The intuition is the ability to discover spontaneously the essence of things and relations between them.
Learn music to get musical intuitions.
Learn mathematics to get mathematical intuitions.
Learn trash to get trash intuitions.
Various are the interpretations that have been given to intuition, from a mystical or divine power to a power of divination. It is also widely believed that intuition is a women's faculty.
What idiotic idea is not widely believed?
From a psychological perspective, intuition is an unconscious mental process of exaltation.
Exaltation? Surely you mean something else?
A state or feeling of intense, often excessive exhilaration or well-being.
So, how does it work to
unconsciously feel excessive exhilaration or well-being?
Philosophically, intuition is defined as the ability to obtain new knowledge without the intervention of the senses or the reasoning. But these are two views to conceive the same process.
Not at all.
4. (Philosophy) philosophy immediate knowledge of a proposition or object such as Kant's account of our knowledge of sensible objects
Kant used the term "intuition" to refer to our immediate awareness of our percepts. Very, very different from the usual notion of intuition.
Still, intuition (and a memory) can be understood as indeed a percept. However, knowledge is knowledge of the percept, not knowledge that the percept is true of the world outside your mind. That's true of all our percepts. We know them, but we can only believe that they are true of the world we believe they represent.
The claim that intuition somehow provides knowledge cannot be justified. Intuition is definitely the outcome of an unconscious process of the brain. Presumably, this process takes as input sensory data and conscious thoughts data. However, whether your intuitions are actual knowledge, well, we just don't know.
It's really very much like memory. Whether what you remember is actual knowledge, well, how do you prove that? It's OK to believe your memory is knowledge of the past, but it's more accurate to say that a memory is a belief. Beliefs may be wrong and still be belief. Knowledge can't be wrong. If you know that p, then p is true.