The Purpose of Life

No purpose. The occurrence of life is governed by physics and the interactions physics allows between the substances

Since life came into being on its own from non life substances

Can you explain a purpose being present?

Every single religion scenario has been made up to explain to people they, the maker uppers, are wise and you should give us money

When God sees you giving his wise ones money he will take you to heaven

It is called selling indulgences. Although today you don't get a scroll it's more implied

Are you just doodling with your mind / circuits here? Close to moving into the matrix if you are


Applied purpose chosen by individuals individually according to each individuals unique qualities and as they relate to thier surroundings is more understandable than applied purpose chosen by other's, or by another entity unlike ourselves.

To answer your question directly, that's life and always had been. The more isolated studies may be increasing, but the general study of human behavior has been an ongoing reality since we became curious about the meaning of life and life purpose.
Applied purpose

Giving, as a person, a purpose for the individual life said person is living is totally different to what is / was implied

What is / was implied is / was the non sentinel activities at cell level having a purpose

Obviously no grand plan end game goal is in view at this level. Life at this level is repeated random occurrences each of which changes said goal eliminating any chance of a definitive goal being obtained

No chance of definitive goal = no purpose

Giving, as a person, a purpose for the individual life said person is living is totally different to what is / was implied

What is / was implied is / was the non sentinel activities at cell level having a purpose

Obviously no grand plan end game goal is in view at this level. Life at this level is repeated random occurrences each of which changes said goal eliminating any chance of a definitive goal being obtained

No chance of definitive goal = no purpose


The no purpose cynic awakens to life having no purpose after allowing the cynic overcome the wonderment of life and individualism. Go figure. Suit yourself. I'll continue as I have, the curious scientist amazed by newly found discoveries yet to be awakened to.

I just found a rock that looks like a potato. It isn't, but It may look cool with a nice polish. Mother nature created coolness with a human spit shine honor ... So to speak.
I'll continue as I have, the curious scientist amazed by newly found discoveries yet to be awakened to.

Again it appears you are giving, as a individual YOUR life a purpose

You do not appear to understand life just as life has no purpose

If you can articulate a / the purpose of life, JUST AS LIFE - not as a life form giving itself a purpose I would be interested in reading about such purpose

Even religion has not cracked that


Again it appears you are giving, as a individual YOUR life a purpose

You do not appear to understand life just as life has no purpose

If you can articulate a / the purpose of life, JUST AS LIFE - not as a life form giving itself a purpose I would be interested in reading about such purpose

Even religion has not cracked that


I'm not sure what the issue is. Giving ourselves purpose as opposed to life having a purpose inherently. It would seem the point is in the individual as inherited by each individual uniquely instead of a purpose being applied as a whole, unless of course that's the purpose - to find out own. Even then, I don't understand your stated difference between the principle itself. If you choose no meaning, then I'm sure you'll likely get what you choose. If instinctual, then it's in that instinct that a place and purpose is found.
I'm not sure what the issue is. Giving ourselves purpose as opposed to life having a purpose inherently. It would seem the point is in the individual as inherited by each individual uniquely instead of a purpose being applied as a whole, unless of course that's the purpose - to find out own. Even then, I don't understand your stated difference between the principle itself. If you choose no meaning, then I'm sure you'll likely get what you choose. If instinctual, then it's in that instinct that a place and purpose is found.

I would contend a bumble bee is unable to give itself purpose so the default position for a bumble bee is my life has no meaning

Same would apply to all non sentient life forms. Humans can give purpose to non sentient life forms

Up steps sentient human. To the bee - your purpose is to pollinate flowers

ThazzarBaal purpose seems to be to be in wonderment of life and individuals

Wonder what the end of being in wonderment of life and individuals looks like

Do you agree any purpose (ie wonderment of life) will wind up as boredom?

If you wish to gain something from your wonderment do you think you need utilise said wonderment?

It's 4 am here, I have lost my train of thought and the nurse is telling me to sleep :(

I would contend a bumble bee is unable to give itself purpose so the default position for a bumble bee is my life has no meaning

Same would apply to all non sentient life forms. Humans can give purpose to non sentient life forms

Up steps sentient human. To the bee - your purpose is to pollinate flowers

ThazzarBaal purpose seems to be to be in wonderment of life and individuals

Wonder what the end of being in wonderment of life and individuals looks like

Do you agree any purpose (ie wonderment of life) will wind up as boredom?

If you wish to gain something from your wonderment do you think you need utilise said wonderment?

It's 4 am here, I have lost my train of thought and the nurse is telling me to sleep :(


Your assessment of my perceived purpose is far removed from the truth of what I view my purpose to be, but I enjoy feeling this type of childlike wonderment. It's enjoyable to put it plainly.

My car had a purpose. My shower had a purpose. My lawn mower had a purpose. A bees purpose, according to you, it to pollinate. I wouldn't know. I'm not a bee.
Purpose of life ?

Honestly,I dont know

Meaning of life is whole nother story worth pursuing.
The purpose of life is "solving problems" via a stochastic evolutionary process that employs "natural selection" of those abilities that allow the organism to develop and use solutions to cope with natural environmental problems.

Insects invented flight long before birds and it is what allowed them to survive several extinction events.
The advantages conferred by flight are also great: in terms of numbers of species as well as numbers of individuals, insects, birds, and bats are among the most successful animal groups.

How long did it take humans to copy physics employed by insects and birds to achieve flight by artificial means?
A little more than a century years after they figured out how to do it via a method nature never discovered.
You mean some 325 million years after the insect learned powered flight?

Moreover, "rising thermals" have been used by spiders for some 400 million years.

Incidentally, spiders also invented scuba diving and the diving bell.

Flying and gliding animals
Externally powered[edit]
Ballooning and soaring are not powered by muscle, but rather by external aerodynamic sources of energy: the wind and rising thermals, respectively. Both can continue as long as the source of external power is present. Soaring is typically only seen in species capable of powered flight, as it requires extremely large wings.
  • Ballooning: being carried up into the air from the aerodynamic effect on long strands of silk in the wind. Certain silk-producing arthropods, mostly small or young spiders, secrete a special light-weight gossamer silk for ballooning, sometimes traveling great distances at high altitude.
  • Soaring: gliding in rising or otherwise moving air that requires specific physiological and morphological adaptations that can sustain the animal aloft without flapping its wings. The rising air is due to thermals, ridge lift or other meteorological features. Under the right conditions, soaring creates a gain of altitude without expending energy. Large wingspans are needed for efficient soaring.
Many species will use multiple of these modes at various times; a hawk will use powered flight to rise, then soar on thermals, then descend via free-fall to catch its prey
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Humans really never invented anything, we "discovered" and "learned" things about the natural mechanics (Hamiltonians) of the world. Natura Artis Magistra
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Dipolar attraction - hunger

Dipole-Dipole Forces

Dipole-dipole forces are attractive forces between the positive end of one polar molecule and the negative end of another polar molecule.
Dipole-dipole forces have strengths that range from 5 kJ to 20 kJ per mole. They are much weaker than ionic or covalent bonds and have a significant effect only when the molecules involved are close together (touching or almost touching.

p.s. That ought to trigger an association with neural networking.
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We need/build machines for work. And now we need/build them for thinking (also work).

Creating conscious machine is creating life.
And life has to be confined.

It is being done through Mushroom treatment, not through laws of robotics. treatment

=== === ===[Lem_Stanislaw]_Memoirs of a space traveller.pdf

page 13, Further Reminiscences of Ijon Tichy


"... The computer designed a more powerful computer, Earth, to find the question to which 42 is the answer. Earth had nearly completed its calculations when the Vogons destroyed it. ..."

the 4th paragraph

=== === ===

The Purpose of Life:

- from "inside" is to eat (to eat is to live);

- from "outside" is to work (the machine is being fed, to live is to work).
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After watching the whole set of through the wormhole I have this question:

"What is the purpose of Life?"

Knowing as a spirit we live for eternity and knowing that there are 10+1 dimensions...

This can only be answered subjectively, so I'll give you my answer.

I've had three out of body experiences, this was my first back in 2001.

My experience:

I was down the South coast of England, driving at night. With no warning or reason I can think of, I was 200 ft above my car watching myself drive. I felt like I still had human shape, but I was weightless, my mind was crystal clear, very little emotion and it seemed I was all knowing. I was surrounded by darkness. A thought came to mind, do I want to stay or go, I thought of one thing I hadn't done that I wanted to do, with the speed of thought after I had made the choice I was driving as if nothing happened. Since then I have studied NDE, and the only thing I have in common with any of them is being outside the body looking down, I was perfectly healthy, no drink/drugs/meds.

This eventually led me to conclude that we are here to experience this existence, whether or not you learn anything is anyone's guess, but this is why we are here. 100% I am on this.

Hope you are still around and healthy.
I was down the South coast of England, driving at night. With no warning or reason I can think of, I was 200 ft above my car watching myself drive. I felt like I still had human shape, but I was weightless, my mind was crystal clear, very little emotion and it seemed I was all knowing.
If somebody else told you they experienced this, would it convince you that what they say they experienced was real?

Do you expect it to convince us?
If somebody else told you they experienced this, would it convince you that what they say they experienced was real?

It depends who it is, and also it has to align with my knowledge. I would look at it objectively using my knowledge as a guide, or evidence if you will.

Do you expect it to convince us?

No, I'm just planting seeds.