The latest moon hoax documentary

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Registered Senior Member
I would just put this on another moon hoax thread but they're all closed. It's one of the best moon hoax videos yet. Be sure to check out the comment sections.


There are some points they didn't cover but they can be seen in the two threads that are closed.
I would just put this on another moon hoax thread but they're all closed. It's one of the best moon hoax videos yet. Be sure to check out the comment sections.


There are some points they didn't cover but they can be seen in the two threads that are closed.
You are joking right?

A 3½ hour junk video

Plus we can go to two threads, WHICH ARE CLOSED, to watch stuff NOT covered IN 3½ HOURS

You are joking right?

A 3½ hour junk video
Please go into some detail on why you consider it to be junk. I think it proves the hoax conclusively. Start watching at the 2:06:05 time mark. It proves the footage was taken in air. It shows some cases of air proof that weren't in the other two threads.
Look at what's said about the thermal covering at the 2:06:30 time mark. How do you explain the movement?

Look at the movement of the flag at the 2:12:30 time mark. The astronaut didn't touch it when he trotted past it. Tell us why it moved.

At the 2:07:15 time mark a puff of dust an be seen that can only be explained by air. Let's hear your analyses of all of this.
Look at what's said about the thermal covering at the 2:06:30 time mark. How do you explain the movement?
Inertia. It is behaving exactly as physics dictates.

At the 2:07:15 time mark a puff of dust an be seen that can only be explained by air.
Dust that's following a parabolic arc. It is behaving exactly as physics dictates.

The animation is deliberately misleading, to hoodwink the gullible.


  1. The wheel is moving (not shown in bad, bad diagram).
  2. Particles are grouped together, because the wheel has ridges(not shown in bad, bad diagram).
  3. All particles follow individual ballistic paths.

This is what is expected - and seen - if one knows how to science.

Here's the take away:
The authors of the video know what to show to hoodwink the gullible who don't science.

There is no need to watch any more of the video than this one minute to see that they do not seek the truth - they seek attention.

Case closed.
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It's one of the best moon hoax videos yet.
It sure is. It so efficiently contains the seeds of its own dishonesty, one need examine a mere two still frames to see the bullshit it peddles.

FatFreddy: you should very seriously consider - if they purport to seek the truth - why they would have to be so deliberately dishonest. And why you should put any trust in them at all.
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Look at what's said about the thermal covering at the 2:06:30 time mark. How do you explain the movement?
Newtonian mechanics.
Look at the movement of the flag at the 2:12:30 time mark. The astronaut didn't touch it when he trotted past it. Tell us why it moved.
Because he touched it.
At the 2:07:15 time mark a puff of dust an be seen that can only be explained by air. Let's hear your analyses of all of this.
"Puffs of dust" happen in vacuums as readily as they happen in air. Again, Newtonian mechanics.

What are they teaching in conspiracy-nut schools these days?
Inertia. It is behaving exactly as physics dictates.
I can't even see how this has anything to do with the anomaly I referred to.

Go back to the 2:06:30 time mark of this video and watch the anomaly again.

American Moon (English Version)

Tell us exactly what is causing the thermal cover to move.

  • The wheel is moving (not shown in bad, bad diagram).
  • Particles are grouped together, because the wheel has ridges(not shown in bad, bad diagram).
  • All particles follow individual ballistic paths.
This is a weak point in their list of hoax evidence. I agree that the person who did this part didn't have a good handle on what was happening. That's one reason I didn't ask about this particular case. The person didn't seem to see that the particles are grouped together. Still, we would have to follow the trajectory of a single group all the way to where it lands on the surface. Until that is done, your explanation is inconclusive. It's been shown that the soil is large-grained dust-free sand* so the effect of atmosphere in slowing it down will be low—maybe too low to be clear. Anyway, this one unclear case doesn't make the other anomalies go away. They prove that the astronauts were in air by themselves.

"Puffs of dust" happen in vacuums as readily as they happen in air. Again, Newtonian mechanics.

2:07:16 time mark of the video.

The closing flap caused air to move out from under it. In a vacuum there wouldn't have been any force to push the dust to the left. The flap would have fallen down and the dust would not have moved to the left. Do you at least agree that the movement is consistent with the air explanation? If you don't, tell us how it would move in air.

I asked that you analyze the anomaly dealt with starting at the 2:12:05 time mark. Please tell us what made the flag move.

The anomaly that's dealt with at the 2:09:20 time mark has already been dealt with on the closed threads.

MoonFaker: Project Sandbox.
I can't even see how this has anything to do with the anomaly I referred to. Go back to the 2:06:30 time mark of this video and watch the anomaly again.Tell us exactly what is causing the thermal cover to move..
Again, Newtonian mechanics.

The rover is barreling along, wheels occasionally leaving the ground. When that happens the rover, and everything on it, is momentarily in freefall. It hits on its rear wheels; that pitches the entire rover down hard, and things (like the flap there) wants to stay in freefall while the rest of the rover pitches forward, towards the Moon.

Simple. You see the same thing inside the cabin when a rocket fires.
2:07:16 time mark of the video.
He is brushing a glass panel with a synthetic broom. He builds up quite a bit of static electricity. The cover is then attracted to the broom. Again, simple physics.
I can't even see how this has anything to do with the anomaly I referred to.
That's understandable - it's science after all.

The gold foil thermal cover has inertia. If you start it moving down it continues down. If you yank it up, it rebounds. Why do you think you need air for inertia to work?

Go read up on inertia and then come back here if you have any specific questions.

Until that is done, your explanation is inconclusive.
No. It means it is consistent with known physics, and consistent with all other evidence, and that your claims of a hoax have no basis.

Anyway, this one unclear case doesn't make the other anomalies go away.
It means that this is nonsense video that doesn't warrant further analysis. Even you admit the authors don't know their science.

You'll have to produce something better. Except you already said this is "one of the best videos yet", which means you admit virtually all the others are even less credible than this one, which is - itself - not credible.
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(from post #10)

I asked that you analyze the anomaly dealt with starting at the 2:12:05 time mark. Please tell us what made the flag move.

You didn't address this anomaly. The Astronaut trotted past the flag without touching it and it moved. Please address it. This is at the jump salute.
You didn't address this anomaly. The Astronaut trotted past the flag without touching it and it moved. Please address it. This is at the jump salute.
Electrostatic attraction. When they got back into the LEM they'd be coated with dust due to the electrostatic charge they picked up while operating outside the LEM.
Again, Newtonian mechanics.

The rover is barreling along, wheels occasionally leaving the ground. When that happens the rover, and everything on it, is momentarily in freefall. It hits on its rear wheels; that pitches the entire rover down hard, and things (like the flap there) wants to stay in freefall while the rest of the rover pitches forward, towards the Moon.

Simple. You see the same thing inside the cabin when a rocket fires.
Here's a video with longer footage of the anomaly.

Apollo 15 Rover Traverse Issue

At the 1:28 time mark the flaps go up but don't fall back down right away as they would if your explanation were correct. Air is keeping them up.


Let's also hear your analyses of the anomaly discussed at the 2:12:52 time mark.

No. It means it is consistent with known physics, and consistent with all other evidence, and that your claims of a hoax have no basis.

You didn't show the entire trajectory. That will have to be done before we can start talking about whether your explanation is conclusive.

another edit

Start watching the video of the rover traverse at the 3:14 time mark. There's no other explanation for the flaps' movement other than air.
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Don't forget to check out the comment section of the YouTube video. Here's one of them.

I just started this documentary and am commenting before getting through it, just to say that it's hard to believe there is still a single person left out there under 80 years old that still believes we took a rocket ship full of men to the moon, landed on it, built a dune buggy, golfed, took off again and landed safely into the loving American arms and parades, and then did it six times in the next three years, and then never again. There is so much overwhelming evidence that it was a big joke all along with tons of production errors, that it's amazing to think that people ever believed it. I'm sure I'll learn a lot more here, but even the original testing was a fraud because they knew all along they could never land on the moon. One fraud after another, with a bunch of fake enemies all playing along themselves.
At the 1:28 time mark the flaps go up but don't fall back down right away as they would if your explanation were correct.
Why would they "fall back down right away?" They won't fall until gravity misaligns them enough to start falling - and there's 6 times less gravity on the moon.
I just started this documentary and am commenting before getting through it, just to say that it's hard to believe there is still a single person left out there under 80 years old that still believes we took a rocket ship full of men to the moon, landed on it, built a dune buggy, golfed, took off again and landed safely into the loving American arms and parades, and then did it six times in the next three years, and then never again.
It is truly remarkable that there are people so ignorant that they don't understand basic physics but still consider themselves experts on spaceflight.

To explain this phenomenon:
In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability. It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from the inability of people to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their competence or incompetence.

As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the bias results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others."

Don't forget to check out the comment section of the YouTube video. Here's one of them.
:D Obviously, a comment from a like minded conspiracy nut, as only like minded conspiracy nuts would go to such a questionable site.
One fraud after another, with a bunch of fake enemies all playing along themselves.
Of all the crazy interpretations and crap one sees on such sites, this one has to take the cake...faked enemies during a period of the Vietnam war, cold war, the Cuban Missile crisis and the doomsday clock at many times said to be at one minute to midnight. Faked enemies indeed:D
It goes to show to what ridiculous lengths and lies these conspiracy nuts will stoop to to keep their nonsense flickering.

At this time let me post my most favourite video ever, promoting some well deserved violence.....

A shame he didn't follow it up with a few more! Such raving nutty criminal ratbag like this Bart Sibrel nut, deserve all he got.
Some info on this Sibrel the time when Buzz gave him his due with that beautiful punch. Buzz was 72 and Sibrel was 37.
He was also a convicted criminal.

"In July 2009, Sibrel, who at the time was working as a Nashville taxicab driver, was charged with vandalism when he jumped up and down on the hood of a car owned by a woman with whom he was having a parking dispute. Court documents show he was arrested after the driver refused to pull out of a parking space he wanted. The arresting officer wrote, "A few moments later the parking space in front of the victim opened up and Sibrel drove into it and parked." Sibrel "then walked up to the victim's car and jumped onto the hood, and then jumped up and down several times." The report says he caused US$1,431.33 worth of damage, after which Sibrel pleaded guilty to vandalism and was placed on probation."
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