Thanks to Trippy

dumbest man on earth

Real Eyes Realize Real Lies
Valued Senior Member
Trippy, thank you for moving paddoboy's Thread : "Objectivity in Science - Subjectivity on SciForums", to the Cesspool.
in my opinion the thread belonged in philosophy or free thoughts, some aspects belonged in open government.
dmoe apparently knew the thread closure was coming, he noticed it when certain posts started appearing.
@ leopold

@ Enmos

Sorry, but there was no "sarcasm" in my Post.

I, dmoe, Posted the OP : "Objectivity in Science - Subjectivity on SciForums", my Post #1.

dmoe apparently knew the thread closure was coming, he noticed it when certain posts started appearing.
I "noticed it' when Post #2 "appeared".
paddoboy applied...whatever it is(?)...that paddoboy does on SciForums(?)...and "morphed it into" just another Thread full of...whatever it is(?)...that paddoboy does on SciForums(?)...

I tried to keep the Thread going - a few Members seemed to think that it was a good Topic for an Intelligent Discussion - but...

At any rate, except for a few Posts by a few Members, it was just another example of...whatever it is(?)...that paddoboy does on SciForums(?)...

leopold, Enmos, when Trippy moved the Thread to "The Cesspool", I honestly appreciated his "applied Moderator action".
So...I, dmoe, intended no "sarcasm".
I was, am, and always will be, sincerely Thankful of Trippy for sending it to "The Cesspool".

Enmos, I hope that clears up your ":confused:".

leopold, well...I can only refer you to what you stated in your Post #11 of that Thread :
leopold said:
as for the OP, yes, i believe that most observations made in the hard science section should be objective.
Personally, I, dmoe, know that nothing, other than "Objective Observations" and Earnest Honesty, should ever be a part of any serious discussion.
And yet, when I gave you the opportunity to discuss objectivism versus subjectivism, and whether or not true objectivism is even possible, using real examples, you chose to ignore that opportunity in favour of persecuting whatever this grudge is that you have with paddoboy.
Personally, I, dmoe, know that nothing, other than "Objective Observations" and Earnest Honesty, should ever be a part of any serious discussion.

As I have shown you, that is just wrong. Science does and must include Subjectivity.
Science starts off with an interpretation on an observation.
That Interpretation is "subjective" at first, than it may gain further and further support, until it becomes an accepted scientific theory.
That theory in turn will gain certainty over time and become objective.
It is a well established model/theory of reality as we observe it.
Why cannot you see this logical progression?

Here are a couple of references....
le the evidence-based approach of science is lauded for introducing objectivity to processes of investigation, the role of subjectivity in science is less often highlighted in scientific literature. Nevertheless, the scientific method comprises at least two components: forming hypotheses, and collecting data to substantiate or refute each hypothesis (Descartes’ 1637 discourse [Olscamp, 1965]). A hypothesis is a conjecture of a new theory that derives from, but by definition is unproven by, known laws, rules, or existing observations. Hypotheses are always made by one individual or by a limited group of scientists, and are therefore subjective—based on the prior experience and processes of reason employed by those individuals, rather than solely on objective external process. Such subjectivity and concomitant uncertainty lead to competing theories that are subsequently pared down as some are proved to be incompatible with new observations.
Allowing subjectivity is a positive aspect of the scientific method: it allows for leaps of faith which occasionally lead to spell-binding proposals that prove to be valid.
@ leopold

@ Enmos

Sorry, but there was no "sarcasm" in my Post.

I, dmoe, Posted the OP : "Objectivity in Science - Subjectivity on SciForums", my Post #1.

I "noticed it' when Post #2 "appeared".
paddoboy applied...whatever it is(?)...that paddoboy does on SciForums(?)...and "morphed it into" just another Thread full of...whatever it is(?)...that paddoboy does on SciForums(?)...
to be fair dmoe, you must admit that quite a few threads wonder all over the place.
and especially about subjectivity?
I tried to keep the Thread going - a few Members seemed to think that it was a good Topic for an Intelligent Discussion - but...
one of the mods probably got a PM or reported post suggesting the thread was "anti science"
leopold, Enmos, when Trippy moved the Thread to "The Cesspool", I honestly appreciated his "applied Moderator action".
So...I, dmoe, intended no "sarcasm".
uh, well, i dunno, maybe.
it seems you and trippy had some sort of beef going on.
leopold, well...I can only refer you to what you stated in your Post #11 of that Thread :
Personally, I, dmoe, know that nothing, other than "Objective Observations" and Earnest Honesty, should ever be a part of any serious discussion.
yes, i agree.
but, like everything else in life there's a problem.
you can't relate ANYTHING without it.
the ONLY thing guaranteed from a human is that one of these days they will fall over dead.
to be fair dmoe, you must admit that quite a few threads wonder all over the place.
and especially about subjectivity?
To be fair and honest, leopold, you must admit that quite a few threads, about anything, wonder all over the place when paddoboy joins them, bringing only his own Subjectivity.

one of the mods probably got a PM or reported post suggesting the thread was "anti science"
There was no need for any PM, paddoboy states this in his Post #2 :
paddoboy said:
No one needs be a "suckhole" to or for mainstream science methodology, and peer review, but we should all ask, why do these proven methods and reviews, cop the flak that they do from the anti brigade.
The answer of course is obvious.

Hope that helps.

uh, well, i dunno, maybe.
it seems you and trippy had some sort of beef going on.
I, dmoe, have no "beef" with anyone.

Trippy and paddoboy both have, in numerous Threads, blatantly stated their multiple "beefs" with me, dmoe.

yes, i agree.
but, like everything else in life there's a problem.
you can't relate ANYTHING without it.
the ONLY thing guaranteed from a human is that one of these days they will fall over dead.
There is a lot of truth in your ^^above quoted^^ leopold, there is no denying that!

leopold, objectivity is as easy, you do not have to add anything into the observation.

Whereas, subjectivity requires the addition of biases, prejudices, memories...etc., which distorts any observation.
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leopold, objectivity is as easy, you do not have to add anything into the observation.

Whereas, subjectivity requires the addition of biases, prejudices, memories...etc., which distorts any observation.

Not necessarilly.
Subjectivity with all its shortcomings, and despite your subjective opinions, is and always will be a part of science, as I have shown in post 8.
That is an objective fact.
To be fair and honest, leopold, you must admit that quite a few threads, about anything, wonder all over the place when paddoboy joins them, bringing only his own Subjectivity.
why worry about a cheerleader?
anyone that reads his posts will come to the conclusion he is completely unable to stand on his own.
There was no need for any PM, paddoboy states this in his Post #2 :
yes, there was no need, but that doesn't stop anybody.
I, dmoe, have no "beef" with anyone.
Trippy and paddoboy both have, in numerous Threads, blatantly stated that their multiple "beefs" with me, dmoe.
you worry too much about paddoboy, way too much.
throw paddoboy into the middle of something and he will drown without attempting a stroke.
Whereas, subjectivity requires the addition of biases, prejudices, memories...etc., which distorts any observation.
cultural bias is something that AUTOMATICALLY comes across, it isn't deliberately added.
And yet, when I gave you the opportunity to discuss objectivism versus subjectivism, and whether or not true objectivism is even possible, using real examples,

Trippy, are you perhaps referring to your Post #53, of the "Objectivity in Science - Subjectivity on SciForums" Thread?
- :

You appeared to be "arguing" that some people inherited a "Red/Green Color Vision Deficiency", and would therefore not be able to perceive the color red.
So the definition of Objective : “of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers.”, could therefore never be accepted, because some Observers cannot perceive the color red.
Trippy, that is what is known as presenting a "Logical Fallacy". Possibly an "Argument from authority", or "Ad hoc reasoning', or a "Straw man", or "Post hoc ergo propter hoc", or a "Non sequitur".
See :

you chose to ignore that opportunity
I followed these "Sciforums - Rules, posting guidelines and advice to members (summary)" :
To Wit : said:
Warning: Do not feed the trolls! Do not reply to inflammatory posts or threads and do not reply to insults. Hit the ‘report’ button on the relevant post(s) and let the moderators deal with the matter.

you chose to ignore that opportunity in favour of persecuting whatever this grudge is that you have with paddoboy.
The ^^above quoted^^ appears to be an example of an "ad hominem attack".

To Wit : said:
Netiquette : Do not engage in ad hominem attacks (i.e. attack the argument, not the person).
I. Unacceptable behaviour that may result in a temporary or permanent ban :
Personal attacks, threats and stalking
2. A personal attack on another member usually involves the word ‘you’, express or implied by context, combined with a negative comment. Attacks on another member (known as ad hominem attacks), as opposed to criticisms of his or her arguments, are not tolerated. Childish name-calling, such as referring to a member as a ‘moron’, ‘twit’, or ‘idiot’, is one obvious example of a personal attack.

3. Any member who threatens another member will under most circumstances be banned from sciforums.

4. Stalking behaviour, in which a member makes a point of regularly posting contrary comments in many threads started by a particular member, will be treated as harassment and is likely to lead to a ban.
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Trippy, are you perhaps referring to your Post #53, of the "Objectivity in Science - Subjectivity on SciForums" Thread?
- :

You appeared to be "arguing" that some people inherited a "Red/Green Color Vision Deficiency", and would therefore not be able to perceive the color red.
So the definition of Objective : “of, relating to, or being an object, phenomenon, or condition in the realm of sensible experience independent of individual thought and perceptible by all observers.”, could therefore never be accepted, because some Observers cannot perceive the color red.
Trippy, that is what is known as presenting a "Logical Fallacy". Possibly an "Argument from authority", or "Ad hoc reasoning', or a "Straw man", or "Post hoc ergo propter hoc", or a "Non sequitur".
See :

I followed these "Sciforums - Rules, posting guidelines and advice to members (summary)" :
On the one hand I was arguing based on the definitions you provided, and I made no assertions, I asked a question and gave some examples. The portion you're citing still only forms one part of my post.

On the other hand, if you weren't interested in discussing it in that thread, what makes you think I have any inclination to engage you on it in this one? You had your opportunity, however you chose a different path.

Finally, are you actually accusing me of trolling??

The ^^above quoted^^ appears to be an example of an "ad hominem attack".
No, it's an observation of your behaviour. An ad-hominem attack would be "We should ignore what DMOE has to say because of his grudg with paddoboy."

Trippy, would you please explain exactly what you mean by stating : "This is a demonstrable lie." ?

I think the sentence is fairly self explanatory.
dmoe said:
Trippy and paddoboy both have, in numerous Threads, blatantly stated that their multiple "beefs" with me, dmoe.
This is a demonstrable lie.

dmoe said:
Trippy, would you please explain exactly what you mean by stating : "This is a demonstrable lie." ?

I think the sentence is fairly self explanatory.

- definition of "demonstrable" : said:
demonstrable - adjective :

: able to be proven or shown : possible to demonstrate

1 : capable of being demonstrated

2 : apparent, evident

- Synonyms : checkable, confirmable, verifiable, empirical (also empiric), provable, supportable, sustainable
- the ^^above quoted^^ from : said:
demonstrable - adjective :

capable of being proven as true or real

<as a serious scientist, she is only interested in demonstrable phenomena>
- the ^^above quoted^^ from :

dmoe said:
Trippy and paddoboy both have, in numerous Threads, blatantly stated that their multiple "beefs" with me, dmoe.
Trippy, are you stating that you are capable of proving that my Statement, ^^quoted above^^, is a lie?
Trippy, are you stating that you are capable of proving that my Statement, ^^quoted above^^, is a lie?

I don't have a beef with you...100% certain.
Trippy does not have a beef with you:
But going on posted evidence, the reverse with regards to yourself is questionable.

I was going to stay out of this thread, but I now see it as necessary to back Trippy, the same Trippy that has moderated me on two occasions, and which I accepted like a man, despite believing I was goaded into my indiscretions.
I also apologise to the forum in general for the actions of a couple here, that do seem to have a grudge for reasons known to themselves, and the petty waste of bandwidth and threads over personal nonsense.
*** This is precisely why I Honestly Thanked Trippy !!! ***

I don't have a beef with you...100% certain.
- Evidence : paddoboy's Post #8 :
Personally, I, dmoe, know that nothing, other than "Objective Observations" and Earnest Honesty, should ever be a part of any serious discussion.
As I have shown you, that is just wrong.

- Evidence : paddoboy's Post #12 :
leopold, objectivity is as easy, you do not have to add anything into the observation.

Whereas, subjectivity requires the addition of biases, prejudices, memories...etc., which distorts any observation.
Not necessarilly.
Subjectivity with all its shortcomings, and despite your subjective opinions, is and always will be a part of science, as I have shown in post 8.
That is an objective fact.
So...paddoboy, you "don't have a beef with" me, dmoe, "100% certain."...

Trippy does not have a beef with you:
He has stated that.

But going on posted evidence, the reverse with regards to yourself is questionable.
paddoboy, would you be so kind as to Present the alleged "posted evidence"?

I was going to stay out of this thread, but I now see it as necessary
So...paddoboy, you NOW see it as necessary?

So...paddoboy, your Post #8, Yesterday at 10:35 pm(EDT)...was that an example of how you "stay out of (a) thread"?

...and your Post #12, Today at 03:12 am(EDT)...was that an example of how you "stay out of (a) thread"?

paddoboy, did you "see" your Posts #8 and #12 "as necessary"?

to back Trippy, the same Trippy that has moderated me on two occasions, and which I accepted like a man, despite believing I was goaded into my indiscretions.
I also apologise to the forum in general for the actions of a couple here, that do seem to have a grudge for reasons known to themselves, and the petty waste of bandwidth and threads over personal nonsense.
- I cannot comment on the ^^above quoted^^.