The only thing worse than death is living forever

I suspect no matter how wonderful heaven is and how great it is hanging with God, after the first 900 trillion years, it's going to start to get old.
If I were to be able to live forever would you still be the same person all the time?

And if everyone was also able to do it would there be a need for sex?
If I were to be able to live forever would you still be the same person all the time?

And if everyone was also able to do it would there be a need for sex?

After all that time, would there be any desire for sex?
I suspect no matter how wonderful heaven is and how great it is hanging with God, after the first 900 trillion years, it's going to start to get old.
What if each lifetime was unique, starting fresh each time and completely new?
I suspect no matter how wonderful heaven is and how great it is hanging with God, .
Why should that be the only kind of immortality?
For that matter, do you know how many kinds of wonderful heaven can be?
What if each lifetime was unique, starting fresh each time and completely new?
They are. So?
What if each lifetime was unique, starting fresh each time and completely new?
This is what I was thinkin' (once upon a time when I wondered about heaven). You wouldn't stagnate; there would be a whole new adventure awaiting - like a sequel of a movie.

And then I thought: well, yeah but if you're same person, with all the same memories, then you'd have all your old baggage. Start a project, you already know a thousand ways it could be a drudge. That would fatigue you pretty quickly.

So I thought, maybe you get to purge your memories, so the world (whatever world it is) is fresh and new again.

And that is essentially reincarnation.
Actually, whenever I think about my heaven (in a fantasy way), I imagine lounging in a giant park and running into all my heroes of history.

"You're Albert Einstein?? Wow. In the dictionary, next to genius, is your picture. I know, I know, you're a humble man. But you changed how we think about the universe!"

"Hey is that Darwin over there? You were right! There are little particles in our body that encode our genes. They were too small to see with microscopes in your time, but ... here, let my sketch you some DNA..."

"Rosa Parks?? Of course I know of you. Yours is a household name. Yeah, well into the 21st century."

"Gutenburg! I want to shake your hand. You changed the world with your press! Greatest invention in the history of humankind. You should see what the world looks like today!"

"Hitler, you say? Do I remember you? No, not off-hand. Wait, wait. There was a character in the cartoons called Hitler. Short guy, little comb for a mustache. Always yelling and goosestepping. It was a real larf. But that wasn't a real person; it was just a cartoon character based off some guy in the war. How's Poland you ask? Well it's the hub of Europe. Has been ever since it annexed Germany. Why?"
I suspect no matter how wonderful heaven is and how great it is hanging with God, after the first 900 trillion years, it's going to start to get old.
After 100 years or less on Earth, it can get old. I strongly agree that eternal life is eternal suffering. Maybe heaven and hell are the same place.
You are asking for an explanation?
No. I'm saying that this:
What if each lifetime was unique, starting fresh each time and completely new?
is already the case.
You have no way of telling whether you've lived before, so it doesn't matter whether souls are newly created or recycled.

Eternal afterlife would have to disembodied, so you'd have to keep your individual memory in the Cloud. I wonder what its carrying-capacity is; how long before data is degraded and garbled.
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But, would eternal life be the same as ''living'' in our physical bodies? Probably not. So, it could be quite cool and mystical. No two days, ever the same.
The only thing worse than death is no one noticing...........:oops:

Oh and this may be pertinent.

The Afterlife, Paul Simon

After I died, and the makeup had dried
I went back to my place
No moon that night
But a heavenly light shone on my face
Still I thought it was odd
There was no sign of God just to usher me in
Then a voice from above
Sugar coated with love, said, "Let us begin"
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
Okay, a new kid in school
Got to follow the rule
You got to learn the routine
Woah, there's a girl over there
With the sunshiny hair, like a homecomin' queen
I said, "Hey, what you say?
It's a glorious day,
By the way how long you been dead?"
Maybe you, maybe me
Maybe baby makes three
But she just shook her head
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
Buddah and Moses and all the noses from narrow to flat
Had to stand in the line
Just to glimpse the divine
What you think about that?
Well it seems like our fate to suffer
And wait for the knowledge we seek
It's all his design, no one cuts in the line
No one here, likes a sneak
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
You got to fill out a form first
And then you wait in the line
After you climb, up the ladder of time
The Lord God is here
Face to face, in the vastness of space
Your words disappear
And you feel like swimming in an ocean of love,
And the current is strong
But all that remains when you
Try to explain is a fragment of song
Lord is it, be bop a lu la
Or ooh poppa do
Lord, be bop a lu la or ooh poppa do
Be bop a lu la
Songwriters: Paul Simon
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