nameless said:
Wes, you show that you have no idea what an ego is, healthy or otherwise.
Hehe. You can't be serious. If you are, well.. you're wrong. Cool by me. Think as you wish of course, but the flat statement exposes nothing except contempt. I surmise I've touched a nerve. If you don't like the argument, why not provide a counter instead of just telling me I'm stupid? Eh? Do you think the proclamation establishes itself?
How about this: You've shown that you have no fucking clue about people, life, or anything at all. You come across like an elitist hippy dufous who sucks off whatever swami's in style.
Should you believe me because I said that? Why then, participate in claims with zero analysis to demonstrate a remote point? Are you incapable? I've provided plenty of material for you to rebut, yet you worrry about who is a fan of who and claim you're done here multiple times, each time coming back to check that you've finally won whilst actually digging your own hole deeper. Perhaps you'll fall in if you stay. Perhaps you'll flee and pretend it never happened. It's all part of the dream right? So what does it matter? Have some class and do what you say. Fuck off, stand up for yourself or refute the points. Is this your version of "bowing out gracefully"?
You sit behind your face and call me names and attack me.

I attack your bullshit. I don't know of a "you" to attack, oh ye who lacks a name.
? Can you demonstrate the need, or are you just venting?
The fact is, I'm rarely home. Admittedly though, home is where I'd generally rather be. What do you think this "getting out" will do for me? Do you think if I were to "get out" I'd ignore posts of yours that I find to be full of shit? Do you really, really think so? If so, why?
Does it make you feel smarter or cooler to think that I can't or don't? Are you appealing to my ego to cut you some slack? Are you going to cut some for me? What about the others you attack? Your analysis of pity is fucking sophomoric and well, fucking inhuman. I'd think anyone analyzing the problem with half a brain would eventually reach your conclusion... and I'd think someone who puts on the air of wisdom you attempt to would understand that it's a load of elitist crap, entirely lacking of empathy or understanding. Catch a clue eh?
If you dont like my words, please, feel free to ignore them.
I don't think whether I like them or not has shit to do with whether or not you can defend yourself in this argument. The fact is, I laid out a pretty reasonable analysis of your bullshit and you've responded by evasion. Is that how you define maturity?
Tell you what, I'll not bother you by replying to your posts and you can ignore mine.
LOL. What the fuck is wrong with your brain man? I don't need a deal or to comprimise with you to respond however I feel is appropriate. You already said you were leaving this thread, yet you can't resist trying a petty, irresponsible, idiotic cheap shot like calling me immature and telling me to get laid. You're nameless. Youre' a fucking dream. You're nothing more than a fantasy. Why the hell would I need your permission to ignore you?
Geez.. you need some air dude!
But air is just a dream, dreamer. Why do I need it? If I didn't have any, do you think I'd be dead?
More lies?
You already said you were done here like twice.
Is that "grown up" of you?
You don't even realize this isn't personal. You see this as an attack on YOU rather that some stupid words you spewed on a message board.
Is that mature? If so, then I disagree... if not, then how do you expect I'd think you'd recognize maturity if it smacked you in your dream?
lol, last words are mine. liar.
can you resist?
how will you evade this time?