
Hey Aborted Fetus,

The only thing you can do is be supportive. If she has a seizure, and you're there be calm. Clear the area around her so she doesn't hurt herself. A dated practice was to force something between her teeth so she wouldn't bite her toungue. Do NOT do this.
Also, use your calm voice to soothe her during an attack. Rushing around screaming, holding her down, or treating her funny after, will not help. Let us now how it turns out. Good luck to her.
Oh, after you've cleared the area, dim the lights.
Everyone, thanks for all your input. She received the results from the tests back, and unfortunately they do not look good. The doctor said that an abnormality was found on her brain scan, and more than likely she will have another seizure within a few months, and she will have to go on medication.

A final question for you guys...
Does anyone have any experience with anti-epileptic medication? The doctor briefly mentioned the medications, some of which have some pretty bad side effects, inculding possible infirtility, hair loss, weight gain, and others. Also, if she forgets to take a pill even once, it could trigger a seizure. Are these likely side effects, or are they just possible? I know with other medication there are some really bad possible side effects, but they rarely happen. Is anyone here on anti-epileptic medication or know somebody that is, and if so, how bad are the side-effects?
I was on Dilantin for ages, about 3 years, and i found it affected my study results, and made me tired, but the rest of the side effects only effected me when i was going onto/coming off the meds.
On Trileptal now, it's brilliant. only side effect is slight tiredness, and alcohol can be a bit interesting, like i don't get happy drunk like i used to, just sick. But i highly recommend it. And they're always improving it. The pill isn't an option though, but they can get round it.
A couple questions Sexy Blue Feet....

You say that when you drink it is a little bit interesting, but the doctor told her that drinking can help bring on a seizure. You can still drink if you are on medication? Or do they tell you not to, but you can still get away with it?

Also, what do you mean the pill isnt an option? Do you mean that Trileptal isnt an option as a pill, or that she cannot be on the birth control pill while on it? If she cannot be on the birth control pill, do any of the other birth control options work, such as the shot (Depo-Provera)? And do you know anything about any of the pills causing infirtility? This is really my main concern, being that I definitely want my own children one day.

The doctor said if she does start taking medication, she would have to be on it for a minimum of two years, and another doctor said a minimum of five years. So if she does go on medication, we want it to be the best. I will have her mention Trileptal to the doctor at her next appointment.
i've been told that alcohol can reduce the usefulness of alcohol, but i can get away with it, cause i only get seziures once in a blue moon. but the effect that alcohol has on me is different. i get tired, and alcohol affects me very quickly and easily.
As you can't have the contraception pill. There are alternatives, talk to your local GP about them, or let her talk if she feels comfortable about it. No big deal really. There are ways around it.
My neurologist never mentioned a time limit. I changed meds due to the study reasons, and i had planned to change back after uni, so let me know about what they say about time limits. I think they use diff meds for different types of ep.
I'm 21, and had a seizure about a year and a half ago. The neurologist never figured out why. All the testing they did turned up that I have barely low blood sugar, and some unidentifiable little spots in my front right lobe where 'unusual activity' was coming from on my E.E.G. The doctor never even said if he thought I had a seizure. What happened is I was driving down the road and passed out for maybe 20 seconds, and my right arm went stiff to the left and I missed a concrete wall under a bridge by about an inch, at least thats where i was when I came to. I hadn't eaten or drank anything for about 36 hours and about 1/2 an hour before it happened I had a bear claw and a cappucino. So, it may have been a bloodsugar thing. Ifanyone has any info on anything, let me know.