Talk with the animals?


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Do you think its possible to actually talk to animals? i think it may be possible... and no im not crazy, but sometimes it seems like my rabbit, Cocoa, is trying to talk to me. One time my lil sister was being especialy mean to my rabbit and i walked into the room and my rabbit looked at me and moved her mouth as if she was talking yet there was no food in her mouth or anything.... i dono...
if it was anything, animals lack the vocal cordination too use words, it might have been telepathy. i dont usually read about people using telepathy with other animals though using it with other huans is simple, probobly becasue we are used to the mind structure or something?
I was walking down a street one time in Japan and this dog was in the backseat of some car, with its head out the window. As it passed by me, it looked at me, looked away, then quickly looked straight back at me. Mighty weird. But I felt special in that dog's eyes for a sec. So, I'm in agreeance with dexter--there may be some telepathic play involved. Then again, there's dolphins.
wat do u mean "theres dolfins?" becasue they can communicate by vocals? i did not mean that <i>all</i> animals, i accaully forgot about dolfins. and wales. they sing songs...

it is a very strange subject.
I remember an Onion article about <a href="">dolphins</a> that got me laughing. Something about them developing opposable thumbs which causes us humans to become uncomfortable.

Anyway, it would be tremendously interesting (to me at least) to find out just what animals are thinking about. There was a story in <i>Congo</i> (a not-quite good M Crichton book) about communicating with gorillas. The liaison was a gorilla that knew sign language. The key was to get this signing gorilla to communicate with regular gorillas and then to transliterate back to the human researchers what the gorillas were saying. Nothing really came of it in the book, but I thought it an interesting idea.

Well, don't know what else to say on this. Good points, though.

My friend told me once that i was a rabbit in my past life... maybe that has something to do with it .. like relating to rabbits or being with one alot. Yeah ive heard of dolphines communicating too (dolphins are my fave. animals! :))
I read somewhere that there was an ongoing experiment where a dolphin and a gorilla were actually communicating vary basically. I don't know anything else about the experiments but it sounded intriguing.
it's a given!

I wonder about animals, too...then I remember my con artist of a cat and KNOW for sure...I believe communication could be possible. I would think, though, that animals would use more of an imagery based thought structure than do humans. I mean, when you think silently to yourself, you say words in your least most people do. But there sometimes when you see your thoughts as actual happenings or you feel them. I think that when an animal is hungry, it doesn't say in dogspeak, "Man, I'm pretty hungry!" But I think it DOES have a fleeting image of maybe its food bowl being filled, or something. If humans could communicate directly with animals through telepathy then that's the way it would be done. Imagery...anyway, that's what I think... :)O)

Originally posted by pragmathen
I remember an Onion article about <a href="">dolphins</a> that got me laughing. Something about them developing opposable thumbs which causes us humans to become uncomfortable.

Anyway, it would be tremendously interesting (to me at least) to find out just what animals are thinking about. There was a story in <i>Congo</i> (a not-quite good M Crichton book) about communicating with gorillas. The liaison was a gorilla that knew sign language. The key was to get this signing gorilla to communicate with regular gorillas and then to transliterate back to the human researchers what the gorillas were saying. Nothing really came of it in the book, but I thought it an interesting idea.

Well, don't know what else to say on this. Good points, though.
IF interested about telepathy and what has been found in dolphins is that dolphins well aproach each other comunicating with youre typical dolphin vocal language clicks etc. on their aproach to one another and then once they come close to each other one of two things well happen they well turn and go their seperate ways or they well go with one another side by side swiming rite next to each other with out uttering another single dolphin word. Now if you ask me two creatures that aparently found eachother interesting enough to spend the day with the vocal comunication skills that they most deffinatly do have, it is interesting that they would just stop talking altogether so they must not of stopped talking but rather are able to comunicate telepathicaly with one another if the trust and understaning is there. And I beleive they are verry spiritualy advanced creatures and in order for humans to truly understand these creatures we need to step up our evelution as spiritual beings first and farmost.

That stuff about the dolphins is really cool! I never knew that. I dont understand why some ppl would be uncomfy cuz dolphins might grow opposible thumbs, it would help their species and if they even do or have evolved to our level of intelegence, i think it would be really cool to talk to a dolphin.
dolfins have near or equal intellegence in comparison to humans, it is the the oposable thumbs is the major benafactor in there growth as a species
Re:well lets look at our leval of intellegence

Originally posted by typha
That stuff about the dolphins is really cool! I never knew that. I dont understand why some ppl would be uncomfy cuz dolphins might grow opposible thumbs, it would help their species and if they even do or have evolved to our level of intelegence, i think it would be really cool to talk to a dolphin.
The human race is of high intellegence yes, but as far as being more advanced than a dolphin or a whale is sompthing interesting to look at with an open mind for a moment. Look at what you are reffering to as advanced in a species. external technoligy is not our gift to the world it may merley only be our cruch. Only to give us the help we need until maybe we can do these things for our selves. what is so amazingly evolved about us? we have the worst vision, sinse of smell,ability to heare ability to swim, run,jump, or even think of fly. work as a team. I would say humans are verry far behind in many ways. Of course you would say but we can build machines that can make us fast and make us fly and all the woderful things that we have to kill each other with and destroy our planet with. And if only more animals could learn to be like us what a beutiful world this would be. Now thats a bit radicle but true, and only to make the point that you already know. our technoligy will eventualy work to make the world a better place, and once the right people decide it is time we can use the technoligy we already have to clean our enviorment and produce energy that will no longer pollute our air and our water and our ozone and once collectivly as a species we work as one for all we can evolve into a creature worth spending some quality time with some dolphins that are not busy drowning in a tuna net.
Originally posted by dexter
dolfins have near or equal intellegence in comparison to humans, it is the the oposable thumbs is the major benafactor in there growth as a species
If dolphins or any other animal for that matter have near or equal intellegence, why dont they do anything but eat and sleep and swim around. I mean i know you can teach animals tricks, but thats about it. I find it highly improbable that any animal has the same intellegence as a human. they cant talk, get a job, or do anything but tricks. i think they are capable of learning things but i dont know. any opinions....
Without the thumbs there is not much that they can do but what vocal abilities that they have, thinking, and socializing. The ape is a slightly different case. In rudimentary form they are known to be tool users also. There was a Discovery Channel thing on it. The "tool" used was a stick to better get the grub (I think it was) out of a hole it was in. However, that is not to say that these animals have the desirer to do what humans do. For the apes it is obviously not the case. For the dolphin, they couldn't if they wanted to.

I seem to remember something about some tests with monkeys and the possibility of communicating with them in a symbolic language. Ours is judged to be to complicated for them to learn.

But I think that mostly animals that are domesticated and dependent upon us for food and care wish or visualize what it is they want. I have no proof of this and it is merely speculation. But the fact that they are domesticated seems for the majority to remove the independence and allow them to wait for us to dispense care and attention.