Magical Realist
Valued Senior Member
LOL! Methinks the ladies doth protest too much.
Laughing is not a form of protest, it's just inevitable when you're in a thread.LOL! Methinks the ladies doth protest too much.
what more proof do you want than a head there is no need for dna..
Well two days ago a mate paid me a vist.
He is a rational down to Earth guy, full on atheist ( you think I am full on in that department well he literally goes red in the face when he recalls the bullshit he endured) as he was educated in a Catholic school, but he watches some tv show on bigfoot and unfortunately is rather convinced they exist.
I said well do they have any dna samples that should sort fact from fiction...yes they had a head of one somewhere or other...good then they could get dna and see what they are...answer...what more proof do you want than a head there is no need for dna...but they could fake a head and thats been done they are real no dna testing needed.
So I changed the subject.
Yeh thats crazy everyone knows they dont drink booze. .. not like the witnesses.question
Well you are correct they dont come on the free tv ( he sees it on what you would call cable)'ve never watched a Bigfoot documentary in your whole life have you? I wonder why that is?
I find if you ignore these things is best.
You seem quite taken by the prospect of Bigfoot not existing. What happens if he exists? Will your world fall apart?
Well no it would not fall apart.You seem quite taken by the prospect of Bigfoot not existing. What happens if he exists? Will your world fall apart?
Well no it would not fall apart.
I would be happy to find that my belief that most humans make stuff up in that case was not correct.
So if you watch Lord of the Rings you take it as fact I these 3 Russian boys that just made up their video of a furry biped and footprints. these 3 Russian boys that just made up their video of a furry biped and footprints.
So if you watch Lord of the Rings you take it as fact I guess.
Just lets wait for the dna results.
No..let's look at videos and eyewitness accounts and footprints. That's called examining the evidence. You science?
Video black something - way to far away to know what
Footprints in snow with strange walking pattern
What did I miss?
Compelling footage of 3 boys following giant footprints out in a snowy field and coming up on a tall hairy biped that stands still for about 10 seconds and then darts away. And then the 3 boys hightailing it out of there and cussing like sailors. Just that.. Here it is again:
No..let's look at videos and eyewitness accounts and footprints. That's called examining the evidence. You science?
lets get some dna for big foot