Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data.

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Dennis Tate

The following are quotations from somebody who I regard as brilliant and obviously well travelled....... I could not imagine that AboveAlpha could have gotten to the place where he could write so well on so many topics if he was merely well read.

However he got all the information that he got what he wrote about Russia releasing information on UFO's was more than merely impressive to me.

"Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data."

For quite some time now the Russian Government has been talking about releasing a great many old Soviet Files detailing Alien Craft and such craft being sighted by Cosmonauts aboard the Soyuz Space Station.

As well Russian Officials have stated that NASA as well has a great deal of files and video detailing Space Shuttle encounters with curious Alien Craft as well as how astronauts during the Apollo Missions were being studied by Alien craft and beings.

Now I usually don't like to talk much about this as it is a Fire Point subject but given the Russians being so vocal about this and the only reason I can think that they would be so vocal is that perhaps they are concerned by the vast disparity existing between Russian High Tech and American High Tech. that is supposedly augmented by reverse engineering of Alien Tech. recovered at various crash sites over the decades.

Astronauts such as George Mitchell, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, Gordon Cooper, Story Musgrave and many others have now come forward to talk about their experiences in space where they encountered curious Alien Craft.

These men being former Astronauts have absolutely NOTHING TO GAIN AND EVERYTHING TO LOOSE by going public with such encounters but as Mitchell has said...when you get old enough you really don't care about the threats and you just want to let people know.


"Where can I read about these alien encounters by US astronauts? It helps if you provide links, as per forum rules..."
Oh...MAN...there are so many it would take you a week to read or watch them all.

Just Google...Aliens NASA astronauts and you will find a host of sites.

Check out the NASA shuttle mission videos where they encounter E.T. craft.

Especially check out the astronauts names and what they have to say about E.T.

Some of the following links may not work now but they did a few years ago:

"It was from the first link. Spculation is not evidence. I need to see clear, unambiguous, supporting pictures for me to accept testimony as proof. The Russians tell us that they have pictures taken from a few metres. Let's see them.
That said I have no doubt that we are not alone in our infinite universe. Equally, given the unimaginable distances involved, I find it highly improbable that we have been visited. Equally implausible is the contention that an alien spacecraft with all of its advanced technology to enable it to get here, should make it all the way to planet Earth only to crash in a desert in New Mexico!" (Snakestretcher)

You took ONE QUOTE from Neil Armstrong in 1999.

Buzz Aldrin who landed on the Moon with Armstrong has been very vocal about the Alien Craft they both saw and so have many other Astronauts.

For you to take one single quote from ONE ASTRONAUT...and refuse to acknowledge the multitude of other quotes and videos and documentation detailing NASA's encounters with Alien Craft....well it just shows that you have an agenda that is specific to either denial of the existence of E.T....or perhaps you are too scared to admit the truth to yourself.

The following details Armstrong talking to NASA on the radio as he sees multiple alien craft on and near the Moon.

During the Apollo 11 moon landing, there was a two minute period of radio silence. According to NASA, the problem arose from one of two television cameras overheating, thus disrupting the reception. What really happened, according to various sources, was that Armstrong and Aldrin saw something else watching them! According to Timothy Good, author of Above Top Secret (1988) HAM radio operators receiving the VHF signals transmitted from Apollo 11 to NASA’s Houston headquarters, intercepted the following message which NASA screened from the public in the missing two minutes:

Mission Control:

What's there ? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.

Apollo 11:

These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn't believe it! I'm telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they're on the moon watching us. (Above Top Secret, p. 384.)

The HAM operator’s radio intercept was widely dismissed by the media, but in 1975 it received unexpected support. Maurice Chatelain, is a retired NASA communications engineer who helped develop the communications system used in the Apollo moon missions. In his 1975 book, Our Cosmic Ancestors, he wrote:

[O]nly moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the Moon, two UFOs hovered overhead. Edwin Aldrin took several pictures of them. Some of these photographs have been published in the June 1975 issue of Modern People magazine.”

I URGE ALL view these links for themselves and make their own judgments and I urge you to not let this members ridiculous assertions and dishonest input to thwart your ability to FIND THE REALITY.

AboveAlpha...p.s...Knowledge of this was specific to one of my....JOBS.

AboveAlpha left many of his readers with the impression that he was still working with the CIA or NSA as a sub-contractor but was semi- retired. I believed that there was significant truth to his claim to have connections in at least one branch of the USA Secret Service.

where is it ?

If you do a search for the title you will find his original writing quite easily. He did not put it into a blog or anything like that to my knowledge.

Interestingly enough he claimed that Russia..... was really angry with America... due to America surging ahead in technology due to what some Russian scientists understood to be American scientists somehow having access to reverse engineered alien technology. No kidding.... he stated that that was part of the reason as to why Russia wanted to release what they knew..... .apparently to turn the U.N. and much of the world further against America????
Oh, goodie. Russia is so well known for accurate information.

Here is a four hour lecture that may have gotten a lot of Russian scientists jealous....... if they took the time to listen to all of this.

Dr. Steven Greer - Nov. 21, 2015 - How the Secret Government Works: The Most Explosive Expose - HD

•Nov 24, 2015
"Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data."
where is it ?

where is the Russian Government threat ?

= false claim
breach of site rules

then you troll me when i ask for the claim

If you do a search for the title you will find his original writing quite easily. He did not put it into a blog or anything like that to my knowledge.

seriously ?

where is the content of the russian government talking about it ?
Mod Note

"Where can I read about these alien encounters by US astronauts? It helps if you provide links, as per forum rules..."
Provide the links to the quotes you posted. You know, as per the forum rules.

Telling people to search for it is not good enough. What you have done is essentially plagiarise. So I would suggest you post links to all the big chunk of texts you have copied and pasted here. If you do not, I will be deleting all of the quotes you have copied and pasted in this thread without acknowledging its source by providing a link.

I would also like to add a few other issues with this thread..

You started an OP with quotes and no actual discussion points.

You then provide a video that's nearly 4 hours long without any form of synopsis or breakdown..
Mod Note

Provide the links to the quotes you posted. You know, as per the forum rules.

Telling people to search for it is not good enough. What you have done is essentially plagiarise. So I would suggest you post links to all the big chunk of texts you have copied and pasted here. If you do not, I will be deleting all of the quotes you have copied and pasted in this thread without acknowledging its source by providing a link.

I would also like to add a few other issues with this thread..

You started an OP with quotes and no actual discussion points.

You then provide a video that's nearly 4 hours long without any form of synopsis or breakdown..


Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data.

and after that discussion went over 750 replies a replica was created and the original poster added more details there as well:

Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data. (Part 2)

"Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain" is a book that gives a lot of evidence indicating that Russian scientists as far back as the time of Stalin took psychic phenomena of various forms more seriously than was the case in the USA, (publicly anyway).
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where is the Russian Government threat ?

= false claim
breach of site rules

then you troll me when i ask for the claim

seriously ?

where is the content of the russian government talking about it ?

My suggestion at the links is just to read posts by AboveAlpha..... he really seemed to have insider knowledge of the topic.
My suggestion at the links is just to read posts by AboveAlpha..... he really seemed to have insider knowledge of the topic.

what you are doing is very straight forward

your making a claim the Russian government has made threats publicly

i asked you to post some links to the news site or government statements

instead you says its just some guys opinion
you have not posted his comments at the very least
you have told me to go look for it

go look for the information that you just made up

there is a big difference between making up lies
(not a great plan to make up such false statements about governments because they can sometimes have crazy people who take it personally)
and UFO research

UFO research is science based

UFO conspiracy(is theory of make believe)

maybe you have got the 2 confused

Russian UFO conspiracy's
Russian Government public statements

2 distinctly different things

fyi for the record
i have read plenty of Russian reports of UFO's
from mystics to military people

its one thing to talk about peoples conspiracy theory's
but i would consider it ill advised to start making false claims about the Russian government
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Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data.

and after that discussion went over 750 replies a replica was created and the original poster added more details there as well:

Russia's Government talks about Release of E.T. data. (Part 2)

"Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain" is a book that gives a lot of evidence indicating that Russian scientists as far back as the time of Stalin took psychic phenomena of various forms more seriously than was the case in the USA, (publicly anyway).


The first thread is insane. Literally and completely batshit crazy insane dating back to 2013..

The second thread was equally insane, only with added texture of you trying to convert them to Christianity.

You went from aliens, to near death experience to something something God and psychic crap. I'll admit, I didn't read the entire threads because there's only so much I can take of people being certifiable without seeking any help whatsoever.

It's all over the place. Which one could expect from something batshit crazy. But still. That this was allowed to continue is shocking in and of itself.

Which leads me to the next question..

Why are you trying to bring this utter crap to this site?


The first thread is insane. Literally and completely batshit crazy insane dating back to 2013..

The second thread was equally insane, only with added texture of you trying to convert them to Christianity.

You went from aliens, to near death experience to something something God and psychic crap. I'll admit, I didn't read the entire threads because there's only so much I can take of people being certifiable without seeking any help whatsoever.

It's all over the place. Which one could expect from something batshit crazy. But still. That this was allowed to continue is shocking in and of itself.

Which leads me to the next question..

Why are you trying to bring this utter crap to this site?

Because the poster AboveAlpha has me convinced that he has a background in the CIA
and on at least one of his missions he met with aliens.......

I believe that he used that discussion forum to get information out there that will set the stage for
the release of extremely green technology that will revolutionize the USA and soon the world economy.......

.... One specific claim that he made in a private message to me was that the Stanley Meyer dune buggy technology was in the hands
of a major USA military contractor and a part of the NSA want to make this technology public.........

President John F. Kennedy wanted to make much of the information public that was known at that time and the four hour
lecture by Steven Greer M. D. goes into how that fact played a role in his assassination........

... as well as in the assassination of Marilyn Monroe.
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My belief is that AboveAlpha is a part of the NSA that want the bad part of the Secret Service dealt with who
collaborate with drug dealers and human traffickers.......

My belief is that the personal messages that were sent to myself and many others on the forum were meant to
make more and more Americans aware of the truth so that pressure could be put on

the CIA and NSA to release some of the best technology that they already know of.

Here is the very first private message that I ever sent to AboveAlpha as well as his reply......
that sounded very logical to me.....

Above Alpha… have you ever considered becoming an actor / film producer?
If you ever do feel a temptation to go in that direction……. I would be willing to send you footage that I suspect might be of some value to you….. Oh…. would you like to set in motion a series of events that within twenty years…….. stops the rockets form landing on Sderot…….. and sets the page for a debt free USA?

Google….."Canada's Worst Politician, the film series concept" on Facebook……… and you are rolling………

Above Alpha…… if you ever did decide to get regressed in time by a hypnotherapist…… I suspect you would find out that you and I had worked together previously…………..


Crazy Tate


Movies huh?

Remember this one?

We're Jews! We're Jews in Space!

May the Shwartz be with you!

Hopefully if we get through this battle with the Empire we might all meat again in SPACE BALLS II....THE SEARCH FOR MORE MONEY!!


You are not the first person to mention or ask me this question as I have been asked to be a Consultant for several Hollywood Spy/Military Action Movies but I have in the past I could not do this as I was under the constraints of a Non-Disclosure Agreement plus I was/am also under certain constraints I cannot detail.

I am extremely wealthy and I have worked very hard to be well back in the 1980's I had developed a Cover specific to a Rock Band in order to be allowed to be apart of a CULTURAL as to be allowed to enter EAST GERMANY....and I was of a very small and select few who were allowed to travel to East Berlin back in the Early 1980's.

Because of my wealth I really don't have a need to attempt to try to make money anymore but I admit I really enjoy making ART be it on Canvas....on Film or Digital Video....on Paper as in a Book although nothing I have written as of this time could be allowed to be published as it is still mostly classified....and I always wondered if it would be fun to be a paid consultant for a Director doing a Motion Picture.

I have also been asked if I would be interested in acting as I am almost 6 foot 2 inches...238 lbs of pure muscle with I am told Movie Star least that's what the girls say and a bunch of Models as I once had to stand in for a Male Runway Model who got sick as this was all to do with a Charity Event my Mom was a part of as the proceedes went to Blind Children.....and they had both Male and Female Models walking down a runway for this supposedly world famous designer....her last name was Raffaella De Laurentiis....who since I do not follow Clothing Designers I had no clue...actually I still don't....who this woman was.

This male model got sick and he was going to be walking down the runway modeling the designer....Raffaella De Laurentiis....Men's Suit and Sports Wear line.

I was young and as I have always been in well above average physical condition my Mom's friend's who knew this designer basically volunteered me to replace this model.

Since the thought of even pretending to be a model disturbed me I had to be coaxed with the reward of free drinks! LOL!!!

Anyways.....I got up there and walked around and down the center stage runway and I recieved the most disturbing feeling and moment of my entire life.....MY MOM'S FRIENDS WHISTLING AT ME!!! LOL!!!

After the end of the event this designer...Raffaella De Laurentiis...came up and thanked me for stepping in and asked me if I would consider joining her group for the last 2 weeks of her tour and I thanked her but said no.

She sent me a suit she designed and I still have it to this day.


What AboveAlpha wrote about the updated Stanley Meyer hydrogen fuel dune buggy fits very well with what was already known........

One of AboveAlpha's friends from the forum speculated as to the identity of AboveAlpha.....
I bought the guy's book on that mere possibility......
I listened to nine chapters of the book but I am of the belief that the online character AboveAlpha was probably somebody else but.......... I do believe that a fascinating drama is all set up to be played out in front of all Americans that will probably catch more and more attention over the coming months:

I bought the audio version of "The Operator" by Robert J. O'Neill... wow!!!!

For the record I asked permission to eventually release the messages that AboveAlpha had sent me... and he said yes to do so.... with only one type of message to not be released. I have already deleted most of the personal messages that I have that fitted the category that he referred to.....
BrainScratch: The Death of Stanley Meyer and his Water Powered Car
•Jan 26, 2018

Hydroxy Gas Energy Systems


The same Stan Meyer fuel cell today.


Stanley Meyer “fuel cell” producing hydroxy gas (Grove City Record, Oct. 25, 1984).

Techniques for using electrolysis to break apart water molecules into a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen had been known centuries before Michael Faraday did his quantitative electrolysis experiments in the 1830s. Today the mixture of gases produced by electrolysis of water is commonly termed “Hydroxy Gas” or Brown’s gas (named after Yul Brown who researched and promoted this technology for many years). A detailed history of hydroxy gas can be found in Robey (2006).

See also: The Orion Project Visits Stan Meyer’s Technology
I have reason to believe that AboveAlpha felt that he knew information that could eventually save millions of lives because the following was actually a personal message to me that I felt had to be made public:

"Is this analysis of the probable long term effects of climate change logical?"

Quote Originally Posted by AboveAlpha

We have passed a THRESHOLD as no matter what we do we have gone BEYOND THE POINT OF A FIX as far as CLIMATE CHANGE.

NOTHING we do from this point on will stop the melting of the Northern and Southern Polar Sea Ice and the Greenland Glaciers.

Here in lies the problem and if you want to learn more run a search on this.....CDIAC.....CARBON DIOXIDE INFORMATION ANALYSIS CENTER.

The CDIAC is a part of the U.S. DOE...DEPT. OF ENERGY'S OFFICE OF SCIENCE at Oak Ridge National Labs.

If you watch the top of the web page there is a chart and every 20 to 30 seconds or so the CHART CHANGES and will give you the WORLD'S MOST ACCURATE AND UNBIASED DATA concerning CO2, CH4...which is METHANE which exists at the bottom of all Earth's Ocean's Arctic Lakes and within Permafrost and Tundra and CH4 holds in HEAT in our Atmosphere at a rate of approx.71 TIMES GREATER THAN CO2

The CH4 at the bottom of the Oceans and in Permafrost and Arctic Lakes exists as CH4 GEL or Methane Gel.

The Human generated emmisions of CO2 have warmed up the Earth's Ocean's and thus Air to a point that is CAUSING THE GEL FORM CH4 TO BUBBLE UP AND OUT INTO OUR ATMOSPHERE AS METHANE GAS!!!

This is how DIRE the problem is....the U.S. DOE's Office of Science's CDIAC is the ONLY DATA the U.S. Military considers to be trustworthy and viable thus this data is imputted into either Banked and Networked IBM Supercomputers or is imputted into the U.S. Military's new QUANTUM COMPUTERS for ONE SOLE PURPOSE!!!


What is going to happen and NOT MAYBE HAPPEN but WILL HAPPEN is this......when too much FRSH WATER is dumped into the NORTH ATLANTIC CURRENT or GULF STREAM which is a OCEAN WATER HEAT EXCHANGE Warm Gulf of Mexico Water in a very strong current flows around the tip of Florida and up North up the East Coast and then angles across the Atlantic Ocean to the British Isles...which is by the U.K. which is further North than Massachusetts has much milder winters......

.....well the WARM WATER is LIGHTER and travels upon the top of the bottom COLD WATER THERMOCLINE....which is the COLD WATER flowing from the Arctic Ocean around Greenland and above the U.K. as this colder heavier water flows underneither the warmer lighter water coming up from the Gulf of Mexico......

......well there will come a day....SOON.....when the Earth has warmed up just a single degree to much and this will cause so much Polar and Greenland FRESH WATER ICE the ICE that covers Greenland and the North Polar Arctic Ocean is FRESH WATER.....and because it is FRESH WATER....IT IS LIGHTER THAN OCEAN SALT WATER........


When this happens the Cold but FRESH WATER melted from Global Warming will STALL THE WARM SALT WATER TRAVELING NORTH FROM THE GULF OF MEXICO.

Thus warm water will stop flowing NORTH and the COLD WATER will STOP FLOWING the COLD WATER will reach a point of desalinization so that it weighs the same as the WARM SALT WATER TRYING TO TRAVEL NORTH.


And GUESS what happens next??

Have you ever watched the movie THE DAY AFTER TOMMORROW????

If you have....then you understand.


For the record I personally disagreed with the fatalism in AboveAlpha's ideas......
I believed that deliberately turning deserts green....
combined with the even newer idea of putting carbon into the soil that is explained in the documentary, "Kiss the Ground"....
could begin a series of events that I felt had the potential to avoid the terrible events of the future that AboveAlpha warned me about.....

An interesting detail is that AboveAlpha never replied to that particular discussion...... I am not certain why..... but my guess is that that scary future being believed in by people in the Secret Service is a detail that is not wanted to be common knowledge.....
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You may consider it relevant that back on February 25, 2015 I began a discussion that was meant to attempt to convince AboveAlpha to enter the race for the office of President for 2016. I suggested to him that because he termed himself an Agnostic he would probably need to join the Dems.

Should AboveAlpha allow us to set him up for the office of POTUS as early as 2016?

Based on AA's posts would you advise him to consider becoming POTUS?
  1. *
    Yes.... he is obviously well informed on many important issues.
    12 vote(s)

  2. No.... he is too honest! He would not make it in Washington!
    3 vote(s)

  3. Yes..... but he had better join my favourite party!
    1 vote(s)

  4. He has already told us too much... his 14,000 posts will haunt him!
    10 vote(s)

Before beginning that discussion I did ask AboveAlpha's permission to begin that thread..... He told me that I could.....
what you are doing is very straight forward

your making a claim the Russian government has made threats publicly

i asked you to post some links to the news site or government statements

instead you says its just some guys opinion
you have not posted his comments at the very least
you have told me to go look for it

go look for the information that you just made up

there is a big difference between making up lies
(not a great plan to make up such false statements about governments because they can sometimes have crazy people who take it personally)
and UFO research

UFO research is science based

UFO conspiracy(is theory of make believe)

maybe you have got the 2 confused

Russian UFO conspiracy's
Russian Government public statements

2 distinctly different things

fyi for the record
i have read plenty of Russian reports of UFO's
from mystics to military people

its one thing to talk about peoples conspiracy theory's
but i would consider it ill advised to start making false claims about the Russian government

I personally have never bothered to do the research on what the Russians have actually released so far.......

AboveAlpha actually gave me more impressive information than I had the free time to do justice to researching, but.... I have viewed a couple of films on unusual phenomena in water that was released by Russian scientists and the documentary that I remember on that topic was impressive.

What they released fitted well with the Dr. Masaru Emoto research.... that although flawed.... was interesting.


The first thread is insane. Literally and completely batshit crazy insane dating back to 2013..

The second thread was equally insane, only with added texture of you trying to convert them to Christianity.

You went from aliens, to near death experience to something something God and psychic crap. I'll admit, I didn't read the entire threads because there's only so much I can take of people being certifiable without seeking any help whatsoever.

It's all over the place. Which one could expect from something batshit crazy. But still. That this was allowed to continue is shocking in and of itself.

Which leads me to the next question..

Why are you trying to bring this utter crap to this site?

Thank you for taking a serious look at all of this.

I want to give you one detail from the nearly four hour lecture by Steven Greer M. D. that may well catch your attention.........

Dr. Greer mentions that President Ronald Reagan on the campaign trail in California was known to have apologized to one of his
major supporters there.........

President Reagan had promised a woman that he would NOT have G. H. W. Bush as his V. P. but..... when he went back to an area where he could meet with her again later on he apologized to her and he told her that.......

a group of owners of BigMedia had done a meeting with him and they had threatened him that either he made G. H. W. Bush his V.P. candidate or they would so attack him in their media that they owned.......
that he would become unelectable.

President Reagan told the woman that these owners of BigMedia did indeed have the power to fulfill their threat...... so he had given in to them..... and had made G. H. W. Bush his V. P. candidate!

If I remember correctly that detail is not in the first two hours of the lecture by Dr. Greer but is in the last two hours. The same goes for the comments on J.F.K. and Marilyn Monroe.
Should AboveAlpha allow us to set him up for the office of POTUS as early as 2016?
Based on AA's posts would you advise him to consider becoming POTUS?
  1. *
    Yes.... he is obviously well informed on many important issues.
    12 vote(s)

  2. No.... he is too honest! He would not make it in Washington!
    3 vote(s)

  3. Yes..... but he had better join my favourite party!
    1 vote(s)

  4. He has already told us too much... his 14,000 posts will haunt him!
    10 vote(s)
Isn't there something somewhere about worshipping idols?? Is there something you should be telling your god about?
And to think ''AboveAlpha'' is just an ordinary member of some forum visited by Dennis:
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