Spirit enables one

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In 2008 when I was 25, I overpowered four men of authority for two whole minutes before giving the illusion of being dead and being taken to the hospital instead of prison. Before I was cornered in an alleyway where I was chased into, I had jumped off the top of a flight of stairs and I was thinking of Neo from the Matrix as I was doing so. I was experiencing a kind of "Neo-ness". Then as I had no choice but to walk back to the four men, I was fearless because I knew I could take them all. But I did not want to go to jail, so instead they tried and tried for two whole minutes to get my arms together to put the cuffs on me and that was when I knew I wasn't going down for this so I played dead and they took me to the hospital where I slowed my breathing down for four hours with no obvious signs that I was vital.
Who d'fug you talkin to?
Well, rather obviously, I was talking to you and to the other members of the forum and to any visitors who may have chanced on the thread.

Whatchoo callin fiction?
I explicitly called some of my own writing fiction and implicitly called your opening post fiction.

You callin my life a fiction?
No. Clearly your life cannot be a fiction, so no - I am not calling your life a fiction. However, I am calling your OP a fiction since I doubt it accurately portrays an event in your life.

Your peculiar faux plebeian response tends to confirm my initial reading.

Because if so you would be wrong my fellow gaylo.
Perhaps, but thus far the data suggest otherwise.
Well, rather obviously, I was talking to you and to the other members of the forum and to any visitors who may have chanced on the thread.

I explicitly called some of my own writing fiction and implicitly called your opening post fiction.

No. Clearly your life cannot be a fiction, so no - I am not calling your life a fiction. However, I am calling your OP a fiction since I doubt it accurately portrays an event in your life.

Your peculiar faux plebeian response tends to confirm my initial reading.

Perhaps, but thus far the data suggest otherwise.

The best thing for me to do is to pretend that atheistic turds do not exist.
P.S. You contradict yourself you atheistic brain by saying my life isn't fiction because 1. you have no evidence of that and 2. the OP is part of my life. Stain of vomit.
P.S. You contradict yourself you atheistic brain by saying my life isn't fiction because 1. you have no evidence of that and 2. the OP is part of my life. Stain of vomit.

Don't mind her she is an Australian and, generally they think they know it all
The best thing for me to do is to pretend that atheistic turds do not exist.
If you are referring to me as an atheistic turd, while the latter may or may not be a fair metaphorical description of my persona, I am not an atheist. I value accuracy, whether or not you do.

The New P.S. You contradict yourself you atheistic brain by saying my life isn't fiction because 1. you have no evidence of that and 2. the OP is part of my life. Stain of vomit.
I repeat: I have never claimed your life is fiction. I have suggested that the tale you tell in the OP is probably fictional. The evidence lies in the very content of the OP.
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In 2008 when I was 25, I overpowered four men of authority

"Men of authority"? Were you fighting with the police? If so, why were you doing that? Do you have a history of behaving strangely, scaring people and having them call the police?

for two whole minutes before giving the illusion of being dead

You were playing dead?

and being taken to the hospital instead of prison.

For psychiatric evaluation?

Before I was cornered in an alleyway where I was chased into, I had jumped off the top of a flight of stairs and I was thinking of Neo from the Matrix as I was doing so.

Not Batman?

I was experiencing a kind of "Neo-ness". Then as I had no choice but to walk back to the four men, I was fearless because I knew I could take them all. But I did not want to go to jail

So why were the police there in the first place? Why were they interested in you? Why did they intend to arrest you?

so instead they tried and tried for two whole minutes to get my arms together to put the cuffs on me and that was when I knew I wasn't going down for this so I played dead and they took me to the hospital where I slowed my breathing down for four hours with no obvious signs that I was vital.

I expect the cops knew that there was nothing the matter with you, apart from drug or psychiatric problems.

My guess is that the original call to the police was psychiatric in nature, because you alarmed someone with your behavior, and that the cops took you to the local hospital's psych ward for evaluation. Cops do that routinely in cases like you describe. Police see these things over and over. It's all in a day's work for them.
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There was and is nothing wrong with me. I was kicked out of the house for a few days back then when I got into a fight with my mother (she was blind to the truth of my troubles and we had a huge disagreement with yelling where she hit me violently.) I was not worried at all because before I was kicked out the door that year I said "The night is always darkest just before the dawn!". There was a lot of darkness in my life and in my family due to that fuckin website which I choose not to name. I think you know which one. A website who's owner eventually dies of aids due to homosexual promiscuity.

Anyhow, my mother was worried sick for those two weeks I was living downtown in a shelter. There was nothing fantastic about the supernatural experiences I had those two weeks living in the city. The CTMU was beginning to make sense to me. That was the year that God appeared to me after my act of perfect shorin ryu ninjitsu techniques in the pitch black darkness of my basement a few months later just before Christmas.
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