Tell me, It is wrong on Infection?

I'm not an immunologist or epidemiologist; I don't have definitive awnser

Too soon to tell.

Then direct Vaccine against this virus may be impossible. Other indirect routes may need to be checked.

Possibly. Viruses and bacteria adapt far more quickly than humans do. Covid-19 is a novel strain of corona virus that has not been studied in humans before. It appears to mutate even more rapidly than other members of its family, and it's possible that people who have been infected by one generation of Covid-19 will not be immune to future variants.

Horrible. Then other common targets may need to be evalued. Say eg. resisting fusion and intenalization.GL.

They'll certainly produce a vaccine. It may turn out to be ineffective, or partially or selectively effective.
It's also possible (I get the impression it's starting to look probable) that people who recover from the illness continue to have some of the virus in their system; it may go dormant and undetected by such tests as we currently have available. Of course, the virologists will continue to develop more accurate tests.


It may not.
Medical science proceeds by trying every method that might work, then discarding the ones that don't and further developing the ones that either do or could.

As above.
Developing Resistance is not an issue here.
We don't know yet. Maybe it takes longer than usual. Maybe our immune system just learns to cope without making us sicker than the usual flu. Maybe future variants won't make us sick. Maybe people will find a simple cure. Maybe it'll eventually kill us all.
There isn't much you can do about this, except wait and take reasonable precautions.
(And, for whatever's sake, don't listen to Trump!)
We don't know yet. Maybe it takes longer than usual. Maybe our immune system just learns to cope without making us sicker than the usual flu. Maybe future variants won't make us sick. Maybe people will find a simple cure. Maybe it'll eventually kill us all.
There isn't much you can do about this, except wait and take reasonable precautions.
(And, for whatever's sake, don't listen to Trump!)
We should not be so depressed or so dependent but go on trying.

Just study (For target at basic n common level):-

S proteinviral spike glycoproteina viral surface protein for binding to host cell receptor ACE2Arbidol

TMPRSS2transmembrane protease, serine 2a host cell-produced protease that primes S protein to facilitate its binding to ACE2camostat mesylatea
ACE2angiotensin-converting enzyme 2a viral receptor protein on the host cells which binds to viral S proteinArbidol

And this one as I also quoted previously:

Is there a blood (serology) test for COVID-19?
Scientists have recently developed blood tests that detect antibodies produced by the immune system in response to a SARS-CoV-2 infection, but these are not widely available yet. These serology tests detect IgG and IgM antibodies and will be useful in determining who has had COVID-19 in the past even though they might not have noticed any signs or symptoms and/or were not previously tested. These antibody tests also might be useful in determining who may be immune to the infection. However, they likely won’t be useful in diagnosing acutely ill patients because it can take several days for antibodies to develop and be detectable in the blood. /
Caveat: Kumar5 is quite likely to be looking for a way to introduce homeopathy into this discussion. He has a track record of starting seemingly unrelated subjects and working his way gradually round to homeopathy. He hasn't posted here for a couple of years and may be hoping everyone has forgotten last time. But I haven't:

It seems to me that Covid-19, which is now cutting a swathe through India, may be an irresistible opportunity for quacks, godmen and other types of charlatan.
Caveat: Kumar5 is quite likely to be looking for a way to introduce homeopathy into this discussion. He has a track record of starting seemingly unrelated subjects and working his way gradually round to homeopathy. He hasn't posted here for a couple of years and may be hoping everyone has forgotten last time. But I haven't:

It seems to me that Covid-19, which is now cutting a swathe through India, may be an irresistible opportunity for quacks, godmen and other types of charlatan.

Hello. I appreciate your memory but reject your understanding. Simply, I want to better understand odd and abnormal
happenings. Nothing homeopathy or alternative system thinking here. Pls contribute to OP.
Concerns related OP are well explained on this link:

"Immunity to Covid-19 is not as clear cut as we might hope – but understanding who is immune and why will be key to finding a treatment. "

Nothing is yet very clear but everything is suspected. Even though Immunological memory is not developed in this case still Antibodies
can be developed and Innate immune system may also do something which can take care of infection for sometime subject to ist time exposure. Okay?
Hello. I appreciate your memory but reject your understanding. Simply, I want to better understand odd and abnormal
happenings. Nothing homeopathy or alternative system thinking here. Pls contribute to OP.
That's what you said last time, too. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, in the hope that by raising the issue now I may make you disinclined to try it on later. :D

It is hard to contribute at the moment, as this thread seems a bit disjointed. Regarding the development of immunity to this virus, my limited understanding is that there are some key things we can't yet be sure about.

Firstly, we don't know whether after people have been exposed once they have enough immunity to avoid a second infection. Usually one expects that but it is not always true.

Secondly, the immune system has several ways to fight off an infection. Developing antibodies is one of them. Another is via T cells. Antibodies are proteins made in the body that bind to an antigen on the virus , preventing it from working. T cells work differently, by destroying any cells within the body that have become infected with the virus, thereby preventing it from reproducing. I have read suggestions that in this case not many antibodies are always produced, so it may be that T cells are the body's principal defence against the virus. If that should prove to be true, a vaccine can still - so I read - work, because it can "train" the T cells to recognise infection with the virus. However, looking for antibodies via a test may not be a useful way to tell whether a person has immunity or not. So this question has an impact on what test-based strategies for control of the epidemic we can use.

So I'm afraid it is just too early to know what is going to work and how we can tell whether or not a person may be immune. This is not surprising since the virus has only been in the human population for 6 months. The rate of progress is actually astonishing. Clinical trials of vaccines are already now in progress. The Oxford one is due to be complete in August, I think, though I understand they are now worried that the control measures against the virus may make it harder for the volunteers to get themselves infected!

Until then all we can do is stay calm, follow a balanced diet, possibly with vitamin D supplement to ensure our immune system is in good order, practise hygiene and social distancing - and read the serious media to follow progress.

(The BBC article linked in your previous post strikes me as a very good one, by the way.)
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That's what you said last time, too. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, in the hope that by raising the issue now I may make you disinclined to try it on later. :D
(The BBC article linked in your previous post strikes me as a very good one, by the way.)

Thanks for detailed explanation. To my limited knowledge, it tells me that since much antibodies are not developed and also immunological memory is not acquired by exposure, it will mean that no natural active immunity is developed. I do not understand, how T cells are not already trained and how we can develop Vaccine which can train better to T Cells? Does it also suggest we have to depend only on innate immune system and on T Cells? Then what about plasma therapy and anti viral medicines? Can we expect something from these esp those which I quoted previously?
Thanks for detailed explanation. To my limited knowledge, it tells me that since much antibodies are not developed
Antibodies are developed.
and also immunological memory is not acquired by exposure
That's what we don't know yet.
Then what about plasma therapy and anti viral medicines?
Convalescent therapy - works because antibodies exist
Viral medicines - work to some degree because they tend to inhibit viral propagation, but they do not work well on COVID-19.
They are related, but you can create antibodies and not generate immunologic memory.
Okay thanks. Does it suggest we do not acquire natural active immunity from the exposure of this virus? If so, it can also mean vaccine against it can also be not possible?
Okay thanks. Does it suggest we do not acquire natural active immunity from the exposure of this virus? If so, it can also mean vaccine against it can also be not possible?
No one knows. About all we know is that people are less likely to develop immunity against this virus. How much less? We don't know. Does that mean a vaccine based on standard methods (deactivated viruses) is less likely to work? Probably. Does that mean that another form of vaccine might work better? Perhaps. There are a lot of ways to make vaccines.
Antibodies are developed.

That's what we don't know yet.

Convalescent therapy - works because antibodies exist
Viral medicines - work to some degree because they tend to inhibit viral propagation, but they do not work well on COVID-19.
Antibody test for it is not yet concluded. Yes it can only work if sufficient antibodies are developed. Then it can also mean, antibodies are developed even after first low grade infection which will make a person immune to 2nd bigger infection. Does it happen?

Antivirals have many actions. We need to understand which will act best to control this virus and to its variants at same time for really effective control.
No one knows. About all we know is that people are less likely to develop immunity against this virus. How much less? We don't know. Does that mean a vaccine based on standard methods (deactivated viruses) is less likely to work? Probably. Does that mean that another form of vaccine might work better? Perhaps. There are a lot of ways to make vaccines.
Can you tell few other ways for making vaccines then using deactivated virus?
Can you tell few other ways for making vaccines then using deactivated virus?
Well you can:

Kill the virus and inject that (common.)
Attenuate the virus by "force-evolving" it to be less virulent, then inject that
Fragment the virus and then inject it. That will tend to create different antibodies since different antigens are exposed. They may work better or worse.
Determine whether the virus expresses any unique proteins in-vivo. Culture them and inject them. The immune response is then targeted to cells expressing those proteins, not the virus itself.
It is now thought that viruses communicate via "quorum sensing", just like bacteria..
If so, they can use chemical "words" to confuse the viruses so that they don't know when to become viral. The great benefit to this method is that it prevents bacteria and viruses from becoming immune, as when you kill them and only a few immune individuals survive and start a new cycle.
Rendering viruses "deaf" to each other does not kill them directly, it prevents them from acting in concert.
Jun 18, 2019 · Molecular biologist Bonnie Bassler and her graduate student Justin Silpe have found that viruses can use quorum-sensing chemicals released by bacteria to determine when best to start multiplying ..
The secret social lives of viruses
Scientists are listening in on the ways viruses communicate and cooperate. Decoding what the microbes are saying could be a boon to human health.
........, but when he and his team at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel, looked into the contents of their flasks, they saw something completely unexpected: the bacteria were silent, and it was the viruses that were chattering away, passing notes to each other in a molecular language only they could understand. They were deciding together when to lie low in the host cell and when to replicate and burst out, in search of new victims

Looks like we can play god to viruses and "confuse their language" (Genesis 11:7).
Well you can:

Kill the virus and inject that (common.)
Attenuate the virus by "force-evolving" it to be less virulent, then inject that
Fragment the virus and then inject it. That will tend to create different antibodies since different antigens are exposed. They may work better or worse.
Determine whether the virus expresses any unique proteins in-vivo. Culture them and inject them. The immune response is then targeted to cells expressing those proteins, not the virus itself.
Thanks. But will all these options can still develop immunological memory or enhanced immunity against COVID?
It is now thought that viruses communicate via "quorum sensing", just like bacteria..
If so, they can use chemical "words" to confuse the viruses so that they don't know when to become viral. The great benefit to this method is that it prevents bacteria and viruses from becoming immune, as when you kill them and only a few immune individuals survive and start a new cycle.
Rendering viruses "deaf" to each other does not kill them directly, it prevents them from acting in concert.
The secret social lives of viruses
Scientists are listening in on the ways viruses communicate and cooperate. Decoding what the microbes are saying could be a boon to human health.

Looks like we can play god to viruses and "confuse their language" (Genesis 11:7).
Are you pointing about Disease modifying therapies by DMDs?