Split: SAM's intellectual dishonesty and poor moderation

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Are we talking about the same S.A.M.? S.A.M. the moderator? :confused:
She is one of the nicest member and moderator I have ever interact. :shrug:
Some people might find her intellectuality a bit intimidating, but that is
because she is a way too intelligent. At least in my opinion... :)
Are we talking about the same S.A.M.? S.A.M. the moderator? :confused:
She is one of the nicest member and moderator I have ever interact. :shrug:
Some people might find her intellectuality a bit intimidating, but that is
because she is a way too intelligent. At least in my opinion... :)

I hate to disagree with you........But LOL...
You are the nicest member here by far anyway.
As far as Sam goes I wish you knew her like I did.
I think you would think differently.
I hate to disagree with you........But LOL...
You are the nicest member here by far anyway.
As far as Sam goes I wish you knew her like I did.
I think you would think differently.

You sound as if you know her intimately?
Are we talking about the same S.A.M.? S.A.M. the moderator? :confused:
She is one of the nicest member and moderator I have ever interact. :shrug:
Some people might find her intellectuality a bit intimidating, but that is
because she is a way too intelligent. At least in my opinion... :)

Agree. The only thing I didn't like about her is that I didn't get to see one of her special pics.
I hate to disagree with you........But LOL...
You are the nicest member here by far anyway.
As far as Sam goes I wish you knew her like I did.
I think you would think differently.

Its okay to disagree, Shorty, I respect anyone's opinion and that you are
honest with your feeling. :) People shall free to express their feeling, but it
would be nice if they find S.A.M.'s moderation is poor, they specify exactly
case by case, so S.A.M. can work it out as nobody is perfect. By far I have
no complain with her moderation.

I'm sorry but I really gotta back to work now. I feel a bit depressed as all
documents that I received are in Spanish. Many people here are willing to
translate me things, but its just silly if I have to ask them to translate for
me every single things. I made very poor preparation, should have worked
it out before I come here :(

Ciao for now, take care
Agree. The only thing I didn't like about her is that I didn't get to see one of her special pics.

She asked her pic to be removed from the album because some people copy
pasted her pic in some threads, maybe she finds it inconvennient.

Ok, I logout now, oh I want to browse and post more :bawl:
these inadequate actions are targeted at disrupting a peaciful order set up by moderator SAM, moreover moderators need to reconcile the ability of such individuals such as phologistician to disrupt a social network within this forum entirely. Assessement of this ability of disruption of Sciforums must be made, before individuals such as phlogistician go on forth and destroy the main frame of social networking rules and laws.
these inadequate actions are targeted at disrupting a peaciful order set up by moderator SAM, moreover moderators need to reconcile the ability of such individuals such as phologistician to disrupt a social network within this forum entirely. Assessement of this ability of disruption of Sciforums must be made, before individuals such as phlogistician go on forth and destroy the main frame of social networking rules and laws.

why are you such a kiss ass Draq?
these inadequate actions are targeted at disrupting a peaciful order set up by moderator SAM, moreover moderators need to reconcile the ability of such individuals such as phologistician to disrupt a social network within this forum entirely. Assessement of this ability of disruption of Sciforums must be made, before individuals such as phlogistician go on forth and destroy the main frame of social networking rules and laws.

The Round Table is in Session. Future Directions are under Perusal.

Actions will be Taken. :jason:

From a small portion of members polled (19) in a short time, (4) hours at best, we find an interesting demographic.

1) There is a split differing by about 20% on whether SAM moderates fairly or not. I suspect this would turn out a wash.

2) Although 37% of those think she moderates fairly, a whopping 84% think SAM is intellectually dishonest.

3) Almost half 48% think SAM does not moderate fairly and is intellectually dishonest.

Maybe we should make a poll to find what demographic thinks you should STFU already.

No one takes anything you (or shorty) says about SAM seriously.
Maybe we should make a poll to find what demographic thinks you should STFU already.

No one takes anything you (or shorty) says about SAM seriously.

Nor do we give a shit about what you have to say. But you need to add alot more names to the list other than me an Q !
Everyone cares for everyone in this forum. Why else would we be together? Let us be peaciful to each other and make love and not war.
Maybe we should make a poll to find what demographic thinks you should STFU already. .

Don't worry. Sometimes even these threads serve a function, especially when the usual suspects come to play. :)
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