The first experimental measurement of God; to a 2-decimal point accuracy

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Liar. Why should we believe anything you say if you can't keep your word for less than one day? -_O

[George E Hammond MS physics]
... Go jump in a lake Pillsbury dough boy.
If Dragon-13 happens to be running, I might answer someone.
Problem is none of you have anything of scientific substance to say because none of you have any advanced degrees in science.
An ironic situation for a "scientific forum"?
... Doncha get tired of playing in a sandbox all day?
[George E Hammond MS physics]
... Go jump in a lake Pillsbury dough boy.
If Dragon-13 happens to be running, I might answer someone.
Problem is none of you have anything of scientific substance to say because none of you have any advanced degrees in science.
An ironic situation for a "scientific forum"?
... Doncha get tired of playing in a sandbox all day?
Well you don't seem to.
... Post your CV and give us a reason to think you know what you're talking about!

Oh, are you looking for an appeal to authority?
... Meanwhile, the entire world "paraphrases" Shakespeare's 16th century English. And "discretion is the better part of valor" is the worldwide decision on that paraphrase.
Your words, my emphasis. Paraphrase, not quote.
... Go do your quick lookup on wiki.
And Wiki quite clearly states that Shakespeare's words are "The better part of valour is discretion" and that what you claimed as a quote is an idiom based on the original.
[George E Hammond MS physics]
... Post your CV and give us a reason to think you know what you're talking about!
... Meanwhile, the entire world "paraphrases" Shakespeare's 16th century English. And "discretion is the better part of valor" is the worldwide decision on that paraphrase.
... Go do your quick lookup on wiki.

What happened ??? to

I will not respond any further to anyone unless they possess advanced academic scientific credentials.

Look Mr. "Chemistry MA, you haven't even bothered to read the 713 word POST #1 which explains what this thread is all about.
Until you do, we have absolutely nothing to talk about.
For the love of God don't read it then!!!!:D
Then why keep talking to me, you fool?

[George E Hammond MS physics]
I'm not talking "to you" Psychochem, I'm talking "at you" for the benefit of other 3000 innocent bystanders reading this thread. And I'll soon quit that boring exercise also. If and when I feel like it.
I volunteer to measure the height of God if none of you will. :leaf:

[George E Hammond MS physics]
Women are not generally as egotistically psychotic as men. This leaves them generally less intellectually disturbed than men, and hence more reliable observers.
... The God of the Western world was painted on Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. But there is also a female God of women and the question is what do you suppose she looks like? Do you think she looks more like Sophia Loren, or more like the Queen of England?
I'm talking "at you" for the benefit of other 3000 innocent bystanders reading this thread.

Three points to the made
  • talking "at you" - you missed by a wide margin
  • for the benefit (?) - good joke
  • 3000 innocent bystanders reading this thread - another good joke
And I'll soon quit that boring exercise also.

You can be so cruel, raising our - 3,000, no wait - 2,000, no wait, 1,000, no let's be honest about 20 members with the word soon

Then going with If

[George E Hammond MS physics]
Women are not generally as egotistically psychotic as men. This leaves them generally less intellectually disturbed than men, and hence more reliable observers.
... The God of the Western world was painted on Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling. But there is also a female God of women and the question is what do you suppose she looks like? Do you think she looks more like Sophia Loren, or more like the Queen of England?
I don't think I'm qualified to say.

I don't even know how tall Mother Marry is.
The total George is using to determine there's 3000 readers is the thread views.
I bet most of the views are just those of us here dumb enough to come back to watch his delusions unfold.
I don't think I'm qualified to say.
I don't even know how tall Mother Marry is.

[George E Hammond MS physics]
By the way, there are apparently 300 to 500 people online to this forum at any given time including regulars and guests. I just looked at the list of about 400 and only 2 had an actual picture of themselves for an avatar !!
.... Why do you think that is? What do you think accounts for the great popularity of "anonymity" on this forum?

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