Questions and answers about string theory here.
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Moved from previous thread.
Every rigorous theory should have well defined postulate list. Without postulate list defined every theory can claim virtually everything, it cannot be distinguished from other quantum field theories and as such it's untestable by such way. For example, we can find the postulates of relativity theory or quantum mechanics on the web.
Where we can found the postulates of string theory, which is developed over forty years already? Please consider, no vague trolling - just rigorous answers are supposed in this thread.
Postulates of string theory:
1.) The fundamental object is a string.
This is the only postulate that I know of. Everything follows from this assumption, and the requirement that the thoery be non-anomalous.
Does the string fulfill the wave equation or some other equations? Isn't the string theory QM and SR dependent? At this moment we have dozen of additional postulates. The assumption of higher (10, 11 or more) dimensions is the another one.
- The current prevailing string theory, called M-Theory proposes an eleven-dimensional space that consists of objects with multiple dimensions called p-branes. One type of p-brane is the d-brane, which can be related to the end points of the strings.
- Bosonic string theory is operating in 26 dimensions. It considers only bosons, no fermions means only forces, no matter, with both open and closed strings. It considers a particle with imaginary mass, i.e. the tachyon.
- String I works with both open and closed strings, no tachyon, group symmetry is SO(32)
- String IIA works with closed strings only, uses no tachyons, massless fermions spin both ways (nonchiral)
- String IIB works with closed strings only, uses no tachyons, massless fermions only spin one way (chiral)
- Heterotic string HO theory works with closed strings only, uses no tachyons, heterotic, meaning right moving and left moving strings differ, it uses group symmetry SO(32)
- Heterotic string HE theory works with closed strings only, uses no tachyons, meaning right moving and left moving strings differ, group symmetry is E8 x E8 (it uses two copies of the E8 lattice to hide the extra dimensions)
These things can be seen to follow from string theory.