Suicide Bomb Attack at Manchester Concert


Valued Senior Member
It was an Ariana Grande concert just finishing at Manchester Arena, the city's largest concert venue, filled with teenage girls. As they were all exiting, somebody detonated what appears to have been a fairly professional nail bomb in the foyer.

Police verify 19 dead and approximately 50 wounded (Sky news says 59), some injured very badly. Witnesses say there was blood everywhere. In terms of casualties, this appears to be the largest terrorist attack in Britain since the tube bombings in London.

American security commentators are noting that this displays a level of sophistication much higher than the recent lone-wolf knife and car attacks. Somebody constructed the bomb and they seem to have known what they were doing. Filled with nails, nuts and bolts and detonated in a crowded 'soft target', it was obviously meant to cause maximum carnage.

Presumably the British security people have the suicide bomber's body (reported reduced by the explosion to scattered parts) that they can hopefully identify, so they can trace back that individual's contacts and associations.
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Official death toll has risen to 22. 59 seriously injured in hospital. The Northwest Ambulance Service says 60 ambulances responded. Hundreds of police. The whole area is still shut down, including the adjoining train station. Bus and light-rail routes are disrupted throughout the region. Apparently there are fewer people on the downtown streets than normal and police are reminding residents that Manchester is still 'open for business'.

The explosion was detonated by a young male, who died in the attack. (He was reportedly blown to pieces.)

The police know his identity but haven't publicly identified him as they are trying to round up his associates. They say that he was known to the police/security services prior to the bombing but aren't providing the details. ISIS is taking credit.

CBS "News" in the US, accompanied by NBC "News" have already released what they say is the attacker's name. (It's an islamic name.) Whether these outlets are inventing the name or whether it was leaked to them by the totally-unprofessional US security services after the British provided them with it is unknown. (They will never reveal how they obtained it.)

Theresa May and the politicians are expressing the usual platitudes. "We abhor...' and "Our hearts go out..." etc.

Raids have been taking place and presumably still are in several places in south Manchester. Several arrests and a 'controlled detonation' of what might have been suspected explosives. So events are unfolding even though the police (at least the British police) aren't talking about the details for obvious reasons.

It's interesting to observe that this happened while Trump was visiting Israel and expressing his solidarity with the Israelis.
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Yesterday it was surprisingly slow developing in terms of receiving top-grade significance from the news media. Either BBC World News or PBS news, or both, stuck it on as a last-minute curiosity at the end / middle of the late afternoon installments. Broadcast networks interrupted programming later that evening to discuss it for a few minutes, but didn't close down the whole night with focus on such as they've often done with major occurrences. Part of it may have been due to prolonged confusion over just what had happened (accident or deliberate?), and professed doubt as to whether it was terrorist caused or not. (Though that arguably hasn't deterred hurling massive attention on initial stage, information-scarce events in the past.) Or maybe the commercial "glamour" or feverish ratings draw of potential terrorism acts (but only in the early going) is wearing off as they become commonplace occurrences in Western countries.
The British police have identified the bomber as 23 year old Salman Abedi, born of Libyan refugee parents and raised in Britain. Some stories say that the parents have returned to Libya while the kids remained behind in Britain.

There are photos of the home where he lived being raided by dozens of armed anti-terrorist police and it appears to be a large red-brick home in a nice leafy neighborhood. Not slum housing at all. The police detonated an explosive to gain entry, perhaps suspecting possible booby-traps.

Neighbors were ordered to stay indoors during the operation. They told reporters that Abedi started growing out his crazy-beard recently and was seen chanting what the neighbors thought were Islamic prayers in front of his house not long ago. (Maybe that was when he decided on the plan to blow himself up.) His sister wears a crazy-scarf.

There are photos of a police forensic technician carrying what looked like a loose-leaf school lab manual out of the house entitled "Know Your Chemicals", along with others removing what looked like small amounts of chemicals, kitchen measuring utensils and such things. (Kitchen chemistry.)

Still not clear whether this guy had any help or co-conspirators. If the sister lived there, she had to know something and probably needs to be arrested.
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Reaping the inevitable consequence of the far greater slaughter inflicted by the 'freedom loving West' on progressively the entire ME, there are those in 'the freedom loving West' who will waste no time capitalizing on the odd terrorist attack. To bulldoze through legislation ensuring our Western freedoms are dramatically further eroded. All 'for the good of society at large', or so it is being sold to a public they know will grudgingly acquiesce to Orwellian omni-surveillance in order to 'catch the bad guys':
The then bill has since become the Act. As more inevitable terror attacks materialize, expect further tightening and enhancement, similarly throughout the EU and other 'democratic societies'. And nearly all welcoming in a tidal wave of future radicalized multicultural citizens. Clash of civilizations brewing nicely. Police states brewing nicely (problem-reaction-solution). All going according to script. So much win-win here for psychopaths pulling strings behind the curtain.
Reaping the inevitable consequence of the far greater slaughter inflicted by the 'freedom loving West' on progressively the entire ME, there are those in 'the freedom loving West' who will waste no time capitalizing on the odd terrorist attack. To bulldoze through legislation ensuring our Western freedoms are dramatically further eroded. All 'for the good of society at large', or so it is being sold to a public they know will grudgingly acquiesce to Orwellian omni-surveillance in order to 'catch the bad guys':
The then bill has since become the Act. As more inevitable terror attacks materialize, expect further tightening and enhancement, similarly throughout the EU and other 'democratic societies'. And nearly all welcoming in a tidal wave of future radicalized multicultural citizens. Clash of civilizations brewing nicely. Police states brewing nicely (problem-reaction-solution). All going according to script. So much win-win here for psychopaths pulling strings behind the curtain.
I sometimes feel like that but actually I don't think the prognosis is quite so bad as you make out. We managed to put up with several decades of Oiarreigh terrorism without turning the country into an Orwellian nightmare. Just had no bins on station concourses, and a lot of fuzz about the place. I do think the authorities are aware of the need to keep an open society.

I am somewhat encouraged that the muslim community in Britain does seem, gradually, to be becoming more aware of its special responsibilities to deter this sort of thing and help the authorities catch those who seem to be going the wrong way. It has been 12 years since the last successful bomb attack and the cops and MI5 break up several plots each year, by all accounts.

I do agree with you, though, that a lot of this is the blowback from stupid and quite unnecessary military adventurism by the USA and the UK, 14 years ago.
I sometimes feel like that but actually I don't think the prognosis is quite so bad as you make out. We managed to put up with several decades of Oiarreigh terrorism without turning the country into an Orwellian nightmare. Just had no bins on station concourses, and a lot of fuzz about the place. I do think the authorities are aware of the need to keep an open society.
True the IRA terrorist campaign ended without any radical change in UK society. But it never had the potential for continent wide social disruption now emerging. And the UK is about the least vulnerable to a visible strong-arm police state. But a huge problem or rather raft of problems lies ahead for all Western societies.
I am somewhat encouraged that the muslim community in Britain does seem, gradually, to be becoming more aware of its special responsibilities to deter this sort of thing and help the authorities catch those who seem to be going the wrong way.
There is always that segment of community leaders and spokespersons desperate to smooth things over. But given the imo callously and carefully planned rapid change in demographics underway throughout European and European heritage based societies, a vast powder-keg situation is being constructed. Coupled with continued unwelcome meddling in the affairs of the homelands of those tidal waves of immigrants settling into ghettoized no-go zones, breeding radicalized terrorists who occasionally act on their fanaticism and anger, sooner or later a lighted match at the right time and civil war is not hard to predict. It's at that stage a strong-arm Police state will be seen as a desperately needed solution to the easily predicted-in-advance problem.
It has been 12 years since the last successful bomb attack and the cops and MI5 break up several plots each year, by all accounts.
I do agree with you, though, that a lot of this is the blowback from stupid and quite unnecessary military adventurism by the USA and the UK, 14 years ago.
One can hope your evident expectation that the past is a good guide to the future will pan out. I have no such optimism.
True the IRA terrorist campaign ended without any radical change in UK society. But it never had the potential for continent wide social disruption now emerging. And the UK is about the least vulnerable to a visible strong-arm police state. But a huge problem or rather raft of problems lies ahead for all Western societies.

There is always that segment of community leaders and spokespersons desperate to smooth things over. But given the imo callously and carefully planned rapid change in demographics underway throughout European and European heritage based societies, a vast powder-keg situation is being constructed. Coupled with continued unwelcome meddling in the affairs of the homelands of those tidal waves of immigrants settling into ghettoized no-go zones, breeding radicalized terrorists who occasionally act on their fanaticism and anger, sooner or later a lighted match at the right time and civil war is not hard to predict. It's at that stage a strong-arm Police state will be seen as a desperately needed solution to the easily predicted-in-advance problem.

One can hope your evident expectation that the past is a good guide to the future will pan out. I have no such optimism.
No go zones? Where?
The British police have identified the bomber as 23 year old Salman Abedi, born of Libyan refugee parents and raised in Britain. Some stories say that the parents have returned to Libya while the kids remained behind in Britain.

There are photos of the home where he lived being raided by dozens of armed anti-terrorist police and it appears to be a large red-brick home in a nice leafy neighborhood. Not slum housing at all. The police detonated an explosive to gain entry, perhaps suspecting possible booby-traps.

Neighbors were ordered to stay indoors during the operation. They told reporters that Abedi started growing out his crazy-beard recently and was seen chanting what the neighbors thought were Islamic prayers in front of his house not long ago. (Maybe that was when he decided on the plan to blow himself up.) His sister wears a crazy-scarf.

There are photos of a police forensic technician carrying what looked like a loose-leaf school lab manual out of the house entitled "Know Your Chemicals", along with others removing what looked like small amounts of chemicals, kitchen measuring utensils and such things. (Kitchen chemistry.)

Still not clear whether this guy had any help or co-conspirators. If the sister lived there, she had to know something and probably needs to be arrested.
Seems the bomb is considered relatively sophisticated, suggesting that the suicide bomber may, I say may, have not acted alone. Therefore security alert has been raised, in case there are more where that came from. If there are, the presumption may be that they will be used quickly, before the authorities have a chance to track down whatever network exists. We shall see. Meanwhile life goes on as normal, of course......
There are photos of a police forensic technician carrying what looked like a loose-leaf school lab manual out of the house entitled "Know Your Chemicals"

Another British news story says that 'Know Your Chemicals' might be a police-issue manual for forensic technicians. They brought out what appeared to be samples of chemicals found in Salman Abedi's residence atop an ironing board and were running what looked like field presumptive tests on them.

Seems the bomb is considered relatively sophisticated

Yes, that's what people with security expertise here in America are saying, observing events from afar.

suggesting that the suicide bomber may, I say may, have not acted alone.

Raids are continuing on Wednesday and there have been three more arrests. The Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police says "It's very clear this is a network we are investigating." He refuses to say, and perhaps doesn't know, whether the bomb-maker is still at large.
Raids are continuing on Wednesday and there have been three more arrests. The Chief Constable of the Greater Manchester Police says "It's very clear this is a network we are investigating." He refuses to say, and perhaps doesn't know, whether the bomb-maker is still at large.

Probably good reason to keep a lid on it even if he does, especially in terms of keeping information away from US agencies. Trump is hardly the only "offender" in that context, anymore, when it comes to revealing the confidential data of or from other countries: Amber Rudd criticises US for leaking Manchester terror attack information.

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Apparently Salman Abedi was visiting Libya until just a few says before he set off his bomb in Manchester. The French Interior Minister say that he may have visited Syria as well, but that isn't as certain.

Salman's younger brother Hashem Abedi is in Libya and some Libyan anti-terrorist group has taken the brother into custody. The brother has reportedly confessed that he knew all about the bombing plot and declared his allegiance to ISIS. Their father, Rahman Abedi, has also been arrested in Libya. (Rahman used to do the calls-to-prayer at one of Manchester's larger mosques, reportedly known for its radical salafist preaching. His kids all attended it.)

But other reports are saying that Salman's mother informed the British security services several years ago that Salman had gone over to the dark-side and could be dangerous. Reportedly several of his schoolmates did the same. Unclear if that's really true, whether the security services simply dropped the ball, or whether there was nothing to justify arresting Salman at the time (they are only supposed to arrest you after you do something) and they didn't have the resources to keep him under surveillance for years until he acted.

A question that I have is where did the Abedi family get its money? They seem to have owned, or at least occupied, various properties around Manchester. These premises look nice in the photos and aren't located in deprived neighborhoods. And the family seems to have freely jetted all over.

Yet Salman is a college dropout (Salford U.) who worked in a bakery, and his father was some kind of airport security guard (kind of ironic).

There's something... odd... there that the British authorities need to investigate. Perhaps they were conducting some under-the-table illegal business or perhaps some organization was funding them. How were they paying their bills? What kind of deposits were made to their accounts?
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No go zones? Where?
Two among many hits from simply doing a web search with any appropriate phrase. There are also hits that pretend such no-go neighborhoods are 'fake' but it's such BS that is fake. The relentless continued influx, coupled with the fact of below-reproduction birth rates of host populations vs massive birth rates among the mainly ME refugees, and one just notes the ethnic numbers graphs will cross sooner rather than later in some host countries.
Civil war is the expected and by some eagerly anticipated outcome somewhat before the graphs actually cross. Total incompatibility of cultures and total commitment of refugees to their Islamic culture imo guarantees this will happen. And in the meantime we become accustomed to the Total Surveillance State as 'a good thing'.
Terrorism is ‘part and parcel of living in a big city’ get used to it.
Sadiq Khan, London mayor

Illegal immigrants crossing the Canadian border with the USA are 'positive' and 'exciting'.
- Justin Trudeau, Canadian PM

Islamic terrorism is and will be a 'part of our daily lives for years to come'.
- Emmanuel Macron, President of France

So, it takes a lot of investment, time and money, to raise children. The thing is, Socialism, in the form of Progressive policies (used to buy off the free-sh*t army of voters, like: "FREE" health care) cost a lot more money than the State can milk out of its tax chattel. I mean, that's why it's called "Free Healthcare" because it seems to be "Free".

But, it's not free.

How to pay? Well, the first option is to incentivise the tax herd into not personally caring for their own offspring, but instead choosing to work 40+ hours a week (hence, the State provides 'FREE' daycare and K-12 starting as early as possible). With mothers full-time in the workforce, that'll generate more tax.

But, this is the thing, once that's normalized to, and all that money is spent on more free-sh*t, then what's a B.Sing politician got to sell?

More free sh*t of course!

Oh, but that costs a lot of money without the kids to pay for it all. Suddenly, life is getting a little tough.... what with having to pay for sh*t instead of getting it for free....

Cognitive dissonance sets in. Which is what we see now: The French, Germans, Swedish, English, etc... voters can't understand why they can't have their cake, and eat it too. AKA: Free-sh*t, but without working for it, including raising enough children to pay for what they took for 'FREE'. See: most of these T-Bonds were sold on their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and while selling T-Bonds is a nifty little accounting trick, over here in the real world, we need real people to produce real goods and services.

THUS: Immigration.
*POOF* Instant tax chattel, without having to had put in all the upfront time and energy of raising children! It's a win-win!

...... except, no more children, no more society.


Oh, and the added kicker, is we get to live with all the problems of multiculturalism Because, in the words of Justin TippyToes, "Diversity Is Our Strength".

Which brings us full circle:

Terrorism is ‘part and parcel of living in a big city’ get used to it.
Sadiq Khan, London mayor

Welcome to the final conclusion of Progressive Socialism, the snake choking on its tail.

Note: In Japan, big cities are quite safe. So, actually, no you don't have to get used to it. Not at all. At least not in a smart society that's monocultureal. Then, you can live in a humongous city, the largest in the world in fact, and your children are not only safe to attend a concert, but they can walk through this big city, take a train to school, all while being perfectly safe. Imagine a 6-year-old walking safely through any of the streets of London, taking a train to wherever, getting off and walking - all at AGE 6. Without parents. Perfectly normal life in a normal big city.
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...THUS: Immigration...
That preceding explanation, and subsequent bits looks ok superficially - shitty things just happen because - Progressive Socialism (to use your vernacular).
Except - there's plenty of in your face evidence these shiity happenings are not nebulous outcomes but the result of a carefully crafted long-term strategy, honed over millennia in fact. One key to seeing that is to look for extreme examples of two-faced hypocrisy. I know some here detest YT but it is a great resource. Anyway:
Etc. etc. etc.
For those who wish to instantly label me anti-Semitic for exposing the bleeding obvious truth, i suggest you first ask yourselves - could it be it's a case of ancient origins anti-Goyism that is the real 1st cause here? Do try, although I know how hard that will be. Given a lifetime of brainwashing coming from every angle - schools, media, Hollywood etc.

PS: Try a web search using 'coudenhove-kalergi plan'. it may prove enlightening. Like - let's put the horse in front of the cart re cause and effect.
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Apparently Salman Abedi was visiting Libya until just a few says before he set off his bomb in Manchester. The French Interior Minister say that he may have visited Syria as well, but that isn't as certain.

Salman's younger brother Hashem Abedi is in Libya and some Libyan anti-terrorist group has taken the brother into custody. The brother has reportedly confessed that he knew all about the bombing plot and declared his allegiance to ISIS. Their father, Rahman Abedi, has also been arrested in Libya. (Rahman used to do the calls-to-prayer at one of Manchester's larger mosques, reportedly known for its radical salafist preaching. His kids all attended it.)
Are you sure about this? I thought they attended the Didsbury mosque, which is nothing of the kind.
Two among many hits from simply doing a web search with any appropriate phrase. There are also hits that pretend such no-go neighborhoods are 'fake' but it's such BS that is fake. The relentless continued influx, coupled with the fact of below-reproduction birth rates of host populations vs massive birth rates among the mainly ME refugees, and one just notes the ethnic numbers graphs will cross sooner rather than later in some host countries.
Civil war is the expected and by some eagerly anticipated outcome somewhat before the graphs actually cross. Total incompatibility of cultures and total commitment of refugees to their Islamic culture imo guarantees this will happen. And in the meantime we become accustomed to the Total Surveillance State as 'a good thing'.
Ah I see. But none in the UK.

And I have to say I distrust your references. The Express is a joke. Polizette I've never heard of but it looks pretty hysterical and partisan to me. I would need more authoritative sources before accepting that muslim no-go zones exist.
Ah I see. But none in the UK.
Not sure if there are currently no-go zones as such in the UK, but certainly there are demographic takeovers and concomitant white-flights in various cities taking place. One of those YT vids I linked to has a piece on that phenomena by a female Brit reporter. Just do your own search using whatever key words seem apt.
And I have to say I distrust your references. The Express is a joke. Polizette I've never heard of but it looks pretty hysterical and partisan to me. I would need more authoritative sources before accepting that muslim no-go zones exist.
The question should be - is what was reported there made-up or badly distorted, or just how it is? Again - do your own web search and read whatever seems reliable according to your criteria. Oh, and btw, there is imo and that of others a real problem with relying on only sanitized official sources. One example:
Of course the accusation of 'unreliable site' can be immediately leveled there also, but it gets to be a bit thin and not even convincing to oneself to so keep labeling. Not that I thereby label you as such a labeler.
Not sure if there are currently no-go zones as such in the UK, but certainly there are demographic takeovers and concomitant white-flights in various cities taking place. One of those YT vids I linked to has a piece on that phenomena by a female Brit reporter. Just do your own search using whatever key words seem apt.

The question should be - is what was reported there made-up or badly distorted, or just how it is? Again - do your own web search and read whatever seems reliable according to your criteria. Oh, and btw, there is imo and that of others a real problem with relying on only sanitized official sources. One example:
Of course the accusation of 'unreliable site' can be immediately leveled there also, but it gets to be a bit thin and not even convincing to oneself to so keep labeling. Not that I thereby label you as such a labeler.
It is not up to me to research claims I doubt are true. We constantly make this point to the various cranks and nutters on this forum. The person making the claim is the one who needs to provide a reputable reference: BBC, Economist, Newsweek NY Times, National Geographic....something like that, on which there is a general consensus of trustworthiness.
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It is not up to me to research claims I doubt are true. We constantly make this point to the various cranks and nutters on this forum. The person making the claim is the one who needs to provide a reputable reference: BBC, Economist, Newsweek NY Times, National Geographic....something like that, on which there is a general consensus of trustworthiness.
Your choice to rely on only 'reputable' sources. Many conclude most if not all such are subverted. I'm not here to prove anything, just present a decidedly non-PC alternative perspective. That makes far better sense than the type of narrative with imo an extremely narrow focus we are inundated with from official sources. Feel free to disagree. I have no intention of engaging in endless ping-pong style rhetoric that 3 SF members in particular seem to enjoy as a form of sport or obsessive hobby. As I wrote, the web is an enormous resource and it's there for anyone to navigate freely (still) and of course carefully.