clockwise, forming a huge whirlpool-gyroscope, which, precessing, reflects a tidal wave along the entire perimeter of the White Sea.
A similar pattern of tides and ebbs is observed in all lakes, seas and oceans.

The waters of the Mediterranean Sea rotate counter-clockwise, forming tides, 10-15 cm high. But in Gabes Bay, "what?" Off the coast of Tunisia, the height of the tides reaches three meters, and sometimes more, and this is considered one of the mysteries of nature. But at the same time, in the Bay of Gabes the whirlpool turns, precessing the reflecting additional tidal wave ?.
A tidal wave in the Amazon River creates a huge planetary maelstrom a few thousand kilometers in diameter, rotating between South America and North Africa, embracing the mouth of the Amazon River.
The scheme of motion of a tidal wave, along the perimeter of the North Atlantic planetary maelstrom.

The length of the tidal wave depends on the diameter of the whirlpool. And the height of the tidal wave depends on the speed of rotation of the whirlpool of the orbital velocity of the Earth, and the time of the tilting of the whirlpool (12 hours).
A = V1 • V2 / t
where: A is the amplitude of the tidal wave (precession angle).
V1 - rotation speed of the whirlpool.
V2 is the orbital velocity of the Earth.
t - the time of tilting of the whirlpool (12 hours).

The vortex theory of tides can be easily verified from the connection of the height of the tidal wave with the rotation speed of the whirlpools. The height of the tidal wave can determine the location of the whirlpools. Drawing on a map of the depths and currents of the seas and oceans.
Continuation: Forum Faculty of Geography.
The opening was published in the Russian-German scientific peer-reviewed journal "Eastern European Scientific Journal" No. 3/2015. 64. June A positive review was also received from the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
According to the lunar theory of tides, the Earth's crust at the latitude of Washington, with a frequency of two times a day, rises with an amplitude of about 20 cm, at the equator, the range exceeds half a meter.
Then why, the highest tides are formed in the temperate zones and not at the equator?
The highest tides on Earth are formed in the Fandi Bay in North America - 18 m, at the mouth of the Severn River in England - 16 m, in the Bay of Mont-Saint-Michel in France - 15 m, in the mouths of the Sea of Okhotsk, Penzhinskaya and Gizhiginskaya - 13 m , at the cape Nerpinsky in the Mezensky Bay - 11 m.
The swirling theory of tides explains this inconsistency by the absence of whirlpools at the equator, as well as cyclones and anticyclones.
To form whirlpools, cyclones and anticyclones, the deflecting force of Coriolis is needed. At the equator, the Coriolis force is minimal and in the temperate zones, it is maximal.
Tides and ebbs are formed not along the entire coast and the oceans, but only in those coasts where the high angular velocity of the currents (1-5 km / h).
On the rectilinear coasts, where currents do not have angular velocity, tides and ebbs do not form.

With an increase in the angular velocity of the current in the north of the Sea of Okhotsk, the height of the tides in the Penzhina Bay increases to 12 meters.
With an increase in the angular velocity of the current in the north of the Gulf of Maine, the height of the tides in the Bay of Fundy rises to 18 meters.
"Record high tide in the Bay of Fundy - 21.6 meters - occurred only once in the history of observations, on the night of October 4 to October 5 in 1869 under the influence of the cyclone Saxby Gale" ..

On the night of October 4 to 5, in 1869, under the influence of the cyclone Saxby Gale, "a record rainfall fell over the river basins flowing into the Bay of Fundy (300 mm in one day), so that the waters of the Bay of Fundy poured into the Gulf of Maine and increased the speed of rotation a whirlpool in the Gulf of Maine.
Cyclone Saxby Gale rotating counter-clockwise, also contributed to the unraveling of the whirlpool.
In an abnormally cold winter and during a drought, when rivers flowing into the Bay of Fundy merge, the height of the tides does not exceed 1 meter.
If, the tidal hump on Earth was created by the Moon - that would not be an ellipse but a "drop". (The force of gravity is added, not compensated).
What prevents a drop of water hanging on an apple, create two tidal hump?
If, the tidal hump on Earth was created by the Moon - that would not be an ellipse but a "drop". (The force of gravity is added, not compensated).
What prevents a drop of water hanging on an apple, create two tidal hump?
Well, if you were bright enough to look it up you'd know that there ARE TWO TIDAL HUMPS, ONE ON EITHER SIDE OF THE EARTH.

Damn, you're not going to do well here.
According to the lunar theory of tides, the Earth's crust at the latitude of Washington, with a frequency of two times a day, rises with an amplitude of about 20 cm, at the equator, the range exceeds half a meter.
Then why, the highest tides are formed in the temperate zones and not at the equator?
Because tides that high are created by geography. The geography amplifies the tides caused by the Moon.

Case in point - I used to live on Long Island. The south shore had tides of a few feet. The north shore had tides roughly four times as high. Why? Was the moon pulling more on the north shore than on the south shore, 20 miles away? Nope. The geography of Long Island Sound amplified the tidal surge, and the geography of the Great South Bay attenuated it. For example, today the tidal swing is 1 foot in Patchogue, and 8 feet in Cold Spring Harbor.
The swirling theory of tides explains this inconsistency by the absence of whirlpools at the equator, as well as cyclones and anticyclones.
There's no inconsistency. It's geography, not "cyclones and anticyclones."
Indeed. Why would the OP use a Flat Earth video and Coriolis Forces in the same explanation?

It's a rhetorical question.
How to explain the fact that in southwest Australia in the port of Fremantle the tides are a part of the year significant, and then disappear.
Once a year, in the delta of the Northern Dvina, during the spring high tides, tides and mysteries disappear mysteriously for several days, sometimes even for a week, and this is considered one of the mysteries of nature. But at the same time, the sleeves of the delta of the Northern Dvina are flooded with broken ice and forest, 10-15 km long and 15 m high. For this reason, the flow of water in the river disappears, and with it the whirlpool at the river mouth, precessing the reflecting tidal wave.
During the flood, the water flow in the rivers increases fivefold.
White Sea Lion

The statement that the tidal wave in the White Sea is moving from the Atlantic Ocean, I believe, is illogical.
and this is considered one of the mysteries of nature.
It may be a mystery to you but it seems that it is not so mysterious to everyone else. Looks like ice jams, spring storms and a low lying delta all combine for some periodic flooding. [shrug]
Northern Dvina Floods

Is there some underlying point you wish to make with all of this? I don't see where this is headed...
Fermer's point is that the global Earth model is wrong and the "mysteries" he presents are the proof of that.

We have proof that he doesn't understand evidence, the scientific method, or what a mystery actually is.

So there's a strong scent of Poe here.
So the synchronisation of the tides with the moon orbit around the Earth is pure coincidence?

And if "The tides are the result of the rotation of the Earth and the whirlpools" why are there tides when we don't have whirlpools?

Mr Sama - have you perchance found that dome over us yet :? :)

So the synchronisation of the tides with the moon orbit around the Earth is pure coincidence?

And if "The tides are the result of the rotation of the Earth and the whirlpools" why are there tides when we don't have whirlpools?

Mr Sama - have you perchance found that dome over us yet :? :)

Excuse me, why do you think I'm a flatter?