The first experimental measurement of God; to a 2-decimal point accuracy

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So it is clear that both the Physics department
and The Psychology department are well aware,
respectful of, and are cooperating with
George E Hammond on his research. George
George Hammond caught lying.
No George, those people at that site are not ''well aware'' you're using the Einstein Field Equations to prove the existence of a god.
Here is what you told them there:
[George] It is a matter of considerable and urgent importance to research (unrelated to gravity) in another academic field which I will not mention (but related to psychology).

And again you don't tell them you are using the Einstein Field Equations to prove a god exists.
[George] Yes – this is not a "gravitational" problem, it actually
comes from an unrelated academic field of research,
where yes, the space is actually contracting.

63 pages in and George has shown he has no intention of answering questions honestly.
He just seems to BIG PRINT his 'idea' over and over in answer to questions.
Because of that I say cess pool this thread. He has shown why he is using this site:
[GE Hammond MS physics]
Okay, no one on this list will understand this post
but I am merely posting it here so that someone in
the future who is researching this discovery
might discover it ! Sort of like chiseling it on my
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[GE Hammond MS physics]
Okay – I'm truly amazed and impressed
that you have discerned that I claim that: –

God is just a curvature of
psychological spacetime.

I couldn't have said it better myself !

But, I also identify God as the "GFP"
(General Factor of Psychology) of
Psychometry since I prove that the 13
2nd order factors are the "gods"
antiquity. (The 12 Olympian gods)

And the GFP DOES fit the "description
of God given in the Bible".

The GFP is the "higher order factor" of
the Psychometry "metric" (ENPg)
which is a "spacetime" metric (spatial
brain cleavage and mental speed).
The Curvature of ordinary spacetime
(XYZt) is the "higher order factor" of
spacetime, while the GFP is the curvature
of subjective spacetime (ENPg).

Therefore I conclude that:

God is a (large) Einsteinian curvature
of subjective spacetime reality.


[GE Hammond MS physics]
May 24, 2022
Okay, I thought I should add a short
simple explanation of the above quoted
message in more simple layman terms.

The root cause of the phenomenon
known as "God", is the GCD
(Human Growth Curve Deficit)
shown in the diagram below: –


The GCD clearly marked in this diagram,
shows that the average person (worldwide)
is about 15% short of "full growth". IOW,
on average, the human "phenotype" is 15%
smaller and slower than it's "genotype."
Obviously the historical standard of living
and struggle for existence has caused this
growth curve deficit in the entire human

This causes the world to appear 15% LARGER
and 15% FASTER than it actually is ! Some
people more and some people less. Those with
the smallest GCDs are typically elected officials,
CEOs, 5 star generals, movie stars, athletes, etc.

This is the legendary POWER OF GOD which
the world has been talking about for 5000
years !

It is the root cause of all human fear,
anxiety, and human frailty and conflict
– and there is no appeal from it.

This power constrains and rules every
individual and every social interaction,
and as the poets have put it –it causes
the well known "Sound and the Fury"
of human existence.

It is the reason why there are churches
on every street corner, and billions of
religious members worldwide in the 5
major religions: Christianity, Islam,
Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

That is the practical explanation of "God",
while the above quoted message is an
outline of the newly discovered
"Scientific Proof of God" (SPOG).

Mr. Hammond, you are once again simply copy/pasting what you have already stated.
It has been shown to be flawed reasoning on your part.
You repeating something that is garbage does not make it any less garbage.
And ignoring all the issues, criticisms, and challenges against your "proof" is simply to, once again, disrespect those who have chosen to engage with you.

You have no honesty.
You have no dignity left.
You are a laughing stock.
A fraud.
A peddler of snakeoil.
A narcissistic crank with delusions of grandeur.

The sooner you are banned the better.
[GE Hammond MS physics]
May 24, 2022
Okay, I thought I should add a short
simple explanation of the above quoted
message in more simple layman terms.

The root cause of the phenomenon
known as "God", is the GCD
(Human Growth Curve Deficit)
shown in the diagram below: –

View attachment 4937

The GCD clearly marked in this diagram,
shows that the average person (worldwide)
is about 15% short of "full growth". IOW,
on average, the human "phenotype" is 15%
smaller and slower than it's "genotype."
Obviously the historical standard of living
and struggle for existence has caused this
growth curve deficit in the entire human

This causes the world to appear 15% LARGER
and 15% FASTER than it actually is ! Some
people more and some people less. Those with
the smallest GCDs are typically elected officials,
CEOs, 5 star generals, movie stars, athletes, etc.

This is the legendary POWER OF GOD which
the world has been talking about for 5000
years !

It is the root cause of all human fear,
anxiety, and human frailty and conflict
– and there is no appeal from it.

This power constrains and rules every
individual and every social interaction,
and as the poets have put it –it causes
the well known "Sound and the Fury"
of human existence.

It is the reason why there are churches
on every street corner, and billions of
religious members worldwide in the 5
major religions: Christianity, Islam,
Judaism, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

That is the practical explanation of "God",
while the above quoted message is an
outline of the newly discovered
"Scientific Proof of God" (SPOG).


[GE Hammond MS physics]
Okay, that is a short compact explanation
of the world's first Scientific Proof of God,
but there is a faster and easier way to get
the BIG PICTURE – here are 2 very
short YouTube videos with illustrations,
and background music by Casey Benito in
which I personally explain the whole
thing in a few minutes – I'm simply posting
this because of the large number of new
recent visitors: –

(YouTube 12-min)

(YouTube 6-min)


George's 'idea' is being ''suppressed'' by the ''Psychology establishment''

''academic Psychology establishment is now standing in the way of a major, indeed historic, Psychology discovery''
All quotes below are taken from one post by George here:
* * * *
March 2012
[GEORGE]...I am alerting RAD-PSY-NET about this because all efforts to engage the right wing academic research establishment in the US and Europe has been rebuffed and it appears that the Psychology establishment is fully prepared to suppress a crucial physics-biology discovery even if it means denying the world the delivery of the Structural Model which would transform Psychology into a prestigious science with a real Global influence! …

...Well, I will try to wrap this up by mentioning that I don't expect Critical Psychology to take up the cause of advancing a scientific proof of God, but they should know that that's where the Structural Model leads to. And we can be sure that there are large sectors of society who are vitally interested in the politics of such a development. Israel, the Vatican, the Islamic countries of the Middle East or even the Kansas City Board of Education, among other places come to mind....

..But in the meantime, it is clear that the conservative academic Psychology establishment is now standing in the way of a major, indeed historic, Psychology discovery. The delivery of the Structural Model of Personality has been central to Psychology from the beginning, and I think the Critical-Psychology wing should know that there is foul play of a very serious and injurious nature to the success of Psychology growing like a cancer in academic Psychology...

... won't waste time rebutting the usual suspicions concerning such a claim. Let me simply state the facts and allow RAD-PSY-NET to be the judge:..
''won't waste time rebutting the usual suspicions concerning such a claim.''

In other words , George just wants to hear his own voice.
I now suspect George will now cut & paste his usual '' posts'' to bury this post.
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George's 'idea' is being ''suppressed'' by the ''Psychology establishment''

''academic Psychology establishment is now standing in the way of a major, indeed historic, Psychology discovery''
All quotes below are taken from one post by George here:
* * * *
March 2012

''won't waste time rebutting the usual suspicions concerning such a claim.''

In other words , George just wants to hear his own voice.
I now suspect George will now cut & paste his usual '' posts'' to bury this post.
George is just a common or garden nutter.

"A camel job and they're the worst....." :D
Yes, and it's a funny old world whereby forums, via ads, can make money from the continuous footfall of people with such a thin hold of reality.
It may be the modern version of chasing ambulances to make money, forums have the patients coming to them.
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George's 'idea' is being ''suppressed'' by the ''Psychology establishment''

''academic Psychology establishment is now standing in the way of a major, indeed historic, Psychology discovery''
All quotes below are taken from one post by George here:

March 2012

[George Hammond]
Posted on alt.sci.proof-of-god
on June 26, 2001: –
I created alt.sci.proof-of-god a few hours
ago by sending an Internet-approved
control message to Usenet. (2001)

[GE Hammond MS physics May 27, 2022]
I sent out that control message 21 years
ago thus creating alt.sci.proof-of-god.

For the past 21 years I have posted a
"running log" of my research on my
USENET newsgroup alt.sci.proof-of-god

Apparently "foghorn" is a bit of an
"investigative reporter" and discovered the
newsgroup and located this post dating
from June 2011: –


That was 11 years ago which is
documented evidence of how
long ago I made this discovery.

In fact there is other documented
evidence that I first discovered it
as early as 1997. That's 25 years

At any rate, the alt.sci.proof-of-god
URL above turns out to be a remarkably
entertaining and easy to read article
describing the whole theory for a bunch
of nonscientific "politicos" and is especially
informative about the "psychological data"
(PSYCHOMETRY) that underlies the theory.

I don't know how I happen to write this
"popular style" description for a radical
left-wing psychology group – and I'm
truly amazed some amateur "investigative
reporter" like foghorn happen to uncover
it again after all these years!

Yes, and it's a funny old world whereby forums, via ads, can make money from the continuous footfall of people with such a thin hold of reality.
It may be the modern version of chasing ambulances to make money, forums have the patients coming to them.
I wonder if these nutters were always there, even before the internet gave them a forum. Maybe not. It could be that the easy availability of information on the web is what enables them to concoct garbled versions of science as a hobby, from the comfort of their sitting rooms, whereas in previous eras they would have needed to spend months in academic libraries to do so.

It certainly seems that a lot of the fun to be had in science forums these days is debunking the cranks and nutters. The days when I used to have fun actually teaching science, or learning it from others, on this forum seem to be almost gone now. Though on one other forum I do still come across a few "help with homework" physics and chemistry questions now and again, some of which can be quite stimulating.

Who wrote that?

Who sings that?


[GE Hammond MS physics]
Casey Bennetto an Australian musician:

He was lead vocalist in a "punk rock group"
call the "Interrobang Cartel".

Apparently Kibo Parry originator of USENET
newsgroup "alt.religion.kibology" told him
about George Hammond – and Casey
wrote and recorded the song – God only
knows why?

Anyway, I used it as the background
soundtrack for my two YouTube
videos: (see post #1244)

While dumbos like"exchemist" and
other pseudoscientific morons don't
recognize the significance of Hammond,
leading sociopolitical figures like Casey
Bennetto, Kibo Parry and other society
big shots, recognize immediately the
sociopolitical significance of the SPOG.

George E Hammond said:
"leading sociopolitical figures like Casey
Bennetto, Kibo Parry and other society
big shots"

[Sideshowbob] said:
Whom are they leading?

[GE Hammond MS physics]
The latest –
"Scientific Miracle"
apparently !


[GE Hammond MS physics]
FYI Slideshowbob
, an "Interrobang" is a
little used "printers typeface? Which
combines a question-mark and an
exclamation-point together in one symbol.

Kibo Parry who is 30 years younger than
me and a well known society figure,
(and Rensselaer Polytechnic alumnus)
was instrumental in the formation of the
"punk rock group" the Interrobang Cartel
via his USENET newsgroup

I had a long conversation with Kibo about
the Scientific Proof of God on his USENET
newsgroup – and apparently he suggested
to Casey Bennetto that he write a pop song
about it.

Casey Bennetto apparently then proceeded
with his punk rock group to record and
published the:


I've never met or even talked to Casey Bennetto
but I certainly do think that's a "groovy" song
that the Interrobang Cartel recorded and

But, I also identify God as the "GFP"
(General Factor of Psychology) of
Psychometry since I prove that the 13
2nd order factors are the "gods" of
antiquity. (The 12 Olympian gods)
You have proven no such thing. Although you have repeated made this claim, I'm yet to see anything from you that
actually connects any "factors of psychometry" with any gods of antiquity.

It seems to me that you've found 12 (or is it 13?) numbers and then cast around at random trying to think of other things that have "twelve". Maybe your 12 numbers designate 12 eggs in a carton, or 12 sides on a dodecahedron, or the 12 step plan to kick an alcohol addiction? There's no reason to suppose that 12 gods of antiquity is better connected to "12" than any of those things.
And the GFP DOES fit the "description
of God given in the Bible".
Nonsense. The bible does not describe god as spacetime curvature, or as a psychological effect, or as a cubic brain.
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