Ok, I've reassessed the number and it is at least 10 diagonal gravitaional lines-of-relationship that connect the 4 amplitude peaks of the Euclidean double-sine wave, and the two ends of the double-sine wave to the two there more distant two amplitude peaks/points/vertex.
These following are texticonic symbols of a conceptualization of a static, finite
Universe--- aka
occupied space --- at its ending resultant of entropic heat death flatining out of all fermionic matter as a single, least energy, longest wave/frequency photon, and its beginning of its next phase of recollection as fermionic matter. Is my best guess.
This latter above is the the horizontal texticon symbols for this entropic ending-begining phase of
Universe and the exclamation point(
! ) is the flat photonic tube composed of the 66 lines of relationship because its association with the operating system of Universe aka Vector Equilibrium or cubo-octahedron defined by 24 chords and has a resultant primary set of 25 great/equalrtorial circle planes( GrCP's ) or as I envision them as vectorial toroidal tubes.
The following vertical texticon version of entropic ending-beginning is as follows:
O...31, or more, left-skew, primary great/equaltorial circles/tubes
.ZZ.........66 lines-of-relationship without consideration of 25 GrCPlanes/tori.
O 31, or more, right-skew primary, great/equaltorial circles/tubes.
Via (12^2-12)/2 we know the VE/cubo-octahedron and the icosahedrons 12 nodal vertexial events have total of 66 lines-of-relationship
66 = VE/cubo-octahdron or icosahedrons total lines of relationships
However, whereas above and all other entropic ending-beginning texticons I have only recognized the icosahedrons
31 primary, left and right-skew GrCP's and not involed the 66 relationships.
Whereas within the same texticonic scenarios of entropic heat death of Universe, I have only considered the VE/cubo-octahedrons 66 relationships in all of the many phases/configurations of exotic shapes of space and with the primary focus above being on the exotic, double-sine wave shape of the single least energy photon, that is embraced by at least 10 diagonal
gravitational lines-of-relationship.
These static view of 10 diagonals define
gravitational Euclidean tube around the double-sine wave photon ergo a third right angle/perpendicular plane to that of the electric and magnetic planes.
If were to only consider the 66 in both ico and VE our scenario would look as follows;
O.....= 66
zz... = 66 i.e. double-sine wave + 10 diagonals as tube
O.... = 66
I will try to involve the VE/cubo-octahedrons 25 GrCP's into thsi scenario in future.