Back to the original topic
My 2 cents,
Sorry CC, I know you've moved on to another question but I've only dropped in to see if the subject matter in free thoughts has improved, and found that I'm not the only one with this view.
Xev is the only one who mentioned the word "Porn" which is what most of the stuff relating to sex is heading towards.
Sex can be discussed in a mature fashion, it's the gutter language I'm not interested in reading. I agree with Banshee too, I think it's originating from the younger members who can't control their hormones.
The decision will ultimately be Dave's and I don't envy him this job because no matter what he decides, not everyone will be happy.
My own view is that I was happy when I first joined the forums and the topics were intelligent and informative. I don't think the people here think of themselves as superior, just people who've outgrown the urge to discuss sex all day like when they were teenagers. I'm happy to see we've had few more members join of mature age lately.
Thanks CC for raising the topic.