Split: SAM's intellectual dishonesty and poor moderation

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rather flippant, ja?
apologize to sam

Not necessary, I can understand cultural variations in whats considered offensive, I was just pointing out what its like on the other side.:)

Besides I like Enmos, he showed me the beauty in a bee. One of the most memorable experiences in my life.

That is a lie, I posted a hilarious scientific picture, which is exactly what the thread was about.

Rightttt.. I think your version of scientific is different to what science actually is. 'Sceince' maybe?:rolleyes:

Sam could step down as mod. You could too. Pleasing as punch.
My place on this planet is not to please you Q.

Sam ignores facts.

I'm not here to convince you of anything, go away.
In other words, you are simply unable to provide any facts to prove or back your side of the argument. Akin to the following scenario:

Little Johnny: Miss.. Sammy is lying!

Teacher: Why Johnny? What did she say?

Little Johnny: It doesn't matter, she's lying!!

Teacher: Ok, but you need to tell me what she said..

Little Johnny: I don't need to tell you what she said!

Teacher: Then how can I gauge if she is lying or not?

Little Johnny: She didn't say anything.. She's just lying!

Teacher: So you don't know whether she's lying or not? Can you show me where she lied?

Little Johnny: I can't, but she's lying!!

Teacher: Well I can't do anything about it unless you tell me where she lied or what she said.

Little Johnny: I don't need to prove anything to you!

Yes, they are allowing her to remain moderator.
What? You're accusing the administration of incompetence now?

Own foot.. shooting.. I'm sure you can add the rest.
If communication is too much to ask of you, what's the point?

GeoffP said:

Well, so long as we can identify at least one nation tied up in theocratic, supremacist ideology. But just the one. More would be too much.

I'm unsure of what aspect to address of such a nonspecific retort, so I'll simply reiterate a portion I riffed in consideration of Bells' discussion with John99:

There is a philosophical spectrum among the membership that feels oppressed. And the reason they feel oppressed is that they cannot tell the difference between the content of an idea and the fact that the idea exists. Failing to recognize this difference, all they see is that idea = idea. Thus, if we give respect to idea1, we must give equal respect to idea2 regardless of the content of either idea.

Beyond that, I have to guess at what it is you're referring to. And given how afraid you are to take responsibility for the things you actually do write, Geoff, I'm not even going to guess as to what you haven't.
There is a philosophical spectrum among the membership that feels oppressed. And the reason they feel oppressed is that they cannot tell the difference between the content of an idea and the fact that the idea exists. Failing to recognize this difference, all they see is that idea = idea. Thus, if we give respect to idea1, we must give equal respect to idea2 regardless of the content of either idea.


I'm left repeating a question over and over: "Can people really not tell the difference?"

I think there is a more fundamental difference that sets people apart:
It is crucial to some worldviews, philosophies and religions to hold that a tenet of theirs is not just an "idea", but is the truth, a fact, the reality.
Begging the question?

Greenberg said:

It is crucial to some worldviews, philosophies and religions to hold that a tenet of theirs is not just an "idea", but is the truth, a fact, the reality.

I do not disagree. But it does beg the question of the difference between belief and communication.

• Not every belief that can be communicated is valid.

• Not every valid belief can be communicated.

What validates belief? Why is validation important at all?
Beyond that, I have to guess at what it is you're referring to. And given how afraid you are to take responsibility for the things you actually do write, Geoff, I'm not even going to guess as to what you haven't.

It's funny how this discussion about how Sam isn't fit to be a mod is such a popular subject among the members here. Yet her Biology Threads which she moderates look like they are going down the toilet. Could it be because everyone is getting fed up with her BS and having their posts deleted on a reg basis. hmmmmmmmmm
Fewer people get through graduate school than kindergarten, its unavoidable.
Speaking of intellectual dishonesty, (Q), what, exactly, do you hope to accomplish by it?

Are you accusing me of intellectual dishonesty?

(1) It doesn't matter whether or not "Sam ignores facts". You are trying to have her removed as a moderator.​

She should do the right thing and step down. Unless of course, you support intellectually dishonest habitual liars as moderators?

(2) Perhaps it feels good to tell Bells that you're not here to convince her of anything, but you are trying to have S.A.M. removed as a moderator.

Talking with Bells is a waste of time. She's an emotional idiot. One simply need look at her responses here.

In either case, your responses are utterly dishonest, and if you're not smart enough to figure that out, you probably shouldn't be complaining.

Is that a fact? Kudos to you for turning this around at me.

So I'll try to say it simply, that you won't get confused:

I'm indebted to your superior skills, honed from watching Oprah, no doubt.

• Using facts to show S.A.M. is lying will help your case to have her removed as moderator.

• Giving examples of what you are accusing S.A.M. of doing wrong will help your case to have her removed as moderator.​

That's bullshit and you know it.

Now then, are you just pretending you're too stupid to recognize these most basic points? Or are you actually that stupid, and this incredibly cheap whine and cheese session about gratifying your unrefined, unrestrained egotism?

Yes. I'm completely stupid. Happy?

First of all, I'm not wasting my time putting together a case for your benefit or for Bells. That would acknowledge that I actually did care what either of you housewives thought.

Secondly, if you've been following along, which apparently you have been or you wouldn't be responding here, you'd know damn well SAM is an intellectually dishonest habitual liar. The majority here already do, and it would be the ultimate in ignorance if you mods didn't know what was going on. I'm sure your secret mod forum is alive and well, is it not? So, try not to act too surprised.

Lastly, I'm not arguing for SAM to step down as moderator because she is a deluded Muslim with an agenda of propaganda. It's too much fun watching her wriggle and dance around her silly responses.

I'm arguing because the vast majority here recognize and acknowledge SAM as an intellectually dishonest habitual liar.

Obviously, you don't. So, you either are defending SAM because you think she's as honest as the day is long or because you're a another mod.
rather flippant, ja?
apologize to sam

*beams down for a special appearance*

You imbecile !

The Hitler salute is good for jail time over here, it's illegal.

I find SAM's use of it somewhat morbid now that I think about it, as she has obvious anti-Jewish sentiments.

I take that back SAM, a thousand apologies.

*Enmos out*
What validates belief? Why is validation important at all?

The big basic questions.

A philosophical, ethical and religious cunundrum.

My guess is that the main reason why discussions and debates, including forums like this, exist is that the participators have not yet found the(ir) answers to those questions, or have found them and want to convince others of them.
He's right about one thing; I just checked and the last B&G mod did not leave because of him. For that misunderstanding, I will apologise, for some reason I thought it was the Hugh Jass episode that did it but apparently it was the She Devil.

Typical, your intellectual dishonesty shines through once again. You deleted the post in which you accused me of that, but I managed to quote you before you did, hence you had no choice but to recant your accusation as the evidence of your lies is there for all to read.

Step down Sam, immediately. You're not fit to represent these fora.
Typical, your intellectual dishonesty shines through once again. You deleted the post in which you accused me of that, but I managed to quote you before you did, hence you had no choice but to recant your accusation as the evidence of your lies is there for all to read.

Step down Sam, immediately. You're not fit to represent these fora.

I only deleted it because it was private info, not because of anything else. You should know me better than that. :p

Tell me, what gives you an authority beyond the forum owners and admins?
You're not fit to represent these fora.

I think SAM represents a lot of Sciforums members. Besides everyone knows that you have a personal grudge against her, hence you're not fit to present objective evidence, which you haven't.
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