Nope..wrong as hell. There's so much video photographic and audio evidence of the paranormal its existence is today undeniable. Unless you live in a cave with your ears plugged.
No, all we have are a bunch of recordings and photographs that people claim are evidence of paranormal activity. None of it has any value. Aside from entertainment value, of course.
Duh yeah. None of these participants were experts on ancient languages.
Again, how do you know?
A follow-up: Since when does it take an expert in ancient languages to copy a poem? Especially one that was already copied by someone these people are aware of and, presumably, look up to?
Ofcourse it does. As does Edison's. You just can't handle the possibility of the paranormal actually existing.
Uh, no. It does not. I didn't see Edison's signature in the video, but I capped this from youtube:
Again, those look nothing alike.
Isn't it convenient, though, that these signatures are of notable people? Convenient, that.
Nope..the tapes were new and sealed in their packages. No possibility of trickery there.
Oh, there's plenty of possibility for trickery.
What's funny is that you don't even allow for the
potential that this is fraudulent. You just close your eyes and stamp your feet like a child. This, MR, is why people are curious how old you are. Your behavior here is absolutely infantile.
Ooo..trickery so sophisticated nobody's even heard of it! Wowee! lol!
We've already established there's quite a gulf between what nobody's ever heard of, and what
you've never heard of. Perhaps if you spent less of your time watching piffle like this...nah, what's the use?
Because they all remained in physical contact at the table.
No they did not. The reports of the seances specifically said there was no hand-holding, and that the mediums moved around the room as the strange occurrences were happening.
You wanna back that claim with real evidence instead of wild speculations? Didn't think so.
"Wild speculation?" LMFAO! I'm providing you with plausible ways these events could have been hoaxed. Meanwhile, you've categorically denied the possibility of trickery, and made claims to knowledge you couldn't possibly have.
It means the possibility of trickery or sleight of hand was ruled out.
No it doesn't. As a matter of fact, the magician who was there was James Webster. Yes, he is a professional magician...but he's also a
world-class crank who believes in the spirit world, and came into this already believing that the paranormal is real. So if you think he's supposed to be some kind of credible witness,
It's in the written article I posted. Keep up with the thread..
I found it. It says he built one of the boxes. And while that ensures there were no false bottoms or otherwise secret components in
one of the boxes, it doesn't change the fact that the box could have simply been opened in the dark and the tapes switched.
Because that's the scientific way isn't it? Everything done in well-lighted laboratories with only scientists present?
I think you know that's not true. I think this is another one of your infamous tantrums.
Try this: The "scientific way" would be one that had reasonable controls. These "experiments" did not. The mediums set up the parameters. They said what could and couldn't be used. They provided tapes in the case of the recording, and the camera. It was their show, not a scientific experiment.