The Devil and Jesus.

I really do not know the sources
Oh well, I can probably find it if I care enough.
Here we go - just the wiki outline, not the hateful Catholic invective
Cathars venerated Jesus Christ and followed what they considered to be his true teachings, labelling themselves as "Good Christians." Cathars denied the physical incarnation of Jesus.
That was the biggie: first, they're calling the pope and all his wealthy, powerful cardinals 'bad christians" - which they were and are; second, the rejection of suffering as a road to salvation on which HRC thrives. Even worse:
two] opposing deities. The first was a good God, portrayed in the New Testament and creator of the spirit, while the second was an evil God, depicted in the Old Testament and creator of matter and the physical world. The latter, often called Rex Mundi ("King of the World"), was identified as the God of Judaism, and was also either conflated with Satan or considered Satan's father or seducer.
Not Jesus, but Jehovah is identified with the devil.
And to top it off, they eschewed war and violence.
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False analogy. I don't lock the Mexican door and leave the Canadian door open. Why does Trump discriminate?
Do we have an issue with thousands of refugees crossing the Canadian border? If intruders tend to come through your backdoor, would you secure that door?
He appears to be carrying out his threats. Most of which are made on the spur of the moment, without any understanding of the consequences.
Such as?

What promise has been kept, so far?
More like, what promises hasn't he kept'

Where, is the resurgent industry?
In the making. Were you expecting a reversal of past policies within a short 2-1/2 years? It took decades to export our industries overseas. The guy is trying, but he's not Jesus Christ.

Where are the new good-paying jobs?
Ask those working. Unemployment is at an all-time low.

Where is the infrastructure?
Ask your Democratic Congress.

How has the swamp of corruption been drained?
Possibly in the process. I don't believe even Batman could save Gotham City.

When can we expect the new and much better health care plan?
Ask your Democratic Congress.

What specific bills has he introduced on any of those five major issues that the Democrats have obstructed?
The president doesn't introduce bills. That's the job of congress, but they seem preoccupied with bringing down the president.

in no particular order: 1. Obama 2. progressives in general 3. Muslims 4. Hispanics 5. Iran 6. Mueller 7. the news media 8. Clinton 9. climate scientists 10. China 11. the mayor of London 12. his own staff 13. etc. etc. etc.
And is he wrong?

Nobody was threatening your border. People whose countries you have rendered unliveable are trying to escape conditions your helped create and give their children a chance at life. They pose no danger to anyone; taking care of them would cost a fraction of the price of all the border-securing measures, walls and prisons.
No. Neither you nor I are responsible. If we gave a shit we would encourage those people to seek power within their own communities. As it stands now, we can't take care of our own, let alone the world. As far as politics are concerned, refugees are potential future votes for the Democratic party, and potential low wage workers for the Republican Party. It's a win/win for the politicians, which is why nothing has been done about illegal immigration for years. Now that someone is actually threatening to take action, the Democrats are pro-immigration. The Republicans can pretend to care, but as long as the Democrats are willing to fight for them, what does it matter?

But there will always be jobs at McDonald's, hotel rooms to be cleaned, and produce to be harvested. And the wages will continue to stay low because what competition will there ever be when you can freely import third world labor? I suppose it's a step up for the immigrants, even though they are being exploited by both sides of the political coin.[/quote]
So, you make excuses and repeat lies, rather than find out the facts.
The only part of this question that's on topic is how Trump embodies the demonic spirit of America.
Overfed, self-indulgent, conceited, dishonest, impulsive, incompetent, greedy, ignorant, intolerant, callous and vindictive.

Your 'political coin' has two faces that are sometimes different from each other, sometimes very alike - but, like all currency, it has no brain or soul. There is no scope in such governance for the angelic aspect of a nation to express itself; there is barely room for the human.
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Do we have an issue with thousands of refugees crossing the Canadian border?
Well, they're refugees from the US, coming to Canada.
If intruders tend to come through your backdoor, would you secure that door?
We have always welcomed fugitives from the US - United Empire Loyalists, runaway slaves, Vietnam War resistors, etc.
Well, they're refugees from the US, coming to Canada.

We have always welcomed fugitives from the US - United Empire Loyalists, runaway slaves, Vietnam War resistors, etc.
Bob, they anticipate over a million coming over the southern border...this year.
No we have people living and dying in the streets. Around 1,000,000 by last estimate.
But you can afford to send $220,000,000 drones to spy on countries you've been deliberately pissing off.
And stupid, ineffective walls, when everyone knows the really expensive crime comes in through legal ports of entry.
Bob, they anticipate over a million coming over the southern border...this year.
"They" can't count. "They" tot up their losses in the plus column so they can announce how well the economy is doing.
And they have no idea of the displacements and migrations that will be taking place in the next few years, nor have they any plan to deal with even a fraction of the upheaval. "They" have stripped the EPA and FEMA of their power to help.

All the demons are off the leash, baby!
And you want to spend money on a wall instead.
Some of 'them' want to spend it on a whole new, even bigger quagmire of a war than the three (??) money-sumps* they've been losing for the last two decades.

*You know, the ones Trump promised to end, only he couldn't. And apparently it's the Democratic Congress we need to ask [Bowser #44] for an explanation of why Trump not only fails to keep any promises but multiplies the problems he promised to fix.**
That makes sense: Trump supporters don't deal in reason.

** But, never mind, he's making all the same promises again. Or maybe one of the incompetent aides just forgot to change the soundtrack.
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But you can afford to send $220,000,000 drones to spy on countries you've been deliberately pissing off.
Iran, Afghanistan...? Perhaps the border should be monitored instead. Agreed?
And stupid, ineffective walls, when everyone knows the really expensive crime comes in through legal ports of entry.
I've been told that our heroine and meth up north comes from the southern border.
Iran, Afghanistan...? Perhaps the border should be monitored instead. Agreed?
"Monitored" is a nice enough word. It doesn't sound like putting children in cages and letting them starve.
This is not an either/or proposition, the ********s want to do both, along with a number of other ########## things.

I've been told that our heroine and meth up north comes from the southern border.
You've been told and sold a lot of ****. Try not to swallow.
Defining the Devil is tricky business. Had a guy at work who would sometimes chant, "The devil in all of us. The devil in all of us. The devil in all of us."

It's kind of hard to argue with that sentiment.
The devil is a single entity.