The Post Whatever Thread

I can't remember when "summer" has extended this far into the fall in Seattle. October and you can still take your shirt off, lay back on the lounge chair and not be the least bit chilly. We have nice sunny and chilly fall weather sometimes and sometimes it starts raining on Labor Day and never stops.

Actually sunny, warm and no rain by Oct 1 is very unusual.
Are you a geologist? - No. - Then shut up and get out of here!


Continental drift


Rejection of Wegener's theory, 1910s–1950s

Although now accepted, the theory of continental drift was rejected for many years, with evidence in its favor considered insufficient. One problem was that a plausible driving force was missing.[1] A second problem was that Wegener's estimate of the speed of continental motion, 250 cm/year, was implausibly high.[34] (The currently accepted rate for the separation of the Americas from Europe and Africa is about 2.5 cm/year).[35] Furthermore, Wegener was treated less seriously because he was not a geologist. Even today, the details of the forces propelling the plates are poorly understood.[1]
So, I’ve been noticing that green bananas are taking longer to ripen. Googled, in general, the topic of “ripening fruit,” and did you know that if you put an unripened fruit next to one that is ripe, the unripened one will ripen faster? This is because “ethylene” is a gas given off by fruit that aids in the ripening process. So, if you closely place unripened peaches for example against a bunch of ripe bananas, the peaches will ripen faster.

Also if you put fruit in a container with an air-tight lid, that hastens the process, too. That trick, I knew.
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An incoherent geologist is no better than a non-geologist.

We are taught that modern scientists are driven only by reason and facts. ..."

the 1st paragraph

below the charts

Wegener, Galileo and Darwin
The main problem with Wegener's hypothesis of Continental Drift was the lack of a mechanism. He did not have an explanation for how the continents moved. ..."

= = =

Ludwig Boltzmann


Final years and death
Boltzmann spent a great deal of effort in his final years defending his theories. He did not get along with some of his colleagues in Vienna, particularly Ernst Mach, ...


In 1906, Boltzmann's deteriorating mental condition forced him to resign his position, ...

Four months later he died by suicide on 5 September 1906, by hanging himself while on vacation with his wife and daughter in Duino, near Trieste (then Austria). ...
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The sooner they ripen, the sooner they get eaten, so it probably behooves them to social distance. lol

Perhaps the smell of ethylene is so bad the other fruit speeds up its own ripening to get away from the smell, prefering to be eaten :)

The main problem with Wegener's hypothesis of Continental Drift was the lack of a mechanism. He did not have an explanation for how the continents moved. ..."
Darwin didn't know anything about genetics, so he had "no mechanism" for evolution. And then he did.
Australia - one of our mobile telephone frequency WiFi providers was subjected to a large scale cyber attack

Then I recive a email from my bank saying

Verify your details to better protect your account and identity.

Sure just click the link and type in all my details. Bank has given until December to do so

Since I will go shopping next Tuesday and bank is only a few steps from supermarket I will wait until next - Tuesday go to the bank - verify the bank sent the request - sit down with a staff member - and update my details person to person

I think that would be the best way of
Verify (verifying) your (my) details to better protect your (my) account and identity.

Not sure identity belongs there but ho hum it is

verify the bank sent the request - sit down with a staff member - and update my details person to person
Further to the above

Just received a email from eBay stating it's been more than a year since I updated my details blah blah blah let us protect blah blah blah by up dating your details now

email goey rubbish biney

Actually sunny, warm and no rain by Oct 1 is very unusual.
It's the opposite in eastern Australia at the moment. We're having record floods, whereas usually at this time of year (spring) it is warm and sunny with minimal rain.
It's the opposite in eastern Australia at the moment. We're having record floods, whereas usually at this time of year (spring) it is warm and sunny with minimal rain.
The "switch" has finally flipped on and it's "normal" now. The sun is low so now that the clouds cover the sun it suddenly became seasonal and when Daylight Savings Time ends in about a week, the change will be abrupt.

It will be dark at 4:30 pm, drizzly, cold (ish), I have the heat on now. This was the first year where the rain stayed away and the sun stayed out until the point that even if it didn't turn cloudy and rainy, the days were getting short enough that I stayed indoors more anyway just for that reason.

Usually, the change occurs much earlier when it just starts raining all the time and that's the end of summer for us.

Last year was odd in that we had more than a week of over 100 degree F weather in early June (unheard of for Seattle, especially that early). This year it was late July before it got sunny all the time and even then it wasn't as hot as last year.

Every year lately seems to have some unique aspect to the weather. This year we'll probably have several feet of snow or something equally odd.
I'm Canadian but, this is why America is great!


Well, if any guys fancy themselves to be studs... this was just suggested to me youtube.

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You mean instead of Centigrade ...?


Although a similar point applies to why we should use centigrade. Not only does the name refer to something, it refers to something easily observable and applicable. It wouldn't take me long to adjust to the new weather report.

Although a similar point applies to why we should use centigrade. Not only does the name refer to something, it refers to something easily observable and applicable. It wouldn't take me long to adjust to the new weather report.

Not to be dense here but did you actually mean to say "I still don't understand why we don't use the word Celsius"?