The Relevance of the Concept of God

It's telling that arauca uses religion to justify his own racism and homophobia. This is a clear demonstration of the immoral effect religion can have on minds. Cuz if someone has to tell you what to believe and do, clearly you aren't a responsible being anymore. You are an automaton-- a mere tool of the ideology that you have been brainwashed into accepting.

So you labeled,me packaged me and sealed. very interesting ?

Let me ask you Are you a homosexual in the closed or out of the closet ? Since you introduced the word homophobia.
Jaywalking is a law you may or may not feel is morally obligatory. Returning a lost wallet has a social reward. Neither of these exemplify conscience isolated from other factors.

It is. But people have differing facility of conscience, and most the atheists who have posted here have already shown theirs to be lacking (in comprehension of the basic concept, if nothing else). Like I asked in the OP, do you have an alternative mechanism whereby people can further develop/exercise conscience?

The "alternative mechanism" is living life in service to others. "Practicing" being a good person. Treating others as we wish to be treated.
And many atheists live in this manner.

Truthfully, you nor I can judge a person's conscience over the Internet, during these exchanges.
It's impossible. There might be words posted that at times by others, can elicit different emotions within us, but we don't have the right to judge anyone's state of conscience.
The "alternative mechanism" is living life in service to others. "Practicing" being a good person. Treating others as we wish to be treated.
And many atheists live in this manner.

Truthfully, you nor I can judge a person's conscience over the Internet, during these exchanges.
It's impossible. There might be words posted that at times by others, can elicit different emotions within us, but we don't have the right to judge anyone's state of conscience.

Vague, likely socially motivated, and altruism rather than conscience. You still cannot seem to help always couching conscience solely in terms of how one's actions relate to others, which does tell us something about how developed your personal notion of conscience may be.
Vague, likely socially motivated, and altruism rather than conscience. You still cannot seem to help always couching conscience solely in terms of how one's actions relate to others, which does tell us something about how developed your personal notion of conscience may be.

How a person treats others is a display of their faith. That's not social motivation, it is what one should do to show love. You know, the supposed byproduct of faith?

Your judgement of me is rude, and I didn't judge you. I'm done.
How a person treats others is a display of their faith. That's not social motivation, it is what one should do to show love. You know, the supposed byproduct of faith?

Your judgement of me is rude, and I didn't judge you. I'm done.

No, love is a higher, usually more specified, display than the general social conduct you described.

And it seems I have stuck a cord, as I did not specify what your comments may have told us of your notion of conscience. Go ahead. Read it again without assuming a "rudeness" that does not actually exist in the words written. It is a simple and obvious fact that you do couch conscience in terms of action related to others. So ask yourself, why do you find it "rude" that I stated the obvious and pointed out that this says something about you, even though I did not specify what that may be. It is you who unwittingly filled in the gaps of what I did not say.

@ MR

Yet you keep pestering people with your inane little jibes.
You completely missed the crux of the OP. Not surprising, as I really do not expect any atheists to "get it". But do re-read it and see if you can manage to comprehend what you missed.

I didn't miss anything. I addressed the claim that God as a concept has evolutionary value, which is required to be true for the crux of your post to be true. What's the point of discussing what's already a broken premise?

If you insist, I guess.

Obviously, God doesn't provide objectivity, as the various concepts of it are dependent wholly on the values of the people who created and cultivated it. Also, ethics and morality as concepts don't rely on the presence of a witness, and I haven't a clue where you get the idea that they do.

Empathy is not synonymous with conscience, and empathy does require some social interaction to fully develop.

Then why do you treat them as interchangeable? Empathy is innate, it's nothing more than feeling for another individual.
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Like I asked in the OP, do you have an alternative mechanism whereby people can further develop/exercise conscience?

There is the traditional Buddhist way with its regard for karma and rebirth, even more so for people whose goal is enlightenment and have stepped on the traditional path toward it. For such people, every action (down to breathing and evacuating waste), public or private, is premeditated, performed and evaluated in terms of whether it is conducive to the goal or not.
The "alternative mechanism" is living life in service to others. "Practicing" being a good person. Treating others as we wish to be treated.
And many atheists live in this manner.

Truthfully, you nor I can judge a person's conscience over the Internet, during these exchanges.
It's impossible. There might be words posted that at times by others, can elicit different emotions within us, but we don't have the right to judge anyone's state of conscience.

You were a pracising Catholic? And you don't know about the "proper formation of conscience"?
You were a pracising Catholic? And you don't know about the "proper formation of conscience"?

Yes, I do, but thought Syne was asking for an alternative to a faith or religious perspective. (in terms of conscience formation) I was speaking to the fact that one doesn't need to believe in God, to be able to develop a well formed conscience.
Yes, I do, but thought Syne was asking for an alternative to a faith or religious perspective. (in terms of conscience formation) I was speaking to the fact that one doesn't need to believe in God, to be able to develop a well formed conscience.

Exactly. People do it all the time without God, so the question is moot.
How isn't living in society a good way to exercise one's conscience?
Balerion - I see you are developing some pretty strong arguments so I'm not looking forward to getting in the ring with you. Thanks for your support during the suspension.
One thing it made me wonder about is the sense of morality in atheists. I would like you to explain how you determine what is moral? "Does not telling lies" come into the heading of a moral thing to do or are atheist free to lie when it suits them?

Like I have vowed to my Lord that I will not lie (for nearly any reason), and have followed this for nearly 23 years. (It started off as "I will not lie at all" till I realized that I might be forced to lie to save someone's life.
But what about atheists, do they feel compelled to stand up for justice? Are they allowed by their conscience just to tell any lie they like?
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Did you sexually harass me?

Wondering if you'll lie.
I read on Physforums ( that you felt harassed, but everything I wrote had an alternative meaning but every time you took the "I am being harassed" meaning. So in effect you harassed yourself but I paid the price.
You never looked for the innocent meaning in the things I wrote. Balerion put you right on only one of them.
Getting into the state where I needed "My fix" was caused by being banned from Sciforums. There had been days of not being able to write to the forum.
"Love rocket" this was line out of the song you guys had put onto "the Life on Mercury thread"
I still don't know why you think I'd eat babies? That is why I asked if you thought swallowing after OS was eating babies. Is it?
I wasn't asking you if you felt horney! (But everyone who watched the YouTube). It was seductive but it wasn't pornographic for it had survived on YT for 5 years.
See you took everything in the wrong context.
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So you are still lying.
I can't help you if you can't read. No - I'm not lying, but I was fully aware there were alternative meanings possible, but you read them that negative way every time, for you are biased and prejudiced against me. You've been like this for years. You have harassed me on the forums for nearly 3 years now, so stop complaining please.
What support? For a blessed few days, I forgot you existed.
I'd rather let the kitten stay asleep on the bed for now. My cat was walking around the house early this morning (1:00 AM) calling out for something. I just couldn't work out what would satisfy her. She was trying to say "Milk" in pussy talk "Miillllk ...Miillllk".