The mathematics of artificial intelligence.

In-tell-igence. To not tell someone.
Im-pli-cate. To be enfolded (unexpressed).

Ex-pli-cate. To be unfolded (expressed)

Implicate order and explicate order are ontological concepts for quantum theory coined by theoretical physicistDavid Bohm during the early 1980s. They are used to describe two different frameworks for understanding the same phenomenon or aspect of reality. In particular, the concepts were developed in order to explain the bizarre behavior of subatomic particles – behavior difficult to explain by quantum physics.
I believe they are the same prefix. It depends on what letter the verb begins with as to which one you use.
well, yes and no. But there is no word "inplicate",

Late Middle English: from Latin implicatusfolded in,’ past participle of implicare (see imply). The original sense was ‘entwine, entangle’;

mid 16th century: from Latin explicat-unfolded,’ from the verb explicare, from ex- ‘out’ + plicare ‘to fold
View attachment 1518
early 17th century (as an adjective): from French explicite or Latin explicitus, past participle of explicare "unfold" (see explicate).

I'm not involved in this thread and really don't like to be

But I am happy to see my immaganary friend Humpty Dumpty seems to be getting involved

Late night dyslexia immaganary word

I understand and usually overlook typos. But when you speak of Humpty Dumpty , it is preferable to use correct spelling, else people might get the impression that Humpty Dumpty is the extent of your education in literature.

I really like to give you more credit than that. In fact, Humpty Dumpty was one of Carlin's favorite stories.
and he was an astute observer of language and its tortured misuse in common conversations. Of course he used those examples for their deeper and more profound underlying philosophical messages contained in those children's stories.
Similar to the little children's song of "Ring around the Rosy", which actually has a macabre history associated with that seemingly innocent children's song and dance.
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I really like to give you more credit than that. In fact, Humpty Dumpty was one of Carlin's favorite stories.
and he was an astute observer of language and its tortured misuse in common conversations. Of course he used those examples for their deeper and more profound underlying philosophical messages contained in those children's stories.
Similar to the little children's song of "Ring around the Rosie", which actually has a macabre history associated with that seemingly innocent children's song and dance.
Michel, you've been mansplained. :p
W4U said,
Write4U said:
I really like to give you more credit than that. In fact, Humpty Dumpty was one of Carlin's favorite stories.
and he was an astute observer of language and its tortured misuse in common conversations. Of course he used those examples for their deeper and more profound underlying philosophical messages contained in those children's stories.
Similar to the little children's song of "Ring around the Rosy", which actually has a macabre history associated with that seemingly innocent children's song and dance.
Michel, you've been mansplained. :p
Well, the casual use of Humpty Dumpty in the conversation seemed a little inappropriate.
Michel, you've been mansplained. :p

I know and I'm sobbing my heart out here that someone can pick on another's disability in such a manner :) :) :) :)

Extra Poes for the above

My dyslexia is in the main part restricted to names

My spelling is atrocious which is why I enjoy the intuitive spell checker I have on this phone which also learns my frequently used text sometimes suggesting a whole sentence

But even such a system cannot overcome my spelling failures

Which leads me to my back up system

If I had spotted immaganary I would have Googled it and obtained imaginary

Not to worry

On the same day I was on the front page of the NT News (large photo small story)

and also won 2 tickets to the movies

Sometimes the Universe can be kind to the afflicted :) :) :) :)

Well, the casual use of Humpty Dumpty in the conversation seemed a little inappropriate.

Nothing casual about it

It was deliberate

How could a mathematical operator possibly produce anything other than a mathematical result of an operation?
by dividing by zero, of course.

Building what is suggested (a "symbolic logic" form of Artificial Intelligence) means that it will need to deal with Turing's HALTING PROBLEM whenever symbols and operations combine to produce something insoluable (like a division by zero).

This is why most Artificial Intelligence researchers have instead adopted a behavioral approach, because it is much less prone to errors like Turing's halting problem that frequently beset Artificial Intelligence engines of the symbolic logic camp.
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Hmm... how does metal and a program become a " species " ?
It was used metaphorically. But if I wanted to be argumentative, I could ask how do atoms and a program become a biological species?

But according to the Free Dictionary, the word species is used in several other contexts than biology.

If look up the full definition of "species" (and it's derivatives), you may even find a definition which pertains to your religious views, such as
Species, (Ecclesiastical Terms) chiefly RC Church the outward form of the bread and wine in the Eucharist
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It was used metaphorically. But if I wanted to be argumentative, I could ask how do atoms and a program become a biological species?

But according to the Free Dictionary, the word species is used in several other contexts than biology.

If look up the full definition of "species" (and it's derivatives), you may even find a definition which pertains to your religious views, such as

Species, (Ecclesiastical Terms) chiefly RC Church the outward form of the bread and wine in the Eucharist

To your last statement , obviously in bold , what are you on about?