Texas Tea Party/Republican Candidate or Congress advocates violence.

Conservatives want a Republican dictatorship. They don't believe in democracy. Anyone who holds power besides them are considered enimies of America, that's why they refuse to cooperate when another party is in power. It's funny how they threaten to use deadly force whenever they can't call all of the shots. And they have in the past, with the terrorist attacks on abortion clinics, the Olympic center, and the Oaklahoma federal building, the assasination of Dr. Tiller, plus the terrorist attack that was stoped by the California High Patrol (Byron Williams).
Conservatives want a Republican dictatorship. They don't believe in democracy. Anyone who holds power besides them are considered enimies of America, that's why they refuse to cooperate when another party is in power. It's funny how they threaten to use deadly force whenever they can't call all of the shots. And they have in the past, with the terrorist attacks on abortion clinics, the Olympic center, and the Oaklahoma federal building, the assasination of Dr. Tiller, plus the terrorist attack that was stoped by the California High Patrol (Byron Williams).

Gany, you are right Conservative don't believe in a Democracy, because we aren't a Democracy, We the People are a Constitutional Republic, that believes in Democracy, equality of all men.

Now since you have shown that Liberals believe we are Democracy, what is to prevent that Democracy from becoming a Dictatorship of the Majority, in which the Majority strip the Minority or their God Given Rights, as ensconced in our Constitution?

It is happening even as we speak, what is the battle cry of the Democratic Party?

Strip the Minority of their wealth to be redistributed to the Majority........

That only works for so long, till you run out of the Minorities money.
It is happening even as we speak, what is the battle cry of the Democratic Party?

Strip the Minority of their wealth to be redistributed to the Majority........

That only works for so long, till you run out of the Minorities money.

Actually, the rich are getting richer, all while the middle class works harder, longer, and receive less compensation.

As DailyFinance recently reported, a new study found that the recession's blows have fallen most heavily on lower-wage households. The study's subtitle says it all: "A Truly Great Depression Among the Nation's Low Income Workers Amidst Full Employment Among the Most Affluent."

On the opposite end of the spectrum, a new analysis of Internal Revenue Service data shows that over the last two decades, the wealthiest households in America experienced exploding income even as their tax burdens fell dramatically. And the recession has barely touched these lucky few.


Like I said, Conservatives want a Republican dictatorship.
joe, I have stopped reading most of your post past the first insult, all you demonstrate is the panic mode you are in, and the spin that you hope will support your collapsing little world.

Ah, right. :) Look at all the fingers pointing back at you mr. roam. You are the one casting the insults. You are the one who cannot support your positions with fact and reason. You are the one desperately trying to rationalize your positions and claims but are berift of fact and reason.

My world is doing quite well thank you. And ironically, it is you not me who is dependent on the government for the bread on his table and the roof over his head.

And it is you who cannot utter more than a few sentences without accusing someone of spin, when as a matter of fact that is all you do...24/7.

And a nice long example of "Tu quoque" yes anything to shift the focus off the Liberals and Democrats for their sins.

You don't seem to have a clue as to tu quoque as you seem to think that the fallacy can be realized with a question. That just goes to show you have no clue as to what you are talking about mr. roam...despite being given the definition and many examples.
joe in case you don't get it, the Tea Party Holds the RNC just as responsible for the mess we and the country are in, as the Democrats.

Yeah, that is why they want to vote the very same Republican rascals that caused this mess back into office. That is why they they are stomping on the heads of people demonstrating their right of freedom of speech. That is why they are spitting on those that disagree with them. That is why they, like you. ure suborning violent overthrow of the government should they loose at the ballot box.
The choice is between the fast road to Hell with the Democrats, or the High Road to Hell with the RNC, the only difference is the speed with which we get there.

No the choice is sanity versus insanity. The choice is wither we live our values or not. The choice is reason versus unreason...the choice is our Constitution means something or it means nothing.
Gany, you are right Conservative don't believe in a Democracy, because we aren't a Democracy, We the People are a Constitutional Republic, that believes in Democracy, equality of all men.

Now since you have shown that Liberals believe we are Democracy, what is to prevent that Democracy from becoming a Dictatorship of the Majority, in which the Majority strip the Minority or their God Given Rights, as ensconced in our Constitution?

That is why we have a Bill of Rights mr. roam...added to the Constitution as Admendments...to protect or "God given rights". The very rights you would surrender on a silver plate to further Republican/Tea Party power interests. You as our self proclaimed Constitutional expert should know that.

It is happening even as we speak, what is the battle cry of the Democratic Party?

And what battle cry would that be mr. roam? I don't see Democrats taking down unarmed women and stomping on them for exercising their God given rights.
Strip the Minority of their wealth to be redistributed to the Majority........

That only works for so long, till you run out of the Minorities money.

Do you have any proof that the minority is being stripped of its wealth? The minority in this country is doing quite well. It is the majority that is not doing so well. It is the majority that is quickly loosing its wealth. It is the middle class that are loosing jobs. It is the under educated that are loosing jobs. The well educated, well heeled are not loosing jobs.
Yes, joe how about the sentiments of our Founding Fathers who ensconced the Second Amendment into the Bill of Rights for the purpose of Americans removing a government that no longer answers to the People?

Thomas Jefferson Quote

"God forbid we should ever be twenty years without such a rebellion.
The people cannot be all, and always, well informed. The part which is
wrong will be discontented, in proportion to the importance of the facts
they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions,
it is lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. ...

And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not
warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of
resistance? Let them take arms.

The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and pacify
them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two?

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the
blood of patriots and tyrants.

It is its natural manure."

So what about the sentiments of Thomas Jefferson?​

your misusing that quote.
it is about insuring liberty and everyone's rights are protected. not about insuring one group can make sure everything happens the way it wants
If voting them out of office doesn't work--in the present case--that means that a majority of the voters do not agree with your position. If a majority of the voters do not agree with you, why should you be able to enact your minority viewpoint through the use or the threat of violence?
I think what he meant was what if you do vote them out of office, yet once the new guys get to DC they are simply absorbed by the establishment and it's business as usual. In other words, what do you do if and when government ceases to respond to the will of the people? You vote the Democrats in, and nothing changes. You vote them out of office and replace them with Republicans, and nothing changes.
The contentious issue here is not the suggestion that oppressive governments should be unseated by their citizens, but that the US government as it is currently constituted falls into that category (or, will if the GOP doesn't do well enough next month).

I think our government is oppressive. Sure; it's less oppressive that most of the other governments in the world. But that says more about the rest of the world than it does America.

The problem is that people tend to get the governments that they deserve. Our government sucks because, when it comes to political values, most people suck. If the goal is to have a free nation based on individual rights, some sort of Libertarian secessionist movement would make far more sense. A revolution may take the current government out of power, but you'd still be stuck with a country full of the idiots who put that government into power in the first place.
Actually, the rich are getting richer, all while the middle class works harder, longer, and receive less compensation.


And could it be that taxes are eating up that compensation? and even more of that compensation is going to dissapear in new taxes from the Democrat passed agenda.

Like I said, Conservatives want a Republican dictatorship.

Gany get real.
your misusing that quote.
it is about insuring liberty and everyone's rights are protected. not about insuring one group can make sure everything happens the way it wants

Exactly pj, and that is exactly what was meant by Mr. Jefferson, that the People are who insure liberty, not the Government.

Now just take a look at the way the Democrats have run the government in the last two years, "Republican need not bother", we will run the show.

No amendment from Republicans

No bills from Republicans

Nothing from a Conservative Republican will see the floor of congress.
joe spin all you want from you blind loyalty I gave up reading your absolutely partisan liberal trash talk.

You have all the objectivity of a Liberal Democrat.
joe spin all you want from you blind loyalty I gave up reading your absolutely partisan liberal trash talk.

You have all the objectivity of a Liberal Democrat.

LOL. mr. roam when you able to construct an arguement that does not rely on ad hominem, strawmen, and other fallacies, maybe you can be taken seriously.
And could it be that taxes are eating up that compensation? and even more of that compensation is going to dissapear in new taxes from the Democrat passed agenda

Gany get real.

It has been pointed out to you on numerous occasions that the US tax burden is the lowest it has been in some 50 years. But that little fact just shoots right over your head as with many other things buffal roam.


joe, now read you rown post and then look in the mirror, really look into the mirror.

Prove it mr. roam.

And answer the question. Are you suborning the violent overthrow of the US government? I think your refusal to answer the question is in itself very telling.
Exactly pj, and that is exactly what was meant by Mr. Jefferson, that the People are who insure liberty, not the Government.

Now just take a look at the way the Democrats have run the government in the last two years, "Republican need not bother", we will run the show.

No amendment from Republicans

No bills from Republicans

Nothing from a Conservative Republican will see the floor of congress.

Wrong the whole other party need not bother is the republican mode the dems offered every chance to particpate the republican refused too.
Sadly, millions of Americans feel that the middle class engine that drives the nation will continue to be exploited, degraded and eventually destroyed unless there is deliberate action against the current batch of policy makers, their staff and the support structure that enables the abuse of power that is so prevalent in US politics today.
The answer is NOT a violent revolution. It's far more simple. Make these fools in DC live by the same set of laws, rules and policies that they set for others. Start with term limits, make them part of the social security system, take away there publicly funded health care, retirement and self made pay scales and require that they've actually held a job with taxable income.
At that point you will see a renewed approach to governing.
Now, maybe the question is, if these changes were to be shown to be what the majority of people wanted, would the current DC goons abide? Or would they rather go out in a blaze of glory?

The middle class was destroyed by rich people. Wall street hired the GOP and effectively destroyed middle-class America. If there is going to be any kind of revolution it will be against the rich and GOP.
Not if the middle-class blame someone else.

The middle class does not believe in the typical liberal mantra;

It's all Wall Streets Fault​

The majority of the Middle Class recognizes that it is Washington that is the Problem, and the liberalism as practiced by the Democratics.