Strip mod status/ban WellCookedFetus

Should WellCookedFetus be removed as a moderator or banned?

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you know its his fault to put all his details up there. when you think about it, two phone calls is the least that can happen. has he taken them off yet *looks, and says nothing should be done*
paulsamuel really plays his dice right, he and I never get along so ya I can see him complaining about me how ever he can, he get called, blames me. In fact I can see this happening: he just saying he got harassed to get me banished.

He did not PM me that he accused me of this he just did it. I am willing to have him call my phone number and talk to me about this personally if he wants, this a problem between me and him and should not be public.
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a really long time, look it up in the posts. If I have to suffer what paulsamuel does against me so be it, I did not gloat to him about winning the election and he does this to me.
If you are really concerned about the issue then why not push to have sciforums change its policies to suggest or maybe even dissallow the posting of real names or personal contact information? To blame someone for harassment on their leaving themselves open to harm is crazy.

"So why'd you kill him, Clem?"
"Heck, Clyde, I didn't kill him it was my rubber ducky. Besides, he was weak and vulnerable."
"Ah, of course, good defense, Clem. If he gives an opening and someone takes advantage then its his own damn fault."
"Right Clyde, hand me those shotgun slugs. I think his sister is gunning fo' me."
"Why here ya go, Clem. Protect the home front and remember, a good defense is a good offense."
"Heck Clyde, you know I been livin' by the golden rule all my life, I'm innocent. It's just these spineless nerds who got it comin' to them that's unaware what's goes 'round comes 'round. It was just destiny."
"Yeah Clem. Hand me my gun. Maybe you need a little help in killing them weak poor excuses for homo beans. Duh, actually it'll be my teddy bear that pulls the trigger, chortle, chortle."
"Huck, Huck, spurtle spit, right on Clyde."
Mr. Chips said:
If you are really concerned about the issue then why not push to have sciforums change its policies to suggest or maybe even dissallow the posting of real names or personal contact information? To blame someone for harassment on their leaving themselves open to harm is crazy.

great idea, why not? I'll post it in the moderators subforum.
WellCookedFetus said:
paulsamuel really plays his dice right, he and I never get along so ya I can see him complaining about me how ever he can, he get called, blames me. In fact I can see this happening: he just saying he got harassed to get me banished.
Are you for real? After what I've just seen, he has every right to complain. You admitted to giving someone who had asked you if you wanted someone to be "scruffed up" and you give him paul's membership page. If you had really wanted or expected your goon to abuse paul in the forum itself, you wouldn't have given him paul's membership page which you knew had his details on it. What's the matter fetus? Can't fight your own battles so you get someone else to do it for you?

He blamed you because it was obvious that you had something to do with it and he was correct wasn't he? By your own words, you admitted it. He was harrassed and the harrassment was set up by you. Shall I refresh your memory?

WellCookedFetus said:
yes I have, I have direct someone to fight against him, as this person came to me asking if there was anyone bothering me they could "scuff up" so I direct him to paulsamuel membership page here, I did not figure it would come to all this but now that it has happend I am both sorry and pleased. I was expecting him to argue with him here in sciforums not to call him outside of the forum.

You deserve to be banished. What if this twit of a friend of yours lived in the area where paul works? What if physical harm had actually happened to paul? Do you have any idea of what sort of trouble you'd be in then? Your actions have been disgraceful. When paul made the accusation, you blatantly lied and denied it. Why? Why not just come out and admit it first off? Why lie and deny, only to then decide to admit it when you realised that we were guessing that it was you?

a really long time, look it up in the posts. If I have to suffer what paulsamuel does against me so be it, I did not gloat to him about winning the election and he does this to me.
He disagrees with you on forums. So what? Put him on ignore. Don't reply to him. What you have to suffer my arse. What about what he now has to suffer due to your complete lack of sense? Your little friend has already called paul up twice at work. Who's to say the calls won't continue? Who's to say that if they continue and paul rightly contacts the police and the guy is tracked down and charged with stalking and the guy tells the police that you put him up to it? You do realise that your IP can be traced back to you don't you?

WCF, what you have done is deplorable and disgraceful. You deserve to be banned from this forum.
i am finding the idea that WCF actually got someone to 'scruff up' someone incredibly hard to swallow. this is a forum. if you honestly did do that, i dub thee Sir Sad Bastard.
actually, bells provided me with considerable laughing, since at that point i realized that it definetly was a pile of crap.
WellCooked, when I was 17 I left home and stuck out my thumb and travelled. We are all biased man. Your self depreciation is not unique but people learn to live with it and have some honest nondestructive fun in the process. Get out of a predicament that leads you no where. Such a dependency on a public forum is not healthy. Public forums are not altogethor healty. Get out in the real public. Learn how others handle the pains and misgivings.

I'll let you in on a little secret, suicide doesn't work, it only makes a bad situation worse. Climb out of that hole.
Mr. Chips said:
suicide doesn't work, it only makes a bad situation worse.

not trying to advocate anyone killing themselves, especially not fetus, i like him :D, but that statement really makes no sense. ;)
WellCookedFetus said:
actually my form of commedy is not very funny, I do say stupid things, and if I edit them out later because I think they might be a problem people call back on them. No I did not have any connection with paulsamuel calling, period nor is there, I was joking. I'm sorry for saying anything because I did not think these accustion was serious.

that enough zion? ;)
He also stated something quite admitting to at least some complicity in the harassment, more than once. Logically Unsound, when should we take him as being truthful, when it meets your preference?

Hey, my saying suicide doesn't work is plain truth to many just as murder is also an illegal action. It is a secret though, as many are subjected to propaganda and just the anomie that leads them to not value their life or even life in general.

WellCooked, I say the answer is to find out how you can make your life valuable and if you don't see it where you are then get moving.
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