Originally posted by Lady
Most places with high rates of deadly disease are also adherents to groups with Risky Practices or beliefs, for example, centuries of witchcraft/Voodoo has been a common religion/ cult amongst many African countries, therefore, lots of disease, and only recently did Uganda expose and denounce the satanic practices publicly.
Now the rise of Aids in the U.S. coincides about the same time drug usage was big, likewise, new age religions, like paganism, satanism,wiccan, or other occulitic practices became unveiled and widespread in the nation, mainly attracting the youth, male/female. Most of these religions except and encourage sexual freedom
http://www.aidshotline.org ( Statistics- Informative)
Originally posted by Asguard
virus are our preditors, simple as that.
They exists as natures way of controling human population (just look at the spread of the black plauge)
unfortunatly humans have a habit of meddling with nature
its as simple as the arms races between animals and other animals or plants
we "cure" something and it mutates to work better so we change the treatment so it mutates again ect
no sinister conspiracy with god and people who sleep with animals
just nature
Originally posted by Mystech
Somehow I don't think that pagan worship is what causes diseasegod isn't smiting your enemys for you, Lady, go back to your cave and come out when you are ready to behave like a rational human being.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
Why is it that god loving heterosexual Christians die of AIDS?
Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
maybe the government feels that there are to many heterosexual christians?????
Originally posted by Lady
** What does that make the government