

Registered Senior Member
My aim in creating this thread is to construct an enormously long sentence using correct grammar and teamwork. So I will start with one word. The next poster will add a new word to mine. Each poster will add one word in order to create as long a sentence as possible. Remember, GRAMATICALLY CORRECT! And if anyone notices a mistake, mention it as soon as possible. S, here goes...

The gigolo that that lady, who recently discombobulated an organized brothel with nothing
The gigolo that that lady, who recently discombobulated an organized brothel with nothing but
The gigolo that that lady, who recently discombobulated an organized brothel with nothing but some
The gigolo that that lady, who recently discombobulated an organized brothel with nothing but some angry
The gigolo that that lady, who recently discombobulated an organized brothel with nothing but some angry chickens
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The gigolo that that lady, who recently discombobulated an organized brothel with nothing but some angry chickens who
The gigolo that that lady, who recently discombobulated an organized brothel with nothing but some angry chickens who once