Shush you two.
Talk about killing the mood.![]()
an audience can spice things up.
Shush you two.
Talk about killing the mood.![]()
an audience can spice things up.
Are you sure.More beige really. Judging from the photos I have seen of you in the past, you are way more brown than I could ever be. Anywho, shades of brown aside..
Who said anything about following, Brown Cow? I'm trapped in it.You still don't get it? Yes the system educates, controls and authorises behaviour. But it is up to the free individual whether they follow the "system" or allows itself to be controlled. You are free and have the ability to make choices.
Try using the paper instead of your mouth.Only glance through them just before wiping.
Imbecile I am trapped in a barn where the animals get to decide my fate...they vote!!!!Animals kept in the barn are kept there by force. Your mind is not forced into submission, unless you willingly allow it to be. You have free choice.
I'm Satyr, Brown Cow.You have the freedom to leave the 'quarantined area', but you choose not to. Preferring to return again and again. For example, you come here willingly knowing it is moderated, only to complain that the rules are a form of mind controlling political correctness. That makes you the bigger retard.
Big Brown Cow, there's a difference between being a hypocrite for your own sake and being a hypocrite to yourself.And what of you? Do you go up to a crippled stranger on the street and call them a cripple? Or do you simply think it to yourself, and then deem yourself superior for having referred to them as a 'cripple' in your own mind?
What makes you deserving of gems, fucked-up bitch?!!!Were you a gem, I would agree with you. But you are merely a lump of rock, a boring hack who draws from the insights of others and then tries to claim it as his own. Do you honestly think you are being insightful? Tell me where? Because any 'gems' from you are lost in the childish manner of your posting.
I'm trying to add her to my "collection", my precious princess and her momentary minion.You so beat me to it.
Why's she being so kind with the infraction-izing? Why's he sending her pictures? Why's she referring to them? Why is his speech peppered with naughty innuendos about punishment and submission?
Mmmmm, I wonder where this little piece of fantasy came from.No no - it'd be like, Bells is dressed up as a sexy stern schoolteacher:
"Oh you've stepped out of line Satyr, I'm going to give you a big infraction!"
"You're pathetic and weak! (Nietzsche quote goes here)"
"No talking back! 5 infraction points!"
"Oooh, this hurts so gooooood"
Yes, I wear her underwear like a tent.Empty:
Dude, she's a step away from making him wear her underwear as punishment.
"Yeah, YEAH Satyr, you're just a little sissy-boy aren't you!"
I bet they have a safe-word all set up, too.
Oops...I got another infraction.
How long before I'm permanently banned, me wonder?
And so need is perpetuated and the needy made even more so.Satyr:
Mmmmm, I wonder where this little piece of fantasy came from.
It's not fantasy, I've been reading the PM's you guys send each other.
Just a bit of silliness since someguy hasn't come back with his original idea. A contented person makes a bad consumer, so discontent is indulged. But not too much! Granty has been closest though - "Industrial Society and its future" indeed.
Another selective excerpt from the Docile and the Ignorant.I ask you. Who could cope with that level of sycophancy for long? No wonder he has to come back here for a reality check now and again. I hope you're not letting all that adulation go to your big head, my love.
The bloke I've quoted - détrop - seems to fancy himself as some kind of Übermensch too, and he flirts with Satyr so unashamedly it's embarrassing. It's quite sweet in a way too though.
That's it, you're on to me now, simpleton.Satyr reminds me of the KKK ringleader type. He's always afraid of the "others."
Continue. I think you're getting me, more and more.He'd make a good, boring anal-retentive accountant. No color, no soul, no compassion, no subtlety, no heart, no appreciation for anything besides his cutthroat tasteless vision of dreary antiperfection.
An unholy alliance
Timothy Cox was a quiet, clean-cut 27-year-old who worked for his small family brewery in rural Suffolk. He was also 'the son of god' - the mastermind of a global paedophile ring. Mark Townsend investigates
Sunday September 9, 2007
The Observer
They caught the Son of God red-handed, in his pyjamas, while presiding over the most heinous online paedophile ring the police have yet uncovered. In his final moments of freedom, Timothy David Martyn Cox would have felt untouchable. Obsessed with being caught, Cox, 27, had only to press a button and his chat-room of child abusers would vanish without trace. Then, one morning last September, armed police burst through his bedroom window. As Cox spun round, officers forced him to the floor of his parents' farmhouse in rural Suffolk. The largest international investigation of its kind had snared its precocious ringleader. Those tasked with examining the evidence inside his computer would soon require counselling. Tired of trading in pictures of abuse, Cox had created a worldwide nexus of actual abusers. Babies as young as two months were raped live via webcam before a global audience.
Article continues
It was the first time British police had managed to break into a peer-to-peer paedophile chat-room. Finally they had infiltrated the murkiest environs of the web, in many ways the darkest corner of society itself. But how many more chat-rooms like Cox's exist? Hundreds, police warn, are operating that have yet to be tracked down. Detectives believe that the proliferation of child abuse sites has created more paedophiles than they would otherwise expect. The popularity of Cox's site confirms the demand. In the three months that officers monitored his network, hundreds of new members joined. With an internet that is forever evolving, its secrets increasingly harder to unearth, keeping abreast of the mutating tactics of online paedophiles presents a daunting challenge. Demand for images of abuse through file-sharing technology is growing so fast that investigators are embroiled in a continual, desperate hunt to track down victims.
The chat-room of the Son of God, Cox's online alias (a direct homage to a veteran US paedophile), reveals how abusers are modifying their sites to avoid detection. Ian Robertson, from Britain's Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre, is the man who brought Cox to justice. He is unequivocal about the danger facing society. 'This is the biggest challenge facing modern policing to date. Somehow we have to keep up with the internet,' he says. Yet police are unsure how exactly Cox and his followers met, or even how they peddled their wares so effectively and widely.
Cox was a presentable, polite young man who lived with his middle-class parents. To all who met him offline, he seemed a meek, law-abiding person. How many more like him are out there?
From their vantage point in a tree outside his bedroom window, undercover officers would watch Timothy Cox all night, his face illuminated in the ghostly glow of a computer screen. For hours, they trained powerful binoculars on his fingertips as they skipped across the keyboard. After several days, a pattern began to emerge. His typed messages appeared to match those materialising on a website they were monitoring called Kids the Light of Our Lives. Cox, it seemed, was their man.
For a month in the summer of 2006, detectives literally dug themselves into the sprawling garden of his parents' whitewashed farmhouse in the town of Buxhall, in pastoral Suffolk. Previously such surveillance techniques had been reserved for fighting terrorism and organised crime. Paedophilia, detectives have decided, now merits equal resources.
Cox was besotted with his chat-room. Some days he would spend 19 hours at his monitor. At 9pm on the dot he would troop downstairs and collect dinner from his parents before retiring upstairs. Occasionally he would see his 26-year-old girlfriend. Sometimes he helped run the family's micro-brewery business, Cox and Holbrook, famous locally for its Albion Pale Ale and Stowmarket Porter. But Cox had dedicated his young life to the virtual pursuit of paedophilia. Convinced he would never be caught, it is almost certain Cox would still be facilitating live abuse shows online were it not for a phone call from Toronto.
Last summer, Robertson received a tip-off from Canadian counterparts who had recently closed a secret US-based chat-room called Kiddypics. Its host was an online presence who had christened himself GOD, but who proved to be the less celestial Royal Raymond Waller, 49, from Tennessee. Then, in June 2006, Toronto detectives discovered that Waller's site had been reactivated. They were bemused by the colloquialisms used by its mysterious new ringleader. He would describe summer when winter was setting in. He logged on at unusual hours. Their hunch suggested he was British. Days later, Operation Chandler traced a computer to a farm in the English countryside. Checks revealed none of its inhabitants had any previous record of sexual abuse.
Cox, though, was a disciple of GOD and had spied a gap in the online market for child abuse. He set up business as the jailed Waller's 'son'. In August 2006, officers attempted to crack Cox's encryption code. It was impossible. Across the Atlantic, undercover officers had adopted a different strategy. Posing as paedophiles, they had managed to log on to Kids the Light of Our Lives. No one got in to the site without Cox's say-so, and his confident online patter suggested an adjusted, intelligent author. That Cox, in fact, was well-educated, the product of an aspiring family, was no surprise to Robertson and his team. They know that paedophiles are generally of above-average intelligence, and that they tend to appear normal, respectable. Clean-shaven and with a neat haircut, Cox looked both.
Restricted Scotland Yard documents shows that Britain's child abusers are usually white males aged between 36 to 45. The majority are in a long-term relationship, married or have children. Almost all have no previous convictions of sexual abuse. All, though, will have files of child abuse - usually more than 100 images - inside their home computer. Those recently caught read like a cast of the traditional middle-class: teachers, politicians, accountants, police officers, lawyers. Actor Chris Langham merely fits the model. The 58-year-old father of five was recently found guilty of possessing Grade 5 images, the category reserved for the worst portraits of sadism and bestiality. And last week, Anthony Barron was convicted after carrying out almost 90 attacks on girls as young as three. He, too, was the image of respectability, a married bank manager from rural Oxfordshire and a stalwart of his local PTA.
When confronted by police, partners and wives often refuse to believe they are involved with a paedophile. In one recent case, the Metropolitan Police found a bridal gown hanging in the living room of a suspected child abuser. He was due to be married the following Saturday. On the Tuesday, his fiancee had left London on business. Two days later he arranged to meet a 'child' who turned out to be an undercover officer. His fiancee arrived home the following day to discover her prospective husband in custody. One father recently arranged to meet a young girl after dropping his daughter off at Brownies.
It is unclear what Cox's girlfriend thought of her suitor, but neighbours described him as a quiet, well-mannered man. Cox was more than that: he was canny and technologically literate. For a month officers tried without success to hack into his online lair. Their failure had left them with a dilemma: to secure a conviction they had to enter his site 'naked', catching him while he was logged on and disseminating child abuse. Unable to disable his encryption, they would have to acquire his password, or seize him as he hosted Kids the Light of Our Lives. 'But you only have a few moments,' says a police source. 'You have to get to him before he can press "control and delete", before even the screensaver comes on, or before he can physically pull the plug from the socket.'
Cox had good reason to hide his site. Although it offered an uncharacteristically semi-illiterate warning: 'Adult Chat Topic. Do Not Come In If Your Are Offended', only the depraved could not have been revolted.
In total, 31 children and babies, 20 from Britain, had to be rescued by officers following the raid on Cox's parents' home. He arranged the live abuse of youngsters at pre-designated times as people might gather to watch a televised football match. Why, some asked amid the outrage that followed his arrest, had we not heard of these missing souls? The truth is these children were never missing. The babies and children ritually abused via web-cam were rescued from their own homes.
Like most children, Jane just wants to be popular. Her interests are dancing and boys with blue eyes. She loves Brad Pitt. Her favourite thing in the whole world is chocolate ice cream. Jane is not your typical teenager. She is a middle-aged male detective from Scotland Yard. Here, on the second-floor of Cobalt Place, in Vauxhall, south London, 'Jane' spends her office hours in online chat-rooms. She hopes to lure paedophiles into the open. It requires a dextrous mind - one moment chatting about Arsenal, the next her fictitious sister's new pony.
Paedophiles are not shy in coming forward. Within minutes of entering a chatroom there can be an approach. 'Do you like sex?' men will ask children. The detective's response is deliberately vague to avoid asking leading questions. 'What do you mean?' he will often answer. Some predators ask for sex straightaway. Others prefer to groom victims for months. Often, paedophiles do not even pretend to be a teenager. 'They are generally very honest about who they are,' according to detective chief inspector Nick Stevens of the Met's paedophile unit. 'The grooming process can be very, very quick. The first time the paedophile talks to an undercover officer he can start referring to sexually explicit material and child abuse images.'
Such meetings are arranged in public parks. Paedophiles always turn up, invariably with condoms, vibrators or pornographic DVDs. If caught, they are arrested and charged immediately. Ninety per cent plead guilty straightaway. The wealth of computerised evidence offers little opportunity to escape justice - every keystroke has already been recorded as proof. Within the offices of Scotland Yard's covert anti-paedophile operations numerous hard drives of computers wrapped in plastic bags are piled in corners, the legacy of success.
Eighteen months have passed since Scotland Yard officials first started posing online as innocent teenagers. So far, 50 men have been arrested, but police know they are only scratching the surface.
Nick Stevens appreciates that they are unlikely to catch men making their first foray into actual abuse. How many times they have struck before can be difficult to pin down. The mobile phone of a recently convicted paedophile contained images of six previous victims. Usually, though, police can only guess at their history of abuse.
That no one knows the extent of paedophilia in Britain remains one of its most unsettling aspects. There are 30,000 registered sex offenders in the UK, but the fact that almost all paedophiles caught by police have, like Cox, no previous record of abuse suggests a profound problem. Currently, the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (or CEOP) receives 400 calls a month from children who believe they have been approached by a paedophile on the internet. According to Stevens, 'The true extent is almost impossible to quantify. The problem is getting hold of the intelligence into paedophile networks. They are very advanced in their techniques. People have been abusing children for a number of years, their own children sometimes, and getting away with it.'
Recently, Scotland Yard attempted to ascertain the scale of child abuse in the UK by creating a fictitious online profile of a teenage girl from London. Of the 3,600 people who viewed the profile, 400 contacted the imaginary 14-year-old. Thirty men arranged to meet her after swapping sexually explicit messages. Half of these were found to have their own children, with a similar proportion married or in a relationship. But the real concern is the complex community of file-sharing sites such as Cox's that have yet to be discovered. Robertson estimates that hundreds may be operating. 'No-one knows they exist until you are invited on to them. The size of the community or even how many kids are being traded is unclear because they are very difficult to infiltrate,' he says.
That the internet offers paedophiles unprecedented access to vulnerable, young victims is beyond dispute. Yet many parents remain oblivious to its obvious threat. Mothers who tell children never to accept sweets from strangers happily grant them unsupervised access to the web.
Detectives constantly find children handing over their most intimate details to strangers on the internet almost instantly - mobile phone details, where they hang out, where they go to school, who their friends are.
Of the eight million children in the UK with internet access, one in 12 admits to having met someone whom they encountered online. The hard drive in the heart of the family home might be emerging as the greatest threat of all. 'We have cases where 10-year-old girls go online and physically expose themselves. We have spoken to their parents, who are completely unaware. It's frightening what details children are prepared to give,' says detective sergeant Nick Duffield of Scotland Yard's paedophile unit.
With such rich pickings on offer, it's perhaps hardly surprising that experts fear the internet has morphed into a paedophiles' paradise.
'The internet has awoken the sexual desires of a lot of these people,' Stevens says. 'A lot of offenders start surfing adult pornography; over time they start to get a little deeper. They realise they have a sexual interest in children, which before they may have never realised.'
Although psychologists maintain the internet cannot turn someone who has no sexual interest in children into an offender, the consensus suggests the internet has given potential abusers anonymity, access and acceptance. In effect, legitimising child abuse to a greater audience than ever before.
One convicted paedophile has described how curiosity quickly led to child abuse. 'The more I see the pictures, the more I'm going to want to do something. It's just the next step before you start abusing,' he says. Behaviour analysts working for CEOP call this the 'spiral of abuse'. Their research indicates that a predilection that was once suppressed is now shared in forums where paedophiles swap ideas and develop fantasies. Cox, like many paedophiles, was described by police as someone utterly 'obsessed' with collecting and distributing images of child abuse.
But the internet that has emboldened predators is also beginning to entrap them. Bank robbers resist videoing their heists and then posting them online, but paedophiles almost always trade images, a process that creates a trail of electronic footprints that police are increasingly adept at tracking. Cox thought moving away from pay-per-view sites into chat-rooms would make him immune to the law. His hard drive contained an astonishing 75,960 images of child abuse. In addition, he had disseminated 11,491 images to other site users. Among them were clips of fathers abusing their children. One video screened live on his site featured a child abused for 90 minutes.
On 28 September last year, as Cox was led from his parents' home in handcuffs, fellow site users received a strange message from their leader. The Son of God explained that he had to leave in a hurry, but would be back. The message, though, was not from Cox. It was from the police. With access to his site still open, officers were now in total control of his domain. For 10 days they chatted with paedophiles across the world. As each bragged about their exploits, their details were sent to specialist online codebreakers to be identified. More than 700 men were soon being sought. The trial involved 35 countries from Swaziland to Sweden, Birmingham to Berlin. Eventually police shut down the site. All went quiet. Then, around last Christmas, Robertson's team noticed an unusual development. Cox's site was back up and running.
Gordon Mackintosh could not help himself. Like Cox, he had become fixated with images of child abuse. Every few months the 33-year-old would be consumed with guilt and delete all his files. It was futile. Mackintosh was hopelessly addicted and shortly after a clearout he would start downloading a fresh library. Also, like Cox, Mackintosh appeared a presentable, law-abiding figure and worked as the manager of a video streaming company owned by Italian internet company Tiscali.
By the end of December 2006, Mackintosh had used his technological know-how to resurrect Cox's dormant chat-room from a bedsit in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire. In a few short weeks, site membership under Mackintosh had risen by a third. Now he wanted total control. But the computer programmer, who operated under the aliases 'lust4skoolgurls' or 'silent blackheart', needed permission from Timothy Cox.
On 8 January Mackintosh received his answer. The Son of God was back. Discussions on a possible handover, Mackintosh was told, could take place at 8am the following day. Right on cue, Mackintosh logged into the site the next morning. Almost instantly, his ground-floor bay window - smothered with a blanket to prevent passers-by peering inside - shattered. Armed police stormed inside. Mackintosh pleaded guilty to 27 charges of making, possessing and distributing indecent images and videos. Police found 5,167 indecent and explicit images and 392 indecent films in his computer. Immediately, the images were transferred to a video suite 30 miles away in central London. Here, inside CEOP's visual identification unit, officers began trying to decipher the whereabouts and identity of the victims in Mackintosh's images. Facial recognition software cross-referenced the unit's database of one million images to the fresh images. As always, it was the harrowing soundtrack to the films of abuse that was most traumatic. 'The sound affects them [the officers] most; the screams and crying are difficult to take,' says Miriam Rich, spokesperson for CEOP.
Visually, the tiniest clues can prove crucial. Tiled floors suggest the abuse may have taken place abroad. The type of sunlight indicates whether the abuse was filmed in Europe or the Antipodes. The make of a radiator has proved decisive in the past, while McDonald's carrier bags, for instance, vary between countries. On occasion, the most perceptive sleuth is not required. Police recall one image of a man abusing a child on a lounge table. Closer inspection revealed a letter on the table. Clearly decipherable on its envelope was the property's address.
What is clear, according to CEOP's latest psychological profiling, is that paedophiles do not consider themselves criminals. Mackintosh may have been tormented by the nature of his lust, but Cox is more in keeping with the average paedophile. He laughed when sentenced in court last June. Upon being told he might never leave prison, Cox giggled.
'Generally, these people will conduct their lives like anybody else,' says Chris Joyce, part of CEOPs financial investigations team. Such denial, say psychoanalysts, helps explain why child abusers are able to live seemingly normal lives. What drives men like Cox to indulge in such abuse is harder to fathom.
Often there is a history of childhood abuse, an inadequacy with women, an ability to delude themselves that victims are consensual. Their sexual urges are already formed by the time paedophiles reach adulthood, according to experts such as Ruth Allen, head of intelligence at CEOP: 'Their predilection is formed by the time they are 18 and they will often choose a career path, such as teaching, so they can come in contact with children.'
Attempts are still ongoing to track down those who traded images with Timothy Cox. Every police force in the UK has been involved in tracking down the 200 British men who venerated the son of God. But progress has been slow. 'Time and time again some police forces don't work with the urgency we would like when we pass information onto them,' says one intelligence source.
Debate will continue over the state of online regulation, alongside discussions on what, if anything, can be done to 'cure' abusers. Some argue that they can be safely rehabilitated, others are less liberal. Satellite tracking, lie detector tests and chemical castration are being considered by ministers, along with stronger prison sentences. Cox received an indeterminate jail tariff, meaning the 27-year-old will remain inside until psychiatric experts deem he is no longer a threat to children.
Another summer is almost over. It has been a busy time for the likes of Ian Robertson and Nick Stevens; the long school holidays are prime-time for those who prey on children. Meanwhile, the search continues for the next son of God. One thing is certain; another Timothy Cox is already out there. true simplistic fashion you attempt to simplify, by stacking the deck in your moralistic favor, using a highly emotionally charged and moralistic argument.Satyr, please answer this question with a yes or no. Do you think the police were protecting the weak and worthless in busting this pedophile ring and convicting the perpetrators? Is there sexual drive and their advantage of power over these children justification for what they do and do you think they should be allowed to?
Now now, are you asking me to do all the work for you?How would you describe or psychoanalyze yourself, Satyr?
I'm a shit-disturber and there's certainly enough shit in here to make a game out of it. :shrug:Oh stop it you're upsetting the children with your nastiness...
Yawn. true simplistic fashion you attempt to simplify, by stacking the deck in your moralistic favor, using a highly emotionally charged and moralistic argument.
Here it is.
The police were protecting the weak.
If these children lacked the parental supervision or the brains to avoid such a fate then so be it.
Do you think it right for a baby gazelle to be eaten alive by a pride of lions, you pathetic imbecile?
But that is the way of nature.
Using your human moral standards to impose upon circumstances a judgment rooted in your own sense of insecurity and fear, is disgusting.
If life scares you and you need to protect yourself behind this moral and social shield to feel safe, you pathetic coward, then how is your opinion objective or even relevant?
You've got the mind of a girl....because you are one, aren't you, sweetie?
A brain rooted in cultural ideals and social moral standards pulling on your delicate heart-strings.
Everything comes to you from the perspective and with the underlying motive of sparing yourself the discomforts and uncertainties of existence.
If there is anything that has produced disrespectful and unjustifiably arrogant as well as undisciplined stupid minds it is this absence of fear that underlies respect and control.
As a result imbeciles, like you, grow up all arrogant and feeling worthy because there's an entire system guaranteeing your safety and respectability.
What a fucking emotional and selctive brain you have.
The mark of a sub-human intellect.
A feminine mind.
It's because of bleeding heart, pseudo-altruistic imbeciles and cowards like her who want to rid the universe of all that frightens them and "correct" nature and her ways, that we're faced with the consequences of naive idealism projecting its own insecurities upon those that remind them of how things are, and that's when we're in trouble.Yeah, just like I thought you are a piece of shit. It's also unfuckingbelievably ludicrous that you call anyone else a simpleton because that is exactly what you are. You are not satisfied unless you've riddled everything down to your comfort level of a common denominator and you whine about equality. You are a hypocritical braindead, amoral piece of pigshit.
It's when bleeding heart, pseudo-altruistic imbeciles and cowards like her want to rid the universe of all that frightens them and "correct" nature and her ways that we're faced with the consequences of naive idealism projecting its own insecurities upon those that remind them of how things are, that we're in trouble.
Deconstruction is anathema to these dolts, because they need to exist on a superficial feel-good level where reality and what natural phenomena make them uncomfortable are quarantined and cleansed from anything that terrifies them.
Then they have the audacity to call others cowards.
When the herd is sheltered from culling then mad-cow disease comes in, to make these fat cows and their tender-loin calves into victims, nevertheless.
Watch it, this pathetic feminized brain, express its moralistic disdain on a natural phenomenon, as if it deserved better.
The sanctity of life and the dignity of the undeserving governs the mind-farts of these cretins.
They then redefine the universe and spin reality and call that 'normal'.
Here is a brain sheltered from the cruel vicious world, fighting tooth and nail to preserve its domesticity and corralled 'wildness', crying for help at the first sound of predators at the gate.
This is what civilization leads to in a loop of 'golden ages' falling into decadence.
What happens to a wolf which is tamed, not allowed to grow up or express its will, growing dependent on its master and retarded into a constant state of adolescence?
It becomes a dog.
What happens to a human?
It becomes a woman.
Dear idiot, are you now admitting that feminization is occurring?You are a coward, you whine about feminization because you are afraid of it. It doesn't even stop you from being what you are.
Oh God this is precious.You do not like individualism, you want people to be just like you.
Oh this is good.You like dogs, not cats because you are one.
Well if you say so, dear.You are no more objective than anyone else.
That's're closer now.You don't want any burdens but yourself because you are weak.
How can it be self-serving when I don't know who I am?You don't give a shit about anything else and you interpret those who do as being cowards or weak when they care or empathize, something you don't understand because that's not what you are. That is self-serving.
Oh shit this is wonderful.When most soldiers go to war, it's to protect their country and loved ones.
Yes they use that moral angle with retarded minds.Not destructiveness and power-strutting for it's own sake, you weakass bastard. It's to protect the best and precious in life because that's what they value.
Retardation defending retardation.I would defend those who are more innocent and loving than me because I believe these are the types of people who deserve to live and would make a better world.
Dear idiot, are you now admitting that feminization is occurring?
That's it I'm afraid of it.
Tell me more.
Oh God this is precious.
Are you an individual, you simpleton?
You are part of a carbon-copied human, society produces by the droves using morality, education, economics and indoctrination, not to mention law & order methods.
Oh this is good.
I do like pussy, though.
Well if you say so, dear.
another declarative statement with no supporting arguments and no connection to the thesis.
That's're closer now.
How can it be self-serving when I don't know who I am?
Cry me a river, precious.
I do beleive this conversation is nearing it end.
Oh shit this is wonderful.
Yes, those imbeciles that were talked into or forced to go off and kill or be killed were all aware that the war was about oil.
I'm sure.
no, they weren't idiots, and victims of their own stupidity and social pressures, no they were brave.
Yes they use that moral angle with retarded minds.
Retardation defending retardation.
Yes, this is a rational western feminine mind.
Enjoy it fellas.
A specimen of the very thesis I present, meant only for the few that can understand it.
Wanderer said:And so need is perpetuated and the needy made even more so.