Society culls itself


Registered Senior Member
It does. Read The Bell Curve. These days due to improvements in transportation like the highway system, cars, planes, etc., it's ever more the case that smart people find themselves working, socializing, and having families with smart people. The opposite of this is also true. It's ever more the case that dumb people find themselves working, socializing, and having families with dumb people. Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray call this social stratification. Intelligence is extremely highly influenced by genetics and therefore, since it's increasingly the case that dumb people are mating with dumb people and smart people are mating with smart people, it's likely that people are getting dumber and smarter than ever before. There will be a much starker difference between the elite and the downtrodden in the decades to come.
That sounds like opinion. Got anything to back up your claim of

Intelligence is extremely highly influenced by genetics and therefore, since it's increasingly the case that dumb people are mating with dumb people and smart people are mating with smart people, it's likely that people are getting dumber and smarter than ever before.

That sounds like opinion. Got anything to back up your claim of


The Bell Curve. I don't have it with me, but it doesn't matter. The claims I've made, which is that intelligence is extremely highly influenced by genetics and that smart people much more often find themselves among smart people these days compared to the olden days, cannot be disputed. For example, think of the people who work at Microsoft and Google. Are those examples of places where there are tons of smart people working together, making friends and making families? You bet. What about McDonalds and places like it? Is that an example of a place where there are often lots of dumb people working together, making friends and making families? You bet.

There are also data from the Bell Curve which show that over the years more people who wanted to get into Harvard could go because of the improvements in transportation (for example, someone who is gifted and lives in California could move to Harvard, where decades before it would be impossible) and as a result of this, Harvard continually got picker with those whom they admitted to their schools. Increasingly the IQs and SAT scores of the students increased. Now I'm pretty sure it's in the 130-140 range. Before in the 1900s or so it was like 115. People in these elite colleges then make friends and have families and have super smart kids. Social stratification.
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You've cited data that has been biased to fit a conclusion. :rolleyes:

Or made unsubstantiated claims based on opinion.
There is a stratification, but it's economic. Smart people without options work at McDonalds and Wall-Mart too.
If you take the time to read the rebuttal I linked, you can locate the answers. Of course, you have to first discard the conservative ideology you cling to.
There is a stratification, but it's economic. Smart people without options work at McDonalds and Wall-Mart too.

I've worked at Wal-Mart before when I was in high school. There wasn't a single smart person there besides some of the young people who were still in high school. Your point is valid nonetheless, however. You can find smart people at those places sometimes. Like if it's a woman working part time so she can add income while being able to take care of the kids. But most of the time in places like that, the people are stoooopid.
If you take the time to read the rebuttal I linked, you can locate the answers. Of course, you have to first discard the conservative ideology you cling to.

Nice job with the ad hom, Sam. Instead of focusing on my argument, you focus on me and my conservative ideology.
I think the decades to come will not continue in this way. Our economy is based on a fossil resource that will not last. Soon the elites will become farmers, and will suffer because they have fallen farther than the poor, for whom the future will bring opportunities.
I think the decades to come will not continue in this way. Our economy is based on a fossil resource that will not last. Soon the elites will become farmers, and will suffer because they have fallen farther than the poor, for whom the future will bring opportunities.

Sure, it's possible, but if things continue the way we plan them to, it will not happen. As our fossil fuels run out, we'll built nuclear power plants and solar farms, which will require large amounts of brain power, bringing smart people together and leaving the duller populations even duller.
You answered your own question.

Sam, I can take anything you say out of context too and make you look like an ass too. If you're not going to add anything to this conversation except insults and ad homs, why don't you butt out? Are there any moderators out there watching this?

Have I insulted Sam once?
Sam, I can take anything you say out of context too and make you look like an ass too. If you're not going to add anything to this conversation except insults and ad homs, why don't you butt out? Are there any moderators out there watching this?

Have I insulted Sam once?

You answered your own question. Clearly economics is the factor that determines who works in Walmart, rather than brains or IQ. On the other end of the spectrum you have clear morons being elected President because they have the money to promote themselves. I've seen idiots graduate with a PhD because they know know how to kiss ass while brilliant people get out of the program because they were in for the science not the politics. I've seen hard working dumb people who make it and smart intelligent people who throw their lives away. So your assumptions are all flawed.
You answered your own question. Clearly economics is the factor that determines who works in Walmart, rather than brains or IQ. On the other end of the spectrum you have clear morons being elected President because they have the money to promote themselves. I've seen idiots graduate with a PhD because they know know how to kiss ass while brilliant people get out of the program because they were in for the science not the politics. So your assumptions are all flawed.

Precisely what assumptions are flawed?
Precisely what assumptions are flawed?

First, that dumb people only associate with dumb people. PhD grad students work in Walmart to support families.

Second, that intelligent/dumb people marry and breed their own kind. Most of the times, its the reverse. The smartest men marry the dumb blondes.

Third, that intelligence is related to success. There is no definition for intelligence or success. A mad scientist who develops a WMD is worthless compared to a poor farmer who devises a microcredit economy for the people living below the poverty line.
First, that dumb people only associate with dumb people. PhD grad students work in Walmart to support families.

Second, that intelligent/dumb people marry and breed their own kind. Most of the times, its the reverse. The smartest men marry the dumb blondes
Can you demonstrate that this is not true? What evidence do you have which shows that intelligent people are more likely to mate with dumb people?

Third, that intelligence is related to success. There is no definition for intelligence or success. A mad scientist who develops a WMD is worthless compared to a poor farmer who devises a microcredit economy for the people living below the poverty line.

You seriously doubt that success and intelligence are related? I'll be back with more on this. I have work to do.
i think that there will be more and more dumb or smart people for a simple reason: darwinism is getting to end (maybe) in humans: everybody starts to get more and more acesso to technology benefits: we have vaccinations, medical care, good foods etc.So everybody have acesso to ways that will extend their spawn of life. Also, almost everybody will find a partner sooner or later. Even ugly people and people with no health or with no inteligence or with weak bodys etc, whatever. I see that very easly around us. We, humans, f*** like rats, besides we have new ways (techology) tu extend our lives.

So,, that means that dumb people will have more kids and then they will generate more dumb people (this is a very quick and simple way to explain things lol..."dumb" people means many things). and smart people will have more kids.

i dont know, this is just a silly idea lol