Hmm. Believe a physicist whose predictions were experimentally validated, and which led to the creation of both nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons? Or believe a guy on the Internet who can't spell and gets most of his facts wrong? That's a tough call.
No one in the Manhattan project used e=mc^2 because that equation is nuts. Such equation is telling you energy equals mass multiplied by 180,000 milespersecond multiolied by 186,000. The theory itself says that nothing can travels, expands, retracts, whatever, faster than 186,000 miles per second rate, and there is no instrument in this world capable to measure speed or expansion at 34,596,000,000 per second. So, forget about it.
At high speeds it begins behaving a lot like a dimension. Hence the term spacetime.
Time at high speeds behaving a lot like a dimension? What are you tsalking about? Pleasepout your thoughts in order next time.
Of course you can. Even if you are sitting there watching something not move, your heart is beating and you are breathing - both things that proceed with respect to time.
Your heart is moving.
And thanks to you we can go even more to clarify the functional work of a clock.
You can use your heart as a clock.
You compare how long it takes your neighbor to go out of his house, reach his car, turn it On and drive away. You compare his motion with the beats of your heart and each beat is a unit of time.
500 beats is the time data obtained by your heart clock from observation.
Now well, you do the same measurement using your heart, but at this time you are jumping a rope in front of your front door. The beats measuring the same neighbor coming out from his house and driving away in his car now are
560 beats, because you were doing exercises and your heart beats faster.
Here two points have been solved:
1-Time is a measure.
2-Clocks can malfuntion or work different when are exposed to a different environment.
The idea of time as a dimension and the theory of Relayivity have been both debunked with this simple example.
I love explaining science with simple words, simple experiments and great results.