The Healer

I was thinking maybe a FLIR thermal imaging camera to record heat variations on the body. If an area shows temperature increases, it would suggest a real phenomenon. I guess we'll see tests like this in the future as he seems very open to being tested.

Depending on the cause of the pain, FLORIDA may not show much. Inflammation is if memory serves, often accompanied by increased blood flow, and thus the area is warmer than the surrounding tissue. Though, a notable change in temperature during the process would be indicative of something happening at least...

Edit: ... FLIR, not Florida... Bloody autocorrect...
I guess we'll see tests like this in the future as he seems very open to being tested.
My guess is we won't
My guess is he will want to set the conditions of the test
My guess is if test do happen my guess is he will fail
My guess is he will still be a charlatan on TV

Five guesses for free

MR: if it did doctors would be prescribing placebos instead of painkillers.

James R: It does, and they do, some of the time.

Oh really? Give me some examples, outside of drug trials, where a doctor prescribed placebos for pain instead of real pain meds. Sounds like good grounds for a malpractice lawsuit. Also, show me the science on the placebo effect for pain caused by spinal injury, Lyme disease. congenital adrenal hyperplasia syndrome, complex regional pain syndrome, and fibromayalgia. If the placebo effect can get rid of pain in these cases, where is the literature on this? And why isn't it being used today?
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Last night on "The Healer" Charlie healed a woman with psoriatic arthritis AND psoriasis, a girl with fibromayalgia, a camera man with an aching shoulder pain, and an elderly man who lived in intense back and leg pain from a parachute malfunction during the war. Interestingly, Charlie was asked if he could heal himself, and he said no. He is often sick and exhausted from expending too much of his energy, but he keeps going. Simply amazing..
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Last night on "The Healer" Charlie healed a woman with psoriatic arthritis AND psoriasis, a girl with fibromayalgia, a camera man with an aching shoulder pain, and an elderly man who lived in intense back and leg pain from a parachute malfunction during the war. Interestingly, Charlie was asked if he could heal himself, and he said no. He is often sick and exhausted from expending too much of his energy, but he keeps going. Simply amazing..

Have a few questions

Are there any disclaimers given anywhere in the show?

Are any of the patients examined by a real doctor and a real doctor gives a real diagnosis on the show before the cure occurs?

Is the cure announced straight after the healing or do the patients go away and return later with the cure being announced in a follow up show?

You mentioned Charlie is exhausted from expending his energy which sort of implies his energy if healing medium so how is this energy administered?

Is the loss of his energy the cause of any illness of his? Not counting plain exhaustion

Last, and I think this is very important, statistically wise how many healers, of Charlie's level, are calculated to be in USA? the world?

ie we know we have approximately 50% male/female ratio. How many healers per 1,000? or per 10,000? would there be?

Real last. Would there be roughly 50% male/female split?

Charlie healed again last night on TLC. This time it was a woman with arthritis pain in her hands and her knees with two doctors watching, a girl with arthritis pain in her knee and arm, an NFL football player with a bad tendon pain in his knee, a camera man with an open sore on his shin from cancer removal, and a young man with intense mysterious pain in his hands and arms. That last one was not easily healed at first. The first session resulted in only an improvement of about 30%. So the man came over to Charlie's later and he exerted all the power of his energy, resulting in much more improvement. After that Charlie commented that he rarely exerts that much because it ends up fatiguing him for months. FYI the show returns to the subjects weeks and months later to check on them and the healing is seen to be permanent.
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Charlie healed again last night on TLC. This time it was a woman with arthritis pain in her hands and her knees with two doctors watching, a girl with arthritis pain in her knee and arm, an NFL football player with a bad tendon pain in his knee, a camera man with an open sore on his shin from cancer removal, and a young man with intense mysterious pain in his hands and arms. That last one was not easily healed at first. The first session resulted in only an improvement of about 30%. So the man came over to Charlie's later and he exerted all the power of his energy, resulting in much more improvement. After that Charlie commented that he rarely exerts that much because it ends up fatiguing him for months. FYI the show returns to the subjects weeks and months later to check on them and the healing is seen to be permanent.

By chance, do you have a link to the video? I am curious to know what they might have tested while this was going on. If Charlie has this kind of ability for real, then learning how to reproduce it could be a boon for people around the world.
By chance, do you have a link to the video? I am curious to know what they might have tested while this was going on. If Charlie has this kind of ability for real, then learning how to reproduce it could be a boon for people around the world.

It's not available on Youtube and can only be accessed for a subscription fee on TLC.

There are other energy healers around the world. The hope for Charlie is that thru his work they will come to be accepted by western medicine as one more tool in the arsenal against pain.
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Charlie ought to apply for James Randi's $1 million prize if he can demonstrate his amazing healing powers at will.

Surely winning that prize would help his work to become accepted by western medicine, and no doubt the $1 million could be put to good use too.
Either I wasn't aware, or had forgotten, that the James Randi Foundation is no longer offering its prize.

Thanks Michael for pointing to all the similar prizes that are still up for grabs, some dating back almost a century now.
There are other energy healers around the world. The hope for Charlie is that thru his work they will come to be accepted by western medicine as one more tool in the arsenal against pain.

We can only hope.
But you shouldn't call him a tool.
That sounds disrespectful.
I think my pain away but not far enough away unfortunately.
Pain is not a good example for a "healer". Pain can be managed by anyone. Some are better at it than others.

I don't think acupuncture does work. Massage works to relax muscles and can help restore blood flow.

Some people are too willing to go for medication for pain relief when relaxation and other techniques can work as well (depending on the pain).
Either I wasn't aware, or had forgotten, that the James Randi Foundation is no longer offering its prize.

Thanks Michael for pointing to all the similar prizes that are still up for grabs, some dating back almost a century now.

Waiting for the definitive test of the healing or the back away

Senerio one the test restrictions are accepted but the test fails because the test can't operate due to being to "restrictive for the energy flow to operate"

Senerio two back away because the conditions required for the test are to "restrictive for the energy flow to operate"

Anybody think there could be a market for a training school for charlatans?

Odds anyone 1 or 2?
