Telekinesis is Fake.


Dr. of Physics, Prof. of Love
Valued Senior Member

Sean Carroll (CalTech) explains why.

Sean Carroll said:
On meter-sized scales, relevant to bending a spoon with your mind, the strongest possible allowed new force would be about one billionth the strength of gravity. And remember, gravity is far too weak to bend a spoon.

That’s it. We are done. The deep lesson is that, although science doesn’t know everything, it’s not “anything goes,” either. There are well-defined regimes of physical phenomena where we do know how things work, full stop. The place to look for new and surprising phenomena is outside those regimes. You don’t need to set up elaborate double-blind protocols to pass judgment on the abilities of purported psychics. Our knowledge of the laws of physics rules them out. Speculations to the contrary are not the provenance of bold visionaries, they are the dreams of crackpots.

What about poltergiests? this seems to be somthing that has been shown as a very real possibility and since most poltergiests seem to gather around or be caused by young kids going through puberty it would build a good case for Telekinesis.

Also there are a few 'real' videos from the government [air force] showing a man opening locks one after the other [let me work on it and i will track down the DARPA link for you] the video was meant as an in house informative video not as a hype film on Telekinesis. So it should be worth at least a look.
What about poltergiests? this seems to be somthing that has been shown as a very real possibility and since most poltergiests seem to gather around or be caused by young kids going through puberty it would build a good case for Telekinesis.

Or the fact that young kids going through puberty might have active imaginations.

lol, ya it does seem to be a hard to belive occurrence, one I have never seen. I will try and find that Air Force Video for you though.
Another good point was raised in the comments on the blog. If telekinesis were real, organisms which had telekinetic powers would be at a distinct advantage, and so would make more attractive mates. This means that humanity should evolve telekinetic powers. But I don't have telekinetic powers. And most people I know think the idea is bullshit, so I know THEY don't have telekinetic powers.
And most people I know think the idea is bullshit, so I know THEY don't have telekinetic powers.
But how better to hide our abilities than in the throng of skeptics.

Ooops - was that another spoon I've bent!
Another good point was raised in the comments on the blog. If telekinesis were real, organisms which had telekinetic powers would be at a distinct advantage, and so would make more attractive mates. This means that humanity should evolve telekinetic powers. But I don't have telekinetic powers. And most people I know think the idea is bullshit, so I know THEY don't have telekinetic powers.
Take a look at human history and you will see that people who even had an interest in such things tended to be burned.
Oh, yes, the history of science shows that one can always rule out possible phenomena from current knowledge. Duh.

Well, if you would have read the post, you would have found that Carroll explains the limits on fifth forces---so that any force which could act on the spoon would have to be about a billion times weaker than gravity.

Telekinesis and pretty much every other supernatural "phenomenon" (is something a phenomenon if it has never happened?) ever posited strikes me as roughly analogous to a mathematical theory of what we can infer from falsehood: While one can go about its study in a scientific manner, there's absolutely no reason to do so. It's completely useless, and can be dismissed out of hand. Doing so is not ignorance, arrogance or blindness - it's perfectly reasonable.
Telekinesis is a magic trick that many Gypsy's have used to perform there tricks to earn money when it was first introduced. Nowadays it is still a magic trick and only should be thought of as that, a trick.
Telekinesis and pretty much every other supernatural "phenomenon" (is something a phenomenon if it has never happened?) ever posited strikes me as roughly analogous to a mathematical theory of what we can infer from falsehood: While one can go about its study in a scientific manner, there's absolutely no reason to do so. It's completely useless, and can be dismissed out of hand. Doing so is not ignorance, arrogance or blindness - it's perfectly reasonable.

Dismission an assertion and not backed up with enough evidence is one thing. Stating a hypothesis about what is really going on is another thing. To dismiss something does not require back up. To assert that this or that is true, that needs back up and evidence. People who think of themselves as having a scientific worldview are not exempt from that worldview when it comes to their own assertions.

That was what I was reacting to.

'Rationalists' often assume 'because they are right' they can make up theories about what is really going in relation to anomalous experiences or those who believe in them or interpret them differently.

That is silly.