Splinter: Epic Suffering


The Epic Suffering series.

How can we comment on your videos without mentioning our curiosity about your passive form of hybristophilia?

Hmm...tricky, let’s see. Um, um...alrighty then! In episode-10, what’s with the bangs?

BTW, is Gustav your sock?
Hmm...tricky, let’s see. Um, um...alrighty then! In episode-10, what’s with the bangs?

i was going to do some camouflage streaks but the effort required a trip to the shop for paint which proved a bit too much for the condition i was in. i dragged my hair across my face and taped it down but it kept coming off so i held it down with my glasses

jag är gud
jag gör vad jag vill

gustav is all about an appeal to emotion.

Gustav is Sciforums.

I'll fight you all the way, gustav. but don't ever assume I don't like you.
I don't fight the system, Wynn. Learned a long time ago that it isn't really a productive utilisation of time.
The key was in in gustav being an appeal to emotion.

JamesR is the the Modern Major General.
How can we comment on your videos without mentioning our curiosity about your passive form of hybristophilia?

Hmm...tricky, let’s see. Um, um...alrighty then! In episode-10, what’s with the bangs?

BTW, is Gustav your sock?


As sexy as that may seem, I'm not suffering from it, my past history of relationships with mostly doormats are proof enough. If you are referring to the "belgium-hype", then that condition wouldn't aplly either, since compeltely different strategies than reaching sexual arousal was at play. Hmm, well ok, one thing usually lead to another so I guess claiming total celibacy is not accurate either, anymore. But five years guys! I did not have sex for five fucking years! Respect! :D
i was going to do some camouflage streaks but the effort required a trip to the shop for paint which proved a bit too much for the condition i was in. i dragged my hair across my face and taped it down but it kept coming off so i held it down with my glasses

jag är gud
jag gör vad jag vill


Thank you Gustav, that was exactly how it was. You know me so well. Puss, puss!
As sexy as that may seem, I'm not suffering from it, my past history of relationships with mostly doormats are proof enough.

Is it art or artillery?

"Lagom är bäst"

I’d say that it’s too much, and that your persona is no longer age appropriate, nor befitting. Identifying as a marginalized person doesn't allow you to live a life of authenticity. Nature is more influential than nurture but we can offset ignoble traits with other parts of our mind. We can acknowledge what and why, and then move on without self-judgment.

Usually, the key is hidden underneath the doormat.
Is it art or artillery?

"Lagom är bäst"

I’d say that it’s too much, and that your persona is no longer age appropriate, nor befitting. Identifying as a marginalized person doesn't allow you to live a life of authenticity. Nature is more influential than nurture but we can offset ignoble traits with other parts of our mind. We can acknowledge what and why, and then move on without self-judgment.

Usually, the key is hidden underneath the doormat.

What kind of stuck up comment is that? You sound like the typical person who thinks they know who I am and ...ahhh, one of the doormats? Bitter and rejected? Yeah, mentionting age inappropriate behaviour as a means of degradation. I know your type. It's the one I leave behind.

But you know, I'm not going to stop having fun just because I'm 42, why would I? I don't see any reason at all.
You sound like the typical person who thinks they know who I am and ...ahhh, one of the doormats? Bitter and rejected? I know your type. It's the one I leave behind.

Nice sidestep. "Bitter and rejected?" Do you mean excluded, avoided, and unsafe?
Bebelina said:
But you know, I'm not going to stop having fun just because I'm 42, why would I? I don't see any reason at all.

Is it fun...honestly?
Nice sidestep. "Bitter and rejected?" Do you mean excluded, avoided, and unsafe?

Is it fun...honestly?

Sometimes I forget that people like you just hate me no matter what. It's a shame, on you. You don't know me. Maybe you have a fantasyversion of who you think I should be? And become angry resentful when I fail to live up to that image?

To me, yes, writing, painting, filming, acting, filmediting, making music, editing music, styling my hair, putting on make-up, dressing up, dressing down, acting like a child, acting like I'm one step away from the grave, yes yes yes, that is so much fun!!!

You changed bitter and rejected to excluded, avoided and unsafe, is that how you see yourself? Why?

( sorry for hijacking the thread with this off-topic discussion, you can either let it be and see it as another eclectic expression of creativity or delete or remove).
Bebelina said:
people like you

So, you think you know me?

I never said that I hated you. I said that in my opinion, your persona is no longer age appropriate, nor befitting.
So, you think you know me?

I never said that I hated you. I said that in my opinion, your persona is no longer age appropriate, nor befitting.

Can you describe how you see my persona? Are you confusing the username Bebelina here on sciforums with the Epic Suffering character and think they are the same?
Keep in mind the Epic Suffering character is in the beginning of the story here, and evolves through time.
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Bebelina said:
Can you describe how you see my persona?


Bebelina said:
Are you confusing the username Bebelina here on sciforums with the Epic Suffering character and think they are the same?

Well, I do seem to remember Bebelina posting a few inappropriate pictures, herself.

Bebelina said:
Keep in mind the Epic Suffering character is in the beginning of the story here, and evolves through time.

Good deal. Let’s hope she grows.

Just a suggestion, you can take it or leave it.

Good day to you…

Well, I do seem to remember Bebelina posting a few inappropriate pictures, herself.

Good deal. Let’s hope she grows.

Just a suggestion, you can take it or leave it.

Good day to you…

So why do you think a narcissistic personality trait is age inappropriate? At what age do you find it appropriate?

Those pictures where AWESOME!

Why do you hope she grows?

Are you trying to provoke me with restrictions in order to make me behave even more immature and regress to infancy? :D
Those pictures where AWESOME!

What pictures?
What pictures?

I had them on another site and some sciforumnerd found them and posted them here, or did I post them here? I don't remember...but you should see the new ones, with neon pink thong when I'm all tanned and muscular. :D

Funny story though about those other topless pictures in black and white, by some fluke accident they ended up in an elderly relatives inbox and it was a bit embarrasing for me to explain how she got them and why I took them.