S1867 approved by the Senate


It wasn't allowed.

Which is why ONLY National Guard and Coast Guard were able to help.

FEMA is a relatively small bunch of pencil pushers, they only coordinate other agencies and control the purse strings once the president declares an area a disaster area, they have little actual manpower to physically help in much of anything.
Substantiate please.

Yeah and she has a BLOG (advertising VA loans among many other Ads to make money) to prove she was stripped of her rights.

Friggin amazing.

Susan Lindauer Speaks in Seattle Part 1 of 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N5R_L_hXlWc&feature=related


A poisoning the well fallacy doesn't change the truth. Whatever she has to do to make a living to get the truth out to the world is fine by me. Just goes to prove to me you have your head in the sand and you don't know shit about what is going on in the world.
What are you talking about?

You say "It's already happening"

And you then link to a money making BLOG of a women living free and unmolested and posting whatever she wants to on the internet as your proof that "It's already happening"?


I know, YOU know the TRUTH, but all the rest of us are Sheeple with our heads in the sand.

That about right?

Substantiate please.

In most respects, the Army National Guard and Air National Guard are very similar to the Army Reserve and Air Force Reserve, respectively. The primary difference lies in the level of government to which they are subordinated. The Army Reserve and Air Force Reserve are subordinated to the federal government while the National Guards are subordinated to the various state governments, except when called into federal service by the President of the United States or as provided for by law. For example, the California Army National Guard and California Air National Guard are subordinated to the state of California and report to the governor of California as their commander-in-chief.

This unique relationship descends from the colonial and state militias that served as a balance against a standing federal army, which many Americans feared would threaten states’ rights. The militias were organized into the present National Guard system with the Militia Act of 1903.

Besides the theoretical check on federal power, the distinction between the federal military reserves and the National Guard permits state governors to use their personnel to assist in disaster relief and to preserve law and order in times of crisis. The latter is permitted because the National Guard are not subject to the restrictions of the Posse Comitatus Act unless they are under federal jurisdiction. The restrictions, however, do apply to the four of the other five reserve components just as it does with their active duty military counterparts. The United States Coast Guard and United States Coast Guard Reserve are not subject to the restrictions of the Posse Comitatus Act because they are the only Armed Force of the United States that is not part of the United States Department of Defense.


This new legislation allows for the Military Reserves to be used for a State Level Emergency, and remove that restriction that I bolded from Wiki.

Like Katrina.

As to FEMA

Unlike most parts of the government, FEMA is different at different times, small in size and budget when nothing much is going on, swelling to huge and expensive when a disaster strikes.

That lets FEMA spend money when it also has plenty of political capital to cash in, because Americans want the government to do all it can when they see people hurting from hurricanes, floods or other disasters.

But FEMA's heavy dependence on emergencies to get the money coming in leaves it struggling to do a thorough job on preparation.

"We have the hardest time paying attention to things that haven't happened yet," said Natalie C. Simpson, an emergency management expert at the State University of New York at Buffalo.

As a result, a lot of things don't get done, said William Lee Waugh of the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University.

For example, FEMA regional offices always need students and others to do basic research and projects beyond the abilities of the agency's full-time workers, he said.

It's a tiny agency and the base budget does not include enough funding to be proactive," Waugh said. "They certainly don't have enough funds to set priorities and address the known risks."


FEMA was established under the 1978 Reorganization Plan No. 3, and activated April 1, 1979 by Jimmy Carter shifting all federal disaster relief efforts to the new agency.

FEMA responsibilities included those of these existing Federal Agencies:

  • Federal Insurance Administration
  • National Flood Insurance Program
  • National Fire Prevention and Control Administration
  • National Weather Service Community Preparedness Program
  • Federal Preparedness Agency of the General Services Administration
  • Federal Disaster Assistance Administration activities from HUD.
  • National Dam Safety Program Act;
  • Office of National Security Coordination, responsible for developing, exercising, and validating agency wide continuity of operations and continuity of government plans as well as overseeing and maintaining continuity readiness including the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center.
  • Disaster assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act;
  • Earthquake hazards reduction under the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977Executive Order 12699, regarding Safety requirements for Federal buildings Executive Order 12941, to Seismically retrofit federal buildings;
  • Emergency food and shelter under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987;
  • Hazardous materials, under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986;
  • Counter terrorism through the Nunn-Lugar-Domenici amendment under the Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996
Then the Homeland Security Act of 2002 created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FEMA was absorbed into DHS effective March 1,2003 as part of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate of DHS.

To do ALL of that listed above, FEMA has only 2,600 full time employees devoted to 10 Regional centers, and one for Hawaii


New Orleans is in Region 6, which includes Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas and Louisiana, or roughly 250 people per region.

Clearly they are NOT a "boots on the ground" operation though part of their group includes these many SMALL teams:

National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)

National Nursing Response Teams (NNRT)

National Pharmacy Response Teams (NPRT)

Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams (VMAT)

Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)

Disaster Mortuary Operations Response Team (DMORT)

Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT)

Mobile Emergency Resource Support (MERS)

The primary purpose of FEMA is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities.

The governor of the state in which the disaster occurs must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the president that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster.

A poisoning the well fallacy doesn't change the truth. Whatever she has to do to make a living to get the truth out to the world is fine by me. Just goes to prove to me you have your head in the sand and you don't know shit about what is going on in the world.

I don't need to "poison the well".

She has zip.shit credibility.

Here is her PROOF that a missile could have been used at the Pentagon

What a HOOT as she laughingly decribes how a "DIVAD missile" was used in a Suburban Washington neighborhood to blow up a gas station to prevent an Ebola outbreak from escaped contaminated monkeys



But what is even funnier is that you believe BS like this from someone making money by selling this made up crap.

ps DIVAD, or Divisional Air Defense was a Self propelled AntiAircraft Gun, not a missile and it was cancelled in 1985.

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So if I throw you into prison for a year, with no contact to a lawyer, your family, the press, no phone calls, zip, and then just let you out and tell the world we did it b/c you were crazy, (ostensibly because you know information that could stop a nation from going to war and cause a whole lot of politicians to lose their jobs. . . )

You're saying your rights were never violated b/c now you can write for a blog (which btw, that is not her site.)? Am I clear on this?

Your reasoning has a few holes I think.
No your's does.

(I notice you entirely skipped commenting on that outrageously bogus story she told about someone firing a missile in the DC suburbs at a gas station to kill some monkeys contaminated with Ebola)

She claims to be "the CIA’s chief Asset covering Iraq"


And my team had successfully negotiated a peace framework with Baghdad that would have achieved all objectives in Iraq without firing a shot.


no doubt. Without the Patriot Act, the Cover Ups of 9/11 and Iraq would have failed. Given normal due process, I would have shouted truth from the rooftops and exposed them all.

So what's stopping her now?


Because she has nothing.


As to no contact, after her arrest she was free on bail and was interviewed for a story with the NYTimes.

You are amazingly gullible.

Here is Susan's site:

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This new legislation allows for the Military Reserves to be used for a State Level Emergency, and remove that restriction that I bolded from Wiki.

Like Katrina.

As to FEMA


FEMA was established under the 1978 Reorganization Plan No. 3, and activated April 1, 1979 by Jimmy Carter shifting all federal disaster relief efforts to the new agency.

FEMA responsibilities included those of these existing Federal Agencies:

  • Federal Insurance Administration
  • National Flood Insurance Program
  • National Fire Prevention and Control Administration
  • National Weather Service Community Preparedness Program
  • Federal Preparedness Agency of the General Services Administration
  • Federal Disaster Assistance Administration activities from HUD.
  • National Dam Safety Program Act;
  • Office of National Security Coordination, responsible for developing, exercising, and validating agency wide continuity of operations and continuity of government plans as well as overseeing and maintaining continuity readiness including the Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center.
  • Disaster assistance under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act;
  • Earthquake hazards reduction under the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977Executive Order 12699, regarding Safety requirements for Federal buildings Executive Order 12941, to Seismically retrofit federal buildings;
  • Emergency food and shelter under the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act of 1987;
  • Hazardous materials, under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986;
  • Counter terrorism through the Nunn-Lugar-Domenici amendment under the Weapons of Mass Destruction Act of 1996
Then the Homeland Security Act of 2002 created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and FEMA was absorbed into DHS effective March 1,2003 as part of the Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate of DHS.

To do ALL of that listed above, FEMA has only 2,600 full time employees devoted to 10 Regional centers, and one for Hawaii


New Orleans is in Region 6, which includes Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arkansas and Louisiana, or roughly 250 people per region.

Clearly they are NOT a "boots on the ground" operation though part of their group includes these many SMALL teams:

National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)

National Nursing Response Teams (NNRT)

National Pharmacy Response Teams (NPRT)

Veterinary Medical Assistance Teams (VMAT)

Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)

Disaster Mortuary Operations Response Team (DMORT)

Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT)

Mobile Emergency Resource Support (MERS)

The primary purpose of FEMA is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities.

The governor of the state in which the disaster occurs must declare a state of emergency and formally request from the president that FEMA and the federal government respond to the disaster.


And yet. . . after the Katrina disaster, they are just now getting around to changing the law so that the federal government can use more man power to assist the states by law? Really? You honestly believe that is what this is about?

It isn't just a coincidence that they are making these changes after there are nationwide protests. . . no, not at all. This is just the very, VERY slow legal reaction to Katrina. I'm sure.

Sure, you believe what ever you want.
No your's does.

(I notice you entirely skipped commenting on that outrageously bogus story she told about someone firing a missile in the DC suburbs at a gas station to kill some monkeys contaminated with Ebola)

She claims to be "the CIA’s chief Asset covering Iraq"


And my team had successfully negotiated a peace framework with Baghdad that would have achieved all objectives in Iraq without firing a shot.


So what's stopping her now?


Because she has nothing.


As to no contact, after her arrest she was free on bail and was interviewed for a story with the NYTimes.

You are amazingly gullible.

Here is Susan's site:


OK. So you actually believe that slander, the libel, and the hearsay they hit her with the first time in order to shut her up and shut her down the first time around, I get you. What ever. I know, you need to defend your world view, anything to avoid cognitive Dissonance.

You bet.

I'm not saying her theory about what actually hit the pentagon is necessarily the correct one, but everyone knows that the plane they said hit it, isn't actually the one that did, there is no forensic evidence, not a shred of hard proof. We live in a physical world where reality needs to be proven, and it hasn't been. Expert pilots have all come forward saying that there isn't any possible way that the plane said to have maneuvered to hit that target could have, they have even run test flights in Australia to see if a plane could move that fast, that low, and it couldn't. . . so it is a pointless argument. I don't claim to know what did hit it. . . I do know what didn't though. lol :rolleyes:

Come now, we're getting a little off topic, aren't we?
OK. So you actually believe that slander, the libel, and the hearsay they hit her with the first time in order to shut her up and shut her down the first time around, I get you. What ever. I know, you need to defend your world view, anything to avoid cognitive Dissonance.

You bet.

I'm not saying her theory about what actually hit the pentagon is necessarily the correct one, but everyone knows that the plane they said hit it, isn't actually the one that did, there is no forensic evidence, not a shred of hard proof. We live in a physical world where reality needs to be proven, and it hasn't been. Expert pilots have all come forward saying that there isn't any possible way that the plane said to have maneuvered to hit that target could have, they have even run test flights in Australia to see if a plane could move that fast, that low, and it couldn't. . . so it is a pointless argument. I don't claim to know what did hit it. . . I do know what didn't though. lol :rolleyes:

Come now, we're getting a little off topic, aren't we?

That's so ironic, you talking about cognitive dissonance while telling us that it wasn't a 757 that ran into the Pentagon.

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic and disrespectful to the people who died that day.


Have fun living on fantasy island with the rest of the moronic Truthers.
And yet. . . after the Katrina disaster, they are just now getting around to changing the law so that the federal government can use more man power to assist the states by law? Really? You honestly believe that is what this is about?

It isn't just a coincidence that they are making these changes after there are nationwide protests. . . no, not at all. This is just the very, VERY slow legal reaction to Katrina. I'm sure.

Sure, you believe what ever you want.

And you believe that 9/11 was an inside job and it wasn't a 757 that hit the Pentagon and probably that the towers were brought down with explosives.

And you expect to be taken seriously?

Not a chance.