See if you can decode this

Okay - it says:
"Inzomnia loves few things which she cannot afford to lose. It so time for her to say goodbye. She will be back around winter next year. We will see. Inzomnia will miss you. So long and thanks for all the fish."
And then: "I miss you already. Take care."

A genuine goodbye message? Or just for purposes of coding?


Inny.. wtf?
What's inzomnia?
I've found this.

inzomnia. def.
Proof that most Swedish men are gay and have dreadlocks,often found on-line winging about something he can do nothing about,

What does that mean?
Please decode decoding.
Which adds to the complexity.
Inzomnia, are you a Dreadlocked Swedish Gay Winger?
And are you leaving?
Or Not.
Sort of rings a bell.
What was his/her best ever thread?

If they are all in code, I probably didn't try to work them out, or , more likely,
gave up after failing.
Mostly, I prefer posts that are not in code.
This one isn't too bad.
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Inzomnia is also the name of a Phillipines Nightclub.
It's the best bar in Tacoblan.

Inzomnia is one and only most known disco bar in Tacloban city and is only the BEST disco bar in town up to date. . Its a really cool place to hang out with barkadas, friends girl friends. . , especially during Friday and Saturday . . . on these days inzomnia is usually packed with people form 11pm to 3am. So. . .expect it to be crowded!. . . So i would really recommend inzomnia my top on the list. So if your looking for a disco bar that could blast your night out…go call your friends.. barkadas… and party like there’s no tomorrow here at inzomnia.

What are Barkadas? Barkers? Something to do with dogs perhaps?
Maybe they allow you to bring your dog. That would be cool.
Just so long as they don't try to eat it. That wouldn't be cool at all.
Hey, look, they have those plastic glasses to stop you getting glassed in the face.
And a lunatic in a sweatband.
I love places like that.
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will miss you inzomnia, no question about it..hope you do well while you're outta here..

and captain, give it a rest willya?
My bad.. I was thinking to take 1 year off from sciforums, and then one day I saw a quiz in Free Thoughts and couldn't resist to participate in the quiz.. and then before I realized, I was already posting again regularly (returning as Kira :eek:)...

Okay - it says:
"Inzomnia loves few things which she cannot afford to lose. It so time for her to say goodbye. She will be back around winter next year. We will see. Inzomnia will miss you. So long and thanks for all the fish."
And then: "I miss you already. Take care."

A genuine goodbye message? Or just for purposes of coding?

It's a bit too late, but...
WE HAVE A WINNER :bravo::worship:
So, uhm, this is just to prove that I am already returning with a new account :eek: I guess I will continue posting as Kira :wave: :p