

Registered Senior Member
Most all forum headings are white on blue backgrounds. As they descend in order the subtitles and comments on the range of area that title applies to dissapear in the lack oc contrast. It doesn’t show black print well. When it finally reaches the counts of whose on the board they are indistinguishable. The only way to read it is to highlight it so that the print changes color. Might it be possible to change the color of the print to a lighter color? Better contrast would make it easier to read.
Luckily the subtitles aren't that important, and are intentionally supposed to blend into the background, where as the category title should be quite readable. But this is an issue of subtlety. Some monitors (especially CRT monitors that haven't been calibrated) can really do poor color rendering. I really wish that something like <A HREF="">ColorSync</A> would be installed by default on all new computers, and users be forced to calibrate their monitors.

So let me ask the next question that led into. How do you calibrate a moniter? The worst problems is when I'm at work on the workstations. One home it is more visible.
You might be able to calibrate your monitor using your video card software. Alternatively, if you have something like Adobe Photoshop, you can use the calibration software that was included.

The problem with these mechanisms (if they're available to you at all) is that they are non-standard. Colorsync is great because it is a cross-platform (I think?), cross-device, and cross-media standard. Colors are guaranteed to appear the same regardless of whether the color is on a web page, printed, on video, etc... This sort of thing is obviously very popular in the design industry. Unfortunately, as web designers, we generally don't have this standard available, since we have no control over the computers most people use and they don't calibrate their monitors to this standard, we can only guess what colors will appear on their monitors. Also, I'm not sure if Colorsync is even available on Windows -- it's a standard but it may not be an open standard.