Science stories of the week

have you ever cooked and eaten either of those?

I am purely guessing the iguanas would be soft but lacking taste

Drop down bears (koala) guessing dark with strong flavour (eucalyptus leaves diet)

I did win a free meal for two at a high class restaurant which had crocodile on the menu. Nice and I enjoyed, both for the meats taste and for me not to be paying for our meals because I could not have afforded them

Koalas are endangered, so eating them isn't an option unless you do it illegally. I'm not sure about iguanas.

Crocodile tastes like chicken, IIRC (I've eaten it). But then again, everything tastes like chicken.
There's not enough information in the article to even know what the method is, exactly. But all it seems to be is a new computational method. The key word seems to be "extended eigenvector", but I don't know what that entails and the article doesn't explain it.

I can't see any obvious downside to being able to solve computable problems faster than before.
Idk, sometimes ''short cuts'' can have downsides. Although, researchers are excited about the new possibilities using this breakthrough method, faster isn't always better. Guess time will tell.
Koalas are endangered, so eating them isn't an option unless you do it illegally. I'm not sure about iguanas.

Not sure if it still exists but a certain remote region Roadhouse had the name Roadkill with the slogan something along the lines of "From your grill to our grill"

Idk, sometimes ''short cuts'' can have downsides. Although, researchers are excited about the new possibilities using this breakthrough method, faster isn't always better. Guess time will tell.

Approximations are used all the time. If you are in your office now and I said how far away is your smartphone? You'd (probably) say "It's right here on my desk" rather than "It's 2 feet 4 inches away". An approximation is almost always good enough.

How far away is the Moon? Is it 250,000 miles or do we need to know down down the the Planck limit?

If you want to know how many calories you will burn today, do you need to get down to the atomic level?

You can answer almost every question by just knowing the magnitude and you get generally get there with an "educated guess" or deductive reasoning. A common example is to ask a class to guess how many piano tuners there are in London?

Most people in the class don't play the piano, have never been to London and don't really know a lot about the subject and yet with a little thought most can answer that question down to the magnitude level and even better.

Guess how many people live in London, guess how many families that would be, guess how many families can afford a piano, guess how many families can afford one and actually have one.

Guess how many pianos a tuner can tune in a day, how many days do they work in a year, how many tuners work in a tuning business. With all that you can guess how many piano tuning businesses there are in the London Yellow Pages. Getting the magnitude right would be saying it's between 100 and 1000. Most people when considering all the things I mentioned would end up with a figure between 100 and 500. As I recall, at the time, the answer was about 150 and when I first tried I got 250 or something like that.

As they say, that degree of approximation was good enough to get us to the Moon. Quantum Physic wasn't used to get us to the Moon. Newtonian Physic works quite well even though it is an approximation.
Approximations are used all the time. If you are in your office now and I said how far away is your smartphone? You'd (probably) say "It's right here on my desk" rather than "It's 2 feet 4 inches away". An approximation is almost always good enough.

How far away is the Moon? Is it 250,000 miles or do we need to know down down the the Planck limit?

If you want to know how many calories you will burn today, do you need to get down to the atomic level?

You can answer almost every question by just knowing the magnitude and you get generally get there with an "educated guess" or deductive reasoning. A common example is to ask a class to guess how many piano tuners there are in London?

Most people in the class don't play the piano, have never been to London and don't really know a lot about the subject and yet with a little thought most can answer that question down to the magnitude level and even better.

Guess how many people live in London, guess how many families that would be, guess how many families can afford a piano, guess how many families can afford one and actually have one.

Guess how many pianos a tuner can tune in a day, how many days do they work in a year, how many tuners work in a tuning business. With all that you can guess how many piano tuning businesses there are in the London Yellow Pages. Getting the magnitude right would be saying it's between 100 and 1000. Most people when considering all the things I mentioned would end up with a figure between 100 and 500. As I recall, at the time, the answer was about 150 and when I first tried I got 250 or something like that.

As they say, that degree of approximation was good enough to get us to the Moon. Quantum Physic wasn't used to get us to the Moon. Newtonian Physic works quite well even though it is an approximation.
Good points but I’m not sure if this new method’s purpose is for approximations.
Cars saving the lifes of thousands of Texas Citizens (what happens when their tank of gas runs out & the gas station cant pump gas because its frozen or snowed in & lines of cars cant re-fuel fast enough)who would other wise freeze to death in their houses with no gas & no electricity & no fire wood & no coal burners
[cars being used as mobile survival pods in fatal weather conditions]
it will look like one of those apocalypse movies where hundreds of cars have been abandoned on free ways as all the people turned into zombies & ran off into the woods to die.(but it will be real)

entire city built to be 100% reliant on an unreliable electrical system that is incapable of supplying half power to all its customers.

it cant do half the job it is given to do

and now the weather report says they are expecting probably around half an inch of ice to cover the frozen snow in the upper eastern sea border.
yikes !
they getting some climate change for sure

hold on for a moment
dont die yet, the genius who knows everything & you voted to be your intellectual leader is about to solve everything for you
"because windmill" ... ? he is starting to talk up a storm about reforming the electrical comity of capitalist pigs
reform them into what ?
more greedy ? more stupid ? more uncaring ? more profit focused ?
where is the national guard and why have they not been mobilized ?
isnt this what they are for ?
dont they train for these things spending working class money to do so ... ?
threatening a capitalist comity with biblical reformation ?
they will all happily say thanks & runoff with the working class money & not be held accountable.
is that the game that we are going to see unfold ?

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Good points but I’m not sure if this new method’s purpose is for approximations.
To quote from the article you linked: "The new approach is based on a concept called emulation, where an approximate calculation replaces a complete and more complex calculation. Although the researchers are taking a shortcut, the solution ends up almost exactly the same."

So yes, it is an approximate method, though the object is to be as accurate as possible while avoiding the traditional complex and time-consuming computation.
To quote from the article you linked: "The new approach is based on a concept called emulation, where an approximate calculation replaces a complete and more complex calculation. Although the researchers are taking a shortcut, the solution ends up almost exactly the same."

So yes, it is an approximate method, though the object is to be as accurate as possible while avoiding the traditional complex and time-consuming computation.
Oops lol Thanks exchemist!

bath salts
are approximations of organic recreational drugs i believe.
they have other effects

like the whole counterfeit drugs issues & drug funding around original design drugs & non branded drugs

while on one level it appears to be a bit of a fringe debate around laboratory method for mathematical chemistry etc
on the other it directly effects & kills thousands of people
or saves their lifes
every day
crazy world

globally approximation vaccines" are front n center debate
for soft squishy ill self informed urbanites & conspiracy theorists
which influence massive sway in media
& as a national interactive % will completely undermine herd immunity effect by persuading people to not get vaccinated or not trust vaccines.
their soft headed squishy brained urbanite intellect will be making approximations based on conspiracy media & urban myths.

note if one of the %$#^$%^2 chimes in
an "evaluation" versus "approximation"
what is the difference ?
there is something for you to read on if your interested
it touches into core drivers of social engineering etc sociology etc
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has various meanings
in general once you start getting picky about the nature of the word & its variant interpretations you walk right into counterfeit drug & stealing peoples patents & designs & products.

most medications are approximations of their original license because the generic producer can not afford to pay the royalties to the original creator.
it s a little ironic that the USA is reliant on socialist economic counterfeiting of medications that all come from china.

drug over dose deaths in the usa being at pandemic level death rates is not really impacted by approximation pharmacology because the sheer volume of legal oxy & heroin & fentanyl combined with alcohol is a massive respiratory suppressant
where in contrast
bath salts though might contain elements of ketamine are more likely & most commonly created to be an upper not a downer.
so they approximate the upper/methamphetamine chemicals.

from my vague understanding oxy & herion addicts are not violent people
it is the surrounding psychology of the gangs & networks of thieves stealing money to buy to sell.

by simply making heroin free to addicts it would wipe out a massive amount of violence

but the american psyche is not built that way
it demands power over other people
& it demands the need to deny things to others as a form of ego gratification (puritan)

baby boomer reformed alcoholic white privilege people dont see the problem
victim perpetrator litigiously nurtured counter black culture cant imagine a different way

they are the cold war sides of the usa divided to be at war with each other to hand total power & control of all the country over to the elite
Bath salts? lol I sometimes skim articles, and then I come to regret doing so. That's probably why I didn't pick up ''approximations.''

This week's's so interesting that if we believe we'll get better, we actually ''feel'' better. That doesn't mean placebos ''work,'' though. If anything, placebos may cure ''hypochondria.'' ;)
That's because often we are sicker than we need to be because we worry more than we need to worry.

If you aren't feeling great but you are also worrying that it might be due to cancer, if I tell you it isn't cancer and you'll soon be instantly feel a lot better.

It's also similar to people who have a positive attitude vs people who have a negative attitude. Guess which group feels better?:)
That's because often we are sicker than we need to be because we worry more than we need to worry.

If you aren't feeling great but you are also worrying that it might be due to cancer, if I tell you it isn't cancer and you'll soon be instantly feel a lot better.

It's also similar to people who have a positive attitude vs people who have a negative attitude. Guess which group feels better?:)
So true, good points. This is why Googling one’s symptoms when not feeling well, while sometimes can be helpful, often leads to a long, deep rabbit hole. I’m not going to say how I know that. :oops:
has various meanings
in general once you start getting picky about the nature of the word & its variant interpretations you walk right into counterfeit drug & stealing peoples patents & designs & products.

most medications are approximations of their original license because the generic producer can not afford to pay the royalties to the original creator.
it s a little ironic that the USA is reliant on socialist economic counterfeiting of medications that all come from china.

drug over dose deaths in the usa being at pandemic level death rates is not really impacted by approximation pharmacology because the sheer volume of legal oxy & heroin & fentanyl combined with alcohol is a massive respiratory suppressant
where in contrast
bath salts though might contain elements of ketamine are more likely & most commonly created to be an upper not a downer.
so they approximate the upper/methamphetamine chemicals.

from my vague understanding oxy & herion addicts are not violent people
it is the surrounding psychology of the gangs & networks of thieves stealing money to buy to sell.

by simply making heroin free to addicts it would wipe out a massive amount of violence

but the american psyche is not built that way
it demands power over other people
& it demands the need to deny things to others as a form of ego gratification (puritan)

baby boomer reformed alcoholic white privilege people dont see the problem
victim perpetrator litigiously nurtured counter black culture cant imagine a different way

they are the cold war sides of the usa divided to be at war with each other to hand total power & control of all the country over to the elite
