Singularity = Zero Volume Tetrahedron

Mr. rr6 seems to possess the ability to ponder, and then, PROVE to SOLVE all the unprovable/unanswerable eternal problems of universal knowledge.
Yet, he seems unable solve the simple problem that exists between his chair and his keyboard!
And it is esoteric

As a friend told me yrs ago

If you truly understand what you are saying then you can simplify what your saying
Double-sine Wave > Tube > GeatrCircle-tube > Ico-Spherical Set( left or right

Irrespective of the number of vectorial lines-of-relationship, that connect the 4 amplitude peaks of a double-sine wave--- Eculidean or not ---those vectors define diagonal set ergo a spiral pattern tube that embraces the the Electric-Wave and the Magentic-Wave.

Thisfinite photonic tube in the following scenario is what all of our fermionic matter universe as evolved into via entropy.

The following scenario is and attempt to show that this photon is not only tangent or ebraced by at minimum, a set of two, tangental or overlapping, icosahedral based sphericals( left and right ).

..R6.."Gravitational spacetime is 3rd perpendicular set that embraces, cohere's and ultimately--- at the heat( photon ) death of large and very flat Universe ---is redirected back into to either a left or right skew set of gravitational spacetime, great/equaltorial circle planes."

O ! O
This latter above is the the texticon symbol for this entropic ending-begining phase of Universe and the exclamation point( ! ) is the flat photonic tube.

If, we are to think of the EMagnetic double-sine wave--- two perpendicular planes ---as being is embraced by the 3rd perpendicular plane, that is the ultra-micro, gravitational spacetime tube( geodesic arcs ), then,

This ultimate, least energy photonically geodesic defined tube( ZZ ), at entropic heat death ending beginning, is on a trajectory that takes it onto, either the left or right skew set of 31 GrP's.


So in this latter above is another texticoninc way of representing the entropic heat death with left and right set of icosahedral sphericals and the photonic tube in beteween.


Actually upon review these 12 diagonals are NOT the 6 gravitational lines-of-relationship between the 4 nodal-vertexial points at each amplitude peak.
This is not to say that we do not have unseen/not expressed gravitational vectors as the 12 diagonals in the 6 faces or elsewhere--- ex chords that cut across the inside of the VE to connect the 12 vertexes other than just 24 outer chords ----.
Those 12 diagonals do come into play when recalling the 12 Great/equaltorial circles of the VE/cubo-octahedron.
I wish I had a graphic that expressed the internal chords that would connect the VE's 12 vertexes. I forget how many there are but it is probably at least 6 of those that do connect the 4 amplitude peak/points/vertexes, as found with the jitterbug Euclidean version of the double-sine wave.
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(N^2-N)/2 = Lines-of-Relationship-66-56-50--42--36-24--10diagonals of Gravity Wave

rr6.."Irrespective of the number of vectorial lines-of-relationship, that connect the 4 amplitude peaks of a double-sine wave--- Euclidean or not ---those vectors define diagonal set ergo a spiral pattern gravitational tube."..

Ok, I've reassesed the number and it is at least 10 diagonal graviational lines-of-realtionship that connect the 4 amplitude peaks and the two ends of the double-sine wave.

This finite photonic tube in the following scenario is what all of our fermionic matter universe as evolved into via entropy.
The following scenario is and attempt to show that this photon is not only tangent or ebraced by at minimum, a set of two, tangental or overlapping, icosahedral based sphericals( left and right ).

The total number of relationships for the 3D 12-around-1 or none, VE/cubo-octahedron or icosahedron are determined as follows:

(N^2-N)/2 so 12^2 = 144,....- 12 = 132,..../2 = 66 and this graphic in following link may help to see this when considering this 66 relationships:

I dunno yet cause I've not counted the lines-of-relationship but we know there exist 24 chordal lines of 3D VE-Ico. so, 66 - 24 = 42 internal chords-- includes the 6 diameters --- so we may need to subtract 6 from 442 to get only the internal chords ergo;

42 - 6 = 36----I always think 18 quarks and 18 anti-quarks whenever I see 36.

So next, I take the 10 gravitational diagonal vectors that embrace the double-sine wave, and now were left with 26 internal chordal lines-of-relationship, that appear to merge with the 24 circumfernetial/external chords, as the total( 50 ) + 6 diameters = 56 as the final set of gravitational and EM that are collusion of both EMRadiation field, and the gravitational vectors not as the embracing tube.

Interesting this total 56 is same as the initial primary set of 25 and 31 great/equaltorial circles i.e. does not include both left and right-skew set of 31GrCP's associated with the Ico.

56 also being a very stable isotope element count. Iron or tin or something like that.

Calcium also very stable is 20P + 20E + 20N = 60

O ! O

This latter above is the the texticon symbol for this entropic ending-begining phase of Universe and the exclamation point( ! ) is the flat photonic tube.

.O...31 left-skew
..O 31 right-skew

62 = 31 + 31 left and right-skew GrCP's

66 = VE/cubo-octahdron or icosahedrons total lines of relationships

O ! O

This latter above is the the texticon symbol for this entropic ending-begining phase of Universe and the exclamation point( ! ) is the flat photonic tube.
Of course it is. It's also an upside down water buffalo riding a rollercoaster. Or perhaps it represents the life and the inevitability of death. :rolleyes:
Of course it is. It's also an upside down water buffalo riding a rollercoaster. Or perhaps it represents the life and the inevitability of death. :rolleyes:

I wonder if he is just messing with us or he actually thinks he is saying something coherent. If it is the latter that seems rather frightening.
Judging by the number and length of the whiny PMs he sent me after I doled out infractions for posting this nonsense in the main maths/physics forum I'd say he really believes this nonsense. And I agree with you, it is rather frightening. I really do wonder how some of the people on this forum function in the real world. If someone were that incoherent in a job interview they'd be permanently unemployed.
Sometimes I think rr6 is regurgitating information , from a book or website

At no time does this person seem to want explain in terms we can understand , why , don't know but there it is
Ok, I've reassessed the number and it is at least 10 diagonal gravitaional lines-of-relationship that connect the 4 amplitude peaks of the Euclidean double-sine wave, and the two ends of the double-sine wave to the two there more distant two amplitude peaks/points/vertex.

These following are texticonic symbols of a conceptualization of a static, finite Universe--- aka occupied space --- at its ending resultant of entropic heat death flatining out of all fermionic matter as a single, least energy, longest wave/frequency photon, and its beginning of its next phase of recollection as fermionic matter. Is my best guess.


This latter above is the the horizontal texticon symbols for this entropic ending-begining phase of Universe and the exclamation point( ! ) is the flat photonic tube composed of the 66 lines of relationship because its association with the operating system of Universe aka Vector Equilibrium or cubo-octahedron defined by 24 chords and has a resultant primary set of 25 great/equalrtorial circle planes( GrCP's ) or as I envision them as vectorial toroidal tubes.

The following vertical texticon version of entropic ending-beginning is as follows:

.O...31, or more, left-skew, primary great/equaltorial circles/tubes
.ZZ.........66 lines-of-relationship without consideration of 25 GrCPlanes/tori.
..O 31, or more, right-skew primary, great/equaltorial circles/tubes.

Via (12^2-12)/2 we know the VE/cubo-octahedron and the icosahedrons 12 nodal vertexial events have total of 66 lines-of-relationship

66 = VE/cubo-octahdron or icosahedrons total lines of relationships

However, whereas above and all other entropic ending-beginning texticons I have only recognized the icosahedrons 31 primary, left and right-skew GrCP's and not involed the 66 relationships.

Whereas within the same texticonic scenarios of entropic heat death of Universe, I have only considered the VE/cubo-octahedrons 66 relationships in all of the many phases/configurations of exotic shapes of space and with the primary focus above being on the exotic, double-sine wave shape of the single least energy photon, that is embraced by at least 10 diagonal gravitational lines-of-relationship.

These static view of 10 diagonals define gravitational Euclidean tube around the double-sine wave photon ergo a third right angle/perpendicular plane to that of the electric and magnetic planes.

If were to only consider the 66 in both ico and VE our scenario would look as follows;

...O.....= 66
...zz... = 66 i.e. double-sine wave + 10 diagonals as tube
...O.... = 66

I will try to involve the VE/cubo-octahedrons 25 GrCP's into thsi scenario in future.
These static view of 10 diagonals define gravitational Euclidean tube around the double-sine wave photon
No, no, no! They define an electroweak Lorentzian torus around a triple-cosine wave gluon! God, how stupid are you!
Obviously the Nicomachean ansatz is going to result in a overt Peleaser singularity unless you hold the parameter $$\tilde{Q}_{12}^b$$ to be pure imaginary. In which case the snark is a boojum.
I would be a bit more impressed if you guys had used some color in your proposals. All the real scientist do.:D
Two Texitconic Versions of Entropic Heat Deatn

These static view of 10 diagonals define gravitational Euclidean tube around the double-sine wave photon ergo a third right angle/perpendicular plane to that of the electric and magnetic planes.

To be technically correct and representaivly correct this is a revised set of two texticonic versions of the entropic heat death ending-beginnings of our finite Universe;

...O... = 66 lines-of-relationships as 3D left-skew icosahedron with internal chord and diameter

..zz.....= 66 lines-of-relationship double-sine wave configuration of VE/jbug

...O.....= 66 lines-of-relationship---as 3D right- skew icosahedron with internal chord and diameter

...O... = 31 primary great circles/tubes plus the 66 or more lines-of-relationship

..zz... = 25 primary great circles/tubes plus the 66 or more lines-of-relationship

...O....= 31 primary great circles/tubes plus the 66 or more lines-of-relationship

R6] This 10- - if not more --- Euclidean diagonals define a Euclidean tube and that is the least energy, lowest frequency wave--- ergo very flat ----of one very long, singular photon( EMR ) at entropic heat death of Universe. I use an exclamation point texticon to represent this least energy photon( ! )

We should also not forget that there is the 5-fold 10 GrCP's and the photonic tube( ZZ ) we have the minimal 10 diagonals, however, those latter 10 appear to me as only being related to the 4-fold's, 66 lines of relationship.

If those 10 diagonals are to aligned with the VEs 4 GrCP's then that would be cool, cause those 4 planes are congruent with some aspects of icosahedrons 10 GrCPlanes.

The following blurb explains the redundant congruencies of 14 planes of 4-fold with 5-fold

And the following I believe is a 2D representations of those 66 lines between 12 nodal vetexial events

And recall that it is both the 4-fold VE/cubo-octahhdron and the 5-fold icosahedron that have these 66
O|O and > Past)|( future >

Ha, I just found out I have '|' key on my keyboard. That is much better than exclamation point for representing our very large, very low frequency and very flat--- seemingly 2D ---photon Universe the entropic heat death ending/beginning.

O | O[/SIZE]

However, what is not clear, is that the | should be represented by two such lines, as that is more in accordance with Vector Equlibrium, once it has contracted to its double-valenced configuration of subdivided regular triangle.

So even tho, we it may appear to as only being a very flat 2D photon, it may very well be, a double-valenced triangle, appearing as 2D.


It is interesting how closely this entropic heat death Universe is similar to the arrow-of-time;

> > > past)| ( future > > >

wherein the 2D purple line represents a 2D slice/cross-section of our finite 3D Universe. Ha ha! I love it! :D

Obviously the Nicomachean ansatz is going to result in a overt Peleaser singularity unless you hold the parameter $$\tilde{Q}_{12}^b$$ to be pure imaginary. In which case the snark is a boojum.

Oh, NOW this thread makes sense! Thank you rpenner! :bravo:
rr6, Euclidean geometry is sooooo 18th century! Why don't you ditch it in favor of Gaussian geometry. It is soooooo much more fashionable these days!
No, seriously, if you actually used differential geometry you might actually start making a little sense, but apparently I don't know Engrish, because I don't understand gibberish, so there you go... :bugeye: