The Pharmacology Sticky

I would probably have to say heroin. It's a very potent opiate. It is physically addictive. It puts the phsical addiction of nicotine to shame.
Crack might be a close second.
It depends on what you mean by "powerful."

The ONE most common drug that completely and sometimes even permantly alters most of the brain's function is LSD.
I agree with you there RO about LSD, it is quite potent, but you can drop a hit or two one weekend and not be violently jonesing for it on Monday like with heroin.
GHB/GBL is extremely potent as well, in the sense that if you take too much of it (which isn't difficult to do), you can pass out and never wake up.
By powerful, I mean this can really mess you up. LSD? More powerful than crack or heroin?

Absolutely! Neither of those other can totally screw up your perceptions (the five senses) to the point that you "smell" sounds and "taste" what you see. And have you ever heard of someone using those other drugs that lept off buildings and out of windows because they thought they could fly? And as I said earlier, in some cases the brain remains cross-wired forever even after never having used LSD again.
But the common perception is that LSD is not as harmful as crack or heroin.
It is, but in different ways...

Absolutely! Neither of those other can totally screw up your perceptions (the five senses) to the point that you "smell" sounds and "taste" what you see. And have you ever heard of someone using those other drugs that lept off buildings and out of windows because they thought they could fly? And as I said earlier, in some cases the brain remains cross-wired forever even after never having used LSD again
Yes, but while LSD might be more powerful than heroin per se, an overdose of LSD, while can make you go stark raving nuts, it usually won't kill you like an overdose of heroin, or crack can/will. Of all the celebrities who have died on a drug overdose, how many of them were from LSD, Read-only?
Which is worse - death or stark raving nuts?
That depends on who you ask. IMO, there are things worse than death. I personally think I'd rather be dead than in some soundproof room in a straight jacket drooling all over myself trying to get away from the talking pink polka dotted elephants.
I'd consider the most "powerful" drug to be LSD as well. Heroin is a "powerful" drug in the sense that it is very strong in keeping you addicted. But that's not what I personally got out of your title. I'd consider powerful, as in potent, or how much it actually affects you.
Yes, there are a lot of heroin addicts that seem to get along fairly well in society using methodone. But, becoming an irreversible fruit cake due to LSD will take you out of the ballgame completely.
I think you need to figure out what criteria you want to use to compare them. Yeah, it's possible that taking LSD a single time could render you permanently wacky, but it's not very likely - you're probably much more likely to end up addicted to heroin after using it a few times than you are to be driven insane from using LSD a few times.
Yes, there are a lot of heroin addicts that seem to get along fairly well in society using methodone. But, becoming an irreversible fruit cake due to LSD will take you out of the ballgame completely.

Yes, but concerning that, you are taking one drug to keep you from being addicted to another drug. How long do you have to keep taking methodone before you are no longer craving heroin? That definintely says something about heroin. It's potency lies within it's physical addictiveness, not in the euphoria itself.

And as far as LSD/hallucinogens and potentcy goes, you guys forgot about PCP; that's a nasty little booger too.
meth. I've seen it destroy more people faster than heroin. Its cheap, its easy to use, and its easy to get.
Your brain come back from being addicted to heroin, but meth puts holes in your brain that can't be recovered from.
meth. I've seen it destroy more people faster than heroin. Its cheap, its easy to use, and its easy to get.
Your brain come back from being addicted to heroin, but meth puts holes in your brain that can't be recovered from.

I've heard that E can do the same thing to your brain.
LSD is most effective by weight, but I'm going to have to go with DMT, it is way more powerful. A possibile reason is that it is a native brain chemical.