Staff member
You are the one arguing that a sexual assaulter should not be lumped in with others.And you then require that I accept your representations of people I've never met, believe your accounts of others, take for granted your framing of issues, and entrust you and those who agree with you with political power.
After continually representing my posts, right there in front of you, like that, you want to be taken seriously about what other people say and do.
Not me.
It would help if you applied my responses to you in context.. In other words, what, exactly, was I responding to?So if it's not about that, it's not sexual harassment? There's a loophole I hadn't thought of. The whole male status competition thing gets a pass.
If you think groping a woman as her people took her photo, knowing she is not going to make a scene, is not about power and control, then perhaps you truly do not understand what sexual harassment is. And if you think holding a woman like that, groping her while smiling at her friend or spouse taking the picture, knowing that she will not make a scene is not distressful, then again, you don't know what sexual harassment is.Meanwhile: there are distinguishable degrees of that - from situations of essentially no power and no control possible, even no awareness of self or other, to deliberate creation of great misery and pain. Agreed?
But it is sexual harassment.Also: Despite your listed characteristics, Franken's miming for the camera a grope of the flak jacket of a sleeping woman is not excused on the grounds that it involved no creation of awareness and no power or control - maybe it's not sexual harassment, in your definition, but there's something wrong with it, surely.
I don't get it. What's the deal with you throwing down for a man who groped women?
Uh huh..I hate to break it to you, but most of these men are not being open and honest - I know it's a shock.
I mean, what could I possibly know or understand about it...