Similarity of being asleep and awake - in each state we have minimal recall re the other

3am in the morning here but quickly checking this article the article would seem to disagree



Lilienfeld et al. stated: "Some psychologists believe that eidetic memory reflects an unusually long persistence of the iconic image in some lucky people". They added: "More recent evidence raises questions about whether any memories are truly photographic (Rothen, Meier & Ward, 2012). Eidetikers' memories are clearly remarkable, but they are rarely perfect. Their memories often contain minor errors, including information that was not present in the original visual stimulus. So even eidetic memory often appears to be reconstructive".[12][21]

Individuals identified as having a condition known as hyperthymesia are able to remember very intricate details of their own personal lives, but the ability seems not to extend to other, non-autobiographical information.[24][medical citation needed] They may have vivid recollections such as who they were with, what they were wearing, and how they were feeling on a specific date many years in the past. Patients under study, such as Jill Price, show brain scans that resemble those with obsessive–compulsive disorder. In fact, Price's unusual autobiographical memory has been attributed as a byproduct of compulsively making journal and diary entries. Hyperthymestic patients may additionally have depression stemming from the inability to forget unpleasant memories and experiences from the past.[25] It is a misconception that hyperthymesia suggests any eidetic ability.

Hyperthymestic patients may additionally have depression stemming from the inability to forget unpleasant memories and experiences from the past.[25]
evidentially it may be reasonable to conclude your supposed selective long term memory
may be a false memory designed to cover up an unpleasant occurrence & so your mind has re-constructed a false old memory to become the solution to an emotional condition.

hows that for whacky reality
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may be a false memory designed to cover up an unpleasant occurrence & so your mind has re-constructed a false old memory to become the solution to an emotional condition.

Seems a very unlikely scenario. Where would my mind get information about any occurrence being unpleasant when at 2½ years old I wouldn't have enough, I don't think, to draw many distinctions be pleasant and unpleasant?

And why would it think a memory of me saying two trams were about to collide would be a good replacement?

Where is / was the cloth that fake memory is / was constructed from?

No I am confident the memory is real and its persistence is a result of - hard to put a number or descriptive phrase here - said memory recall being repeated and creating a well worn path
