The Purpose of Life

It would simply be my time to die. I have no control over such things.
But God does, and in your case he allowed your death.
Do people die because God is not happy?
The Bible tells us that God killed people all the time when he was not happy.
The Spiritual Path is very wide, a multitude of signposts pointing the way.
Agreed. If you are part of most organized religions, though, those signs are slammed in your face, over and over - and you are manhandled to the "one true path."
Everything that has happened has brought us to this moment. Are you disappointed?
By some thing, not others.
Neither Theism nor Atheism do those things; physics does.

There is no organized atheism. Every atheist came to their convictions on their own. There are as many flavours of atheism as there are atheists.
So, yes, there are about a half billion perspectives.
But God does, and in your case he allowed your death.
Death is as natural as rain. Should we be angry because we will eventually die? Should we be grateful that we were alive?

The Bible tells us that God killed people all the time when he was not happy.
I'm not in a position to argue the Bible. Fear runs deep in the collective conscious. Is it any wonder that it would be reflected in our scriptures?

Agreed. If you are part of most organized religions, though, those signs are slammed in your face, over and over - and you are manhandled to the "one true path."
And that might be the problem with most religions--the signs become more important than the destination to which they point. Also, everyone wants to take ownership of God. Wouldn't you agree?

By some thing, not others.
I've an understanding that it's not my job to manage the Universe.
If Physics drops a meteor on your apartment, would it be the divine power of Atheism that saves destiny?

Again, these questions. contain a whole host of unspoken assumptions in them. Mostly they revolve around 'as opposed to what?' As in: do things happen differently for theists? If physics dropped a meteor on your house, would God save you? If God dropped a meteor on your house, who would save you then?

As an atheist, the question makes no sense in the first place. There is no such thing as destiny, no such thing as luck. There is no "saving" from anything. The world is a (relatively) dangerous place, and meteor strikes are way, way down the list - certainly below car accident, cancer and heart attack. This theistic predilection for divine karma seems narcissistic. You stand the same chance as me being the one in the path of that meteor. What is the use in second-guessing whether my Karma is up-to-date enough to warrant being saved?

Again, these questions. contain a whole host of unspoken assumptions in them. Mostly they revolve around 'as opposed to what?' As in: do things happen differently for theists? If physics dropped a meteor on your house, would God save you? If God dropped a meteor on your house, who would save you then?

As an atheist, the question makes no sense in the first place. There is no such thing as destiny, no such thing as luck. There is no "saving" from anything. The world is a (relatively) dangerous place, and meteor strikes are way, way down the list - certainly below car accident, cancer and heart attack. This theistic predilection for divine karma seems narcissistic. You stand the same chance as me being the one in the path of that meteor. What is the use in second-guessing whether my Karma is up-to-date enough to warrant being saved?

My apologies. It was my attempt at humor. Seemed funny at the time :)
Death is as natural as rain. Should we be angry because we will eventually die?
?? No. But if a worker carelessly dropped a wrench on your wife's head, and she died - would you be angry? Or would you say "no matter; she would eventually have died anyway! So no harm done."
I'm not in a position to argue the Bible.
Ah. That is convenient!
And that might be the problem with most religions--the signs become more important than the destination to which they point.
Well, not quite. The problem is that they tell you what to believe. They tell you the signs, AND the destination, AND what's along the way.
I've an understanding that it's not my job to manage the Universe.
I think the issue here is that you believe that it is someone else's job to manage the universe - and you think they are doing a bang-up job.
?? No. But if a worker carelessly dropped a wrench on your wife's head, and she died - would you be angry? Or would you say "no matter; she would eventually have died anyway! So no harm done."
Would being angry bring her back?

Ah. That is convenient!
There are others with a deeper understanding. We could discuss the literal understanding, or try to look deeper for meaning beyond face value.

Well, not quite. The problem is that they tell you what to believe. They tell you the signs, AND the destination, AND what's along the way.
Belief isn't enough. Knowing is understanding.

I think the issue here is that you believe that it is someone else's job to manage the universe - and you think they are doing a bang-up job.
Of course I do. Would you want the job?
The only way I know of traveling through a wormhole is to be buried in the ground, eaten by worms and move through the wormhole they produce

The Worm

By Michael George Woodhams

The worm it is a funny thing,
Wriggly, brown and very thin.
Travelling through the dirt all day,
Not letting rocks get in the way.
Settling down at night it seems,
To dream his little wormy dreams,
Of farmland fields to wander through,
And fresh black soil on which to chew.
But then he wakes when it turns day,
And all he has to eat is clay

Wrote this over 20 years ago

Pol Pot, Stalin and Hitler
These people are God and yet are also atheists??
Bowser, do you attend any form of ''church''? If yes, has it any form of structure regards people within the group having titles? If yes, do they preach, or would you like to say guide?
If titles do apply, what are these titles?
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Bowser, do you attend any form of ''church''? If yes, has it any form of structure regards people within the group having titles? If yes, do they preach, or would you like to say guide?
If titles do apply, what are these titles?
Yes, the patio behind my house. It's quite nice, especially this time of year. I am with no formal religious organization.
Yes, the patio behind my house. It's quite nice, especially this time of year. I am with no formal religious organization.
PLEASE don't answer if this is too personal.
I not very good on these religion things, so using the word ''formal'' I take it you may belong to a non-conformist meeting group? I would then take it you may have titles there. If so, what do these titles represent of that person?
Would being angry bring her back?
Now, can you answer the question? If someone was careless and killed your wife, would you be angry?
We could discuss the literal understanding, or try to look deeper for meaning beyond face value.
You just said you were not in a position to do that.
Belief isn't enough. Knowing is understanding.
Agreed. Unfortunately, most religions preach belief over understanding.
Now, can you answer the question? If someone was careless and killed your wife, would you be angry?
An accident? I think I would be upset because of my loss, of course.

You just said you were not in a position to do that.
We can still make an effort. To start, who is Jesus and what is his point?

Agreed. Unfortunately, most religions preach belief over understanding.
Perhaps understanding comes from different angles? Not certain how it works for everyone. You can hear the same quote for years and still get wrong until someone comes your way and makes it clear. Agreed?