Seriously? That raises some issues.
"In recent months, members of Congress from both parties have introduced bills to stop this drug price discrimination, either by allowing the re-importation of drugs from Canada and Mexico or by requiring U.S. drug companies to offer drugs at one price for all of North America. If drug companies had to charge the same price in the U.S. and Canada, what would that price be? It would have to cover R&D costs, so it would be higher than the current Canadian price. But those costs would be spread over more pills, so it should be lower than the current American price. (This assumes that companies will maintain the same profit levels they currently enjoy.) Canada would have to abandon or modify its price controls, or its citizens would not be able to buy these drugs."
However, there are several problems. Thing One is the lie buried at the center of that statement. Thing Two is influence/pressure on the government of another country. Not least is the unknown quantity at the top of the current US political pyramid, who doesn't know or care what effect a sudden, whimsical tariff policy might have.
Thing One:
As you see, more of their outlay is in advertising than in research, and there is quite a nice profit margin - and some hardship for consumers - even at the Canadian prices;
Therefore : Thing Two: It would be better for the US to regulate the price of drugs than for Canada to stop doing so.
Here's a simpler view of just how well pharmaceuticals are doing:
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