So don't. Nobody else is.Even though the Republican Party went downhill from Bush on, it's silly to link every bad outcome to that.
Just to keep the record straight, though: The Republican Party slid from Nixon-level plausible deniability into fascism in 1980 at the latest - the year well known populist demagogue Ronald Reagan announced his candidacy for the Presidency by proclaiming his support for "States Rights" from a podium just a few miles from the site of a recent and famous KKK lynching of civil rights workers (they had been trying to help register black people to vote). He was bringing the George Wallace vote into the Republican column, as Nixon had -
it worked, as before, but in addition he hung onto office despite the inevitable violation of oath and criminal negligence of duties that follows from that ideology (such as it is); in part because his geniality and folksy charm combined with his mental problems to grease his escape from serious disparagement and accusation (people had a hard time imagining him as an evil conspirator, regardless of the evidence piling up in all directions).
If you need less subtle evidence, you can start the clock on Republican Party fascism in 1992 with the emergence of Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, and Frank Luntz. The GOPAC memo, for example, was nothing if not obvious - as was the awarding of the honorific "Majority Maker" to Limbaugh by some members of incoming Republican Congress in 1994, while attending the annual convention of American fascists at which Limbaugh was the hero of the hour.