
That little word "creation" sure is a big can of worms. What does it mean, for instance, that we are created and "god wasn't" (which is one definition of what "god" means).

We are stardust; that is to say, we were created from molecules that originated in stars. Stars came from the universe. They were created from - by current theory - spacetime. Notice that nothing in the above description, as yet, has posited "creation" in the sense of "something from nothing". No conservation laws have been broken.

So, if stars came from the universe, and the universe came from the big bang, and "god=universe", then this seems to put us on an equal basis to god.

Nothing was "created". Everyting either was and is, or was not and is not.

Caveat: all logical arguments about the transcendental are doomed to failure. I think it's something to do with Goedel's Incompleteness Theorem.

So what I've concluded cannot be correct :)
How about this...Our souls were created; our bodies were formed from the space dust? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, but we are much more than that. We are just occupying matter for the time being.
Or how about matter being created first, and souls being invented by us? What gives you an idea that we are 'much more than that'? I could go off on a whole rant here, similar to my evolution-creation thing, and I just might anyway -- but there are too many reasons to believe that there's no such thing as a soul -- but no reason to believe that souls are anything more than a child's answer to the question of 'what happens when you die?'

I am; therefore I think.
This is a very interesting discussion. I have never linked singularities and the concept of God together. One seems like an aspect of science where the other involves individual choice and belief. I am curious, infinity is an extremely powerful term. What exactly does it mean?

We are linear, finite beings. We have a sense of time which is both linear and finite. Our science, which is based upon our perceptions (for the most part) is linear and finite. Is it possible that infinity (God included) is something we cannot truly perceive because it is against our nature?

Maybe we can only guess, see a shadow of what infinity truly is. The rest is up to us to choose. If you say, if I cannot perceive it, it does not exist, then infinity (God) doesn't matter because it has no real bearing on what is really happening.

If you believe that shadow or guess or whatever is a hint of intuition that there is something more, then you make a choice to believe in something which cannot be seen or perceived accuratly, the very nature of faith.
In math we can work with infinities.
If for example a finite number is divided by inifity, the quotient is zero. This is because any quotient becomes smaller and smaller if the nominator increases, in the limiet of inifity it becomes zero.
The reverse is also true, any number get's blown to infinty if the nominator of the quotient closes to zero.

Suppose we would represent ourselves by numbers then humans could be any finite number and god would be infinite. Now he has as much power over us as we would have over things represented by zero.
So if we translate this back then God has as much power over us as we have over nothing. Do we have a lot of power over nothing ? I guess that question depends on your imagination because we can't percieve nothing, so god can't percieve us either if he is infinite !

we are midgets standing on the backs of giants,