"Rolling Backouts" (Energy Crisis)

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California is "NOT" an isolated case of the current energy crisis by no means! it is much more widespread, than what most perceived. (Read The Mail!!)

I would like to point out, that the response met by the power companies in the midst of our current energy crisis in the form of “Rolling Black-Outs” is nothing short, than an act of “Capitalistic Terrorism”

"You Should Hear, What I Really Think"!!

...Meanwhile, you might wish to review my recent press release.

TAP-TEN Research Foundation To Produce Next Generation Independent Power Generators!

Conservative approaches by reducing our usage of energy by use of other alternatives such as “Wind, Solar, or other forms of more effective insulation, is very effective, and reduces a customers electric costs, but it again places much financial burdens upon the customer, and is not a consideration to tenants who rent from building owners, that refuse to spend their profits for these upgrades, or those who simply cannot afford these much needed upgrades. Again this process will take many years before it is as common as an ordinary housould appliance.

although conservative use of our demands for power, may teach us to become more resourceful with our energy, it is no "Magic Bullet" in relation to put a stop to the ongoing energy crisis at hand.

Perhaps if our Nation's Hindsight was at best from the beginning, we would have no need for this conversation, but you must not loose sight of what a society that continues to sponsor leaders that support their own interests in the name of economic GREED! (Sorry) but it's much to late in the game to expect this to become the most effective resolution to solve our current(no pun intended) energy crisis, within a given time-frame that would put a stop to this.

In order to put an end to this ongoing problem, you must go directly to the root of the source, or "Sources" that continue to contribute to delaying any actions that would resolve these issues, and one of the most important issues that gives good reason to fight for, that any true Patriot would agree to, is in relation to my "Prior" comments on changing Legislative regulations that quite frankly, "Get in our own way" & "Prohibit" any Alternative energy efficient devices that are non-detrimental to our environment!

The following example below, represents just one, of many examples of "Available" technology that demonstrates an alternative no-detrimental to our Environment to provide us with efficient, non invasive, independent "Power Producing" alternative energy devices.

The Home Of Primordial Energy http://www.depalma.pair.com
Website of the Late Mr. Bruce Depalma
(Scroll down, and click on the "Audio" icon, to listen to a pre-recorded "Interview" from 1997 while Bruce Depalma was alive & well, as he goes into elaborated details, describing his overunity, N-1
” Homopolar electrostatic Generator.”

Mr. Bruce Depalma has received a series of International Patent Awards for this Incredible Invention based on Faraday's principles of extracting electricity direct from rotating doughnut shaped magnets counter-rotating with opposing polarity.

Welcome to "FREE ENERGY " : Don't take MY word for it. Take it from the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office! http://newebmasters.com/freeenergy

...or you may wish to examine various others out there who have been attempting for several years to bring "Alternative" Energy Devices to market through their research. Again, it is not the lack thereof for reasonably sound methods to "REPLACE" our need for fossil fuels, however before any of them can become a reality, we must go direct to the source & attempt to "REPLACE" the ambitious intentions by those leaders whom are fueled by greed, & will stop at nothing to blockade anything that detracts from their kingdoms of centralized power, depending on the oil cartels!

NOTE:> All of the following links can be found at the following website of Alternative Sciences http://www.thwww.com/mrwizard/aspage1.htm

ZERO-POINT FIELD-information on Dr. Haisch's theoretical research into the Zero-Point Field.

FREE ENERGY- Theory- Devices and Progess, A review by Patrick G. Bailey, Ph. D.

REVIEW OF FREE ENERGY EXPERIMENTS--summary review is presented of the experiments and demonstrations that have been reported in the past few years to produce near-unity or over-unity operation.

STIRLING ENGINE-The Stirling engine was invented in 1816 and can use any type of fuel, as well as solar energy.

GEET Releases Technology For FREE! - Paul Pantone founder of Global Environmental Energy Technology recently announced that he would release their "Small Engine Plans" (< 20 HP) for FREE! Plans are now available online.

COLD FUSION-a list of links to sources of cold fusion info available on the net.

COLD FUSION TECHNOLOGY-See what the newest research is yielding, and learn the intriguing possibilities of what the future might hold.

ENERGY INFORMATION-Automobiles achieved between 171(1936) and 376(1973) mpg. Yet, government, industry, media and 'environmental groups' say that to achieve 40 mpg an automobile must be downsized.

ELECTRIFYING TIMES-breakthroughs in electric car design are making this mode of transportation more of a feasible reality.

PERFECT SCIENCE AD-has developed a formula to aid in the purification of hydrocarbons. This formula succeeded in breaking the hydrocarbon chain, transforming it into fatty and amino acids. A MUST VISIT SITE.

THREE EXPERIMENTS ON FREE ENERGY-an open letter written to the Space Energy Association, from Harold Aspden.

INSTITUTE FOR NEW ENERGY-Advanced Energy Conversion, New Energy, Free Energy, Zero-Point-Energy, Rotational-Electromagnetics, Earth Electromagnetics, and more.

POLLUTION-FREE Energy Generator -a claim that a perpetual motion device that does not break the first and second laws of thermodynamics has been designed.

FREE ENERGY PAGE-Free Energy Antigravity website by Rick Todish

GYROSCOPIC INERTIAL THRUSTER-This website is a detailed description of a tested and proven "reactionless" inertial propulsion device.

JOSEF HASSLBERGER WEB SITE-an attempt to catalyse energies for change. The economy, physics and technology are in dire need of renewal!

IARC-Ionically Assisted Reaction Cell-a unique fuel cell that could answer our electrical supply problems.

MORE BEARDEN-The Files in this area are produced by T. E. Bearden. The Directories include: The Final Secret of Free Energy with Comment, plus many others.

TESLA COIL-Tesla’s best-known invention
LOST INVENTIONS OF TESLA-links to numerous Tesla sites.
TESLA COILS- How they work, with excellent photos.
TESLA'S ELECTRIC CAR!!!-very interesting article from KeelyNet.
TESLA'S Free Energy Receiver-patented in 1901 as An Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy.

[This message has been edited by Time/02112 (edited January 28, 2001).]
With all the top universities at our disposal, why we can not come up with a fuel cell design for home use that can be hooked to the power grid? A 5KW model with a reasonable price will go a long way to solve some of the problem.

Such models exist, and have been around for a long time. The problem is that public power is too damn cheap for private generators to be a good investment. That, and they are indeed expensive, because they are not being mass-produced (because there is no mass-market for them [yet]). IMHO, what we need is a government program to subsidize private fuel cell electricity generator purchases through tax breaks, refunds or some other incentive... We need something to start the industry rolling; it will take care of itself thereafter.

I am; therefore I think.
That is true. Last year we lost power for 3 days. Year before for 5 days. A lot of people bought gas generators. People are willing to pay premium.

Last I checked, I can buy a Ballard fuel cell of 25KW or higher. Too big and hence expensive for home use.
Boris, as you mentioned earlier..."what we need is a government program to subsidize private fuel cell electricity generator purchases through tax breaks,"

The "LAST" thing we need is another GVT program! (ROTF-LMFAO) the ones we already have never worked that well, and others still don't! take the "D.A.R.E." program for one example, more teenagers that went through this program became drug users latter, than the ones who never heard of DARE, so what kind of message does this send about GVT programs?...
"THEY DON'T WORK" simply put, "BAD IDEA"
Sorry but I vote for No more GVT Programs!
it would only "Stiffle" economic development of efficient independant energy generators as such.

The "EHG" units under development at TAP-TEN Research would resolve the issues of energy efficiencey and economic affordability, hell we plan to take our "Working" prototype to over 8 Major Universities in the US alone, as well as mass producing them, and selling them to all the Home Depot's. If we get our way, you too will be able to pick one up at your local Home Depot perhaps sooner than you think, and would not take up any more space than your average coffee table!

You seem to have swallowed the Republican line whole, plus hook and sinker to boot.

Newsflash: just because one government program does not work doesn't mean that all government programs cannot work. Some things cannot be done privately because there is not enough economic incentive. Other things cannot be done locally, because uniformity is desired across the nation. Yet other things will not be done locally at all, because they would put the local community at a competitive disadvantage compared to other communities. In such situations, you want government intervention at the federal level.

It's true that having the fed micromanage local communities is a bad idea. The fed's role is to merely set the rules and enforce them -- and let local communities decide how those rules are to be implemented. There needs to be the right balance between federal and local government; if there isn't then you either have an inefficient global administration or you have a set of disconnected, uncoordinated regions that cannot be properly described as one nation.

As for free energy, I can't believe you are taking it so seriously that you would suggest we don't invest in clean energy sources that are actually peer-reviewed and validated. How paranoid are you? Do you really think that all scientific publications, review journals and research groups are owned by politicians aiming to suppress free energy devices? Because I have not seen even <u>one</u> respected scientific publication present a design for a free-energy device. Even though it's obvious that any scientist who can come up with such a device will be guaranteed a Nobel prize, etc, etc. Yet there is no scientific, peer-reviewed design published anywhere in the world in all of these decades that alleged free-energy devices have existed. Why do you think that is?

By the way, so you won't think of me as blindly dismissive, here's a quote derived from <a href="http://newebmasters.com/freeenergy/">the web page about permanent magnet motors that you referenced</a> (yes, I have read it): "A 5000-watt electric generator powered by a permanent magnet motor is already on the way, and Johnson has firm licensing agreements with at least four companies at this writing." This is from <a href="http://newebmasters.com/freeenergy/sm-pg117.html">page 117</a> of the Science&Mechanics magazine referenced on that website. Well, if this was in "Spring 1980" (as stated on the cover of the magazine), then where is that generator, and what happened to those licensing agreements? Twenty years have passed, and I still don't see the "amazing new motor" on my neighborhood store shelf.

I am; therefore I think.

[This message has been edited by Boris (edited January 31, 2001).]
Don't be a fool Boris!
open your eyes, the answer is obvious as to what happens to all them free enegy devices that seemingly disapear and never to surface again, I'll sum it up in one sentence...
"The Oil Cartels & their ties to economic business associations"
Hi Time/02112,

I have to agree with Boris on this one: for a long time I also thought that the oil-industry was boycotting the development of cheaper & more environmental-friendly energy. But there are some remarks that I need to make:

First of all, the oil-industry is doomed to vanish soon. They say that there is still enough oil left for the earth's population for the next 50 or 60 years. When I hear these kind of figures, I always have the tendency to divide them by 2 or 3. Either way: in about 30 or 40 years, no more oil and an absolute necessity for other means of energy.

Secondly, a lot has changed in global politics: the oil-producing countries used to have loads of influence in the western world, but they abused their influence to make too much profits (the recent "oil crisis" is a good example). In the past year, western countries have realized that they are too dependant on the oil producing countries, and this dependancy is something we now want to get rid of (with western countries I am speaking generally of the US, Europe, ...). A good example is the announcement of car constructor Mercedes that they are going to release a car on water within the next 5 or 6 years. In Belgium (where I live), the electricity companies have announced that they are going to build more wind-driven electricty plants (instead of the old, oil-plants).

I do think that in the '80's and early 90's the oil producing companies managed to "silence" some scientists with cheap, alternative energy ideas... I don't think they are still able to do so now. That's why I expect some dramatich changes in energyproduction in the next 10 years.

As a sidenote, and like you guys already noticed, I would like to remark that "free" energy already exist: you can buy your own solar panels to generate enough electricity to feed your house. Or there are methane-burning devices that extract bio-gasses from biological waste (old plants, manur) to generate electricity. I don't know what the prices are in the US, but over here they are not that expensive (as a reference: they cost about as much as a month's pay of an average employee here).



"The best thing you can become in life is yourself" -- M. Eyskens.

[This message has been edited by Crisp (edited February 02, 2001).]
This may be of interest:


The people that spread thousand-megawatt power plants across the planet now see the future in small generators, each little more than a millionth as powerful, in basements and backyards round the world. One of the biggest enthusiasts is Karl Yeager, who heads the US industry-funded Electric Power Research Institute in Palo Alto, California. By 2050 he thinks that most of our electricity will come from millions of microturbines, solar panels and, most importantly, hydrogen-powered fuel cells.
Crisp, DaveW, Time,

Guys, we are all in agreement on this one; as a matter of fact I've read articles in Scientific American that state the world's oil industry will reach peak production by 2020, after which dwindling supplies will result in steady drop of production (and escalating prices), while by 2050 all of the world's oil will be gone (and this takes into account the estimated yet-undiscovered oil supplies). So hell yeah, it's about time we started looking at the long-term, lest we be caught with our pants down 25 years down the road.

But what Time is talking about, are "free energy" devices that produce energy without that energy having been ever consumed. In other words, he is talking about perpetual motion machines. Clearly against all known laws of physics -- but even ignoring that, where are those "working prototypes"? All it takes is one working prototype demonstrated at some World Fair -- and our entire scientific, not to mention economic, base would be revolutionized in an instant.

Time, you want <u>me</u> to open my eyes? I'd say it's your eyes that have been shut to the reality that there is no such thing as a perpetuum mobile -- never was, and never will be.

I am; therefore I think.
Hi .. all,

Actually we shouldn't be looking too far for these "small" energy devices. A few weeks ago I was told that a plutonium battery has been developed (I think by Nasa to power a spacecraft). These batteries last for 87 years, and are perfectly safe. Okay, what else do we need (apart from taking away the public's masshysteria about the words "nuclear" and "plutonium") ?



"The best thing you can become in life is yourself" -- M. Eyskens.

[This message has been edited by Crisp (edited February 02, 2001).]
"I have NOT, mentioned, nor even implyed the word "Perpetual Motion" what I was infering to was that of "Overunity" and they are NOT the same!

Be that as it may, in spite of the examples of perpetual motion devices not satisfactorily proven to the masses, (as of yet) does not mean that it will NEVER happen!
those of you who believe that might end up bitting your toungues some day!

Never say "Never" because nothing in this world that carries that word serves the facts that proven otherwise with Time, i.e. going to the moon, sattalight telephone communications web-tv, or tv itself! throughot history we have all had our share of nay-sayers, and skeptics alike, and tis the debunkers themselves that get debunked in the end!

The future is full of uncertainties, no one can sit there and tell me that "Anything" as a possibility can "Never" happen!
(unless you believe you have forcasted the future, and from peering into your crystal ball didn't see any "Perpetual Motion" devices in our future. (LoL)
Hi Time,

I disagree.. You can say never... And one of the things I'd say never to is a perpetuum mobile device. It cannot exist, only in theory as a perfect idealization of all possible circumstances that influence a system. There is always friction and loss of energy somewhere. Besides, who can verify that a perpetuum mobile will run forever ? It might run very long, because it could be a highly efficient energy system. Noone can verify it running ad infinitum anyway (kinda like the "when a tree falls in the forest and no-one is around to witness it, does it make a sound"-debate :)). But apart from philosophical arguments, there are plenty of physical and common-sense arguments that exclude the existence of a (macroscopic) perpetuum mobile.

Anyway, you don't (and probably won't) take my word for it. But there is a difference between people saying "we will never be able to go to mars" and "a perpetuum mobile cannot exist". The first kind of people could (and should/will) be proven wrong one day ; I personally have my doubts if the later would.



"The best thing you can become in life is yourself" -- M. Eyskens.

[This message has been edited by Crisp (edited February 03, 2001).]
Thank you, Time! After reading your links I realized that First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics are nothing but a fraud perpetuated by oil companies to keep from the people free energy which is their birthright! What a revelation!
Well Thank You Lettica!
I appreciate the supportive comments, and DAVE W. I thank you as well!

I just despise that so many "Sheepole" are not willing to exercise that part of their brain that thinks "Outside Of The Box" meanning to learn how to think independant of what they have been subtly "conditioned" to believe, which when you really think about it, most of which consist of nothing but "Lies" and mislead propaganda!

Why do you think that they teach about people like Faraday, and Tesla in acadamia, but "Supress" the very things they discovered like how to extract electricity "direct" from magnetisim, without having to induce a copper wire directly into the magnetic field, which distorts the field's flow of electrons?

Why do you think that they oblatently erased Tesla from the Smithsonian?
no need to take my word for this, check it out for yourself, here's a Link to explain this Fraudulent supression of Tesla from acadamia... http://ntesla.org

Good God!
when will people ever learn that we have been lied to all these years, and GVT conspiracies making side deals with economic strong arm policies to supress these alternatives & free energy devices that have been known about for years, have been thwarted, bought out & "SUPRESSED"
when will the "Sheepolle" awaken from their sleep of confusion, and see this for what it really is???
Umm, Time, I think she was being sarcastic. ;)

Btw, the relationship between magnetic fields and electric current is that of change: changing magnetic field induces flow of electric charge, while flow of electric charge induces a change in magnetic field. There's no way to extract current from a static magnetic field.

I am; therefore I think.
Hi Time, Boris,

I just despise that so many "Sheepole" are not willing to exercise that part of their brain that thinks "Outside Of The Box" meanning to learn how to think independant of what they have been subtly "conditioned" to believe, which when you really think about it, most of which consist of nothing but "Lies" and mislead propaganda!

That really just depends on how you look at it, and how reliable your sources are:
  • Information of the internet is usually very unreliable as some people have tendencies to write pages and pages of text with claims that cannot be supported by reasonable arguments. The idea's are usually very nice and innovative, but the formulation or the starting arguments sometimes are wrong or highly doubtful.
    This sometimes happens because these people have read popular science books and use the oversimplified arguments stated there to design new machines. These popular science books are not wrong (well, most of the time they are not ;)), but they usually forget to mention all the little, but important details that can lead to contradictions when you use them for reasoning.
  • If you would take a book that goes a bit more into detail, on say thermodynamics (and anybody with some basic knowledge of mathematics can take one of these and start reading) then you will see that the whole theory of thermodynamics is built on 3 or 4 very reasonable arguments. One of these arguments rules out the possibility of perpetuum mobiles to exist (I'm just using that perp. mobile thing since it got mentioned a few times before, but the same goes for any other example you can think of). This is not a lie nor propaganda.

Does this mean that everybody who once read a book on thermodynamics and accepts the theory is one of the "sheepole" you mention ? I think he or she is not; to me it is just someone who sat down for a minute, gave it a good thought and decided that the starting arguments of this theory were very plausible, that no violation of it had ever been found in nature and that it seemed to predict the evolution of macroscopic systems pretty accurately.

Now this is also the weak point of my argument (I realize that): science is all about believing and accepting the starting arguments (or postulates) for a theory. But if you are able to make one prediction without an earlier assumption or postulate about what you are trying to prove, then I suggest you do so and earn yourself a Nobelprize in physics ;). That is impossible, and without assumptions there simply is no science.

Now about lies and propaganda: if you take an absurd starting point for your theory, then you can "prove" anything you like. However, with all mainstream theories, all postulates are reasonable and accepted by a large part of the science community (and this just didn't happen overnight: postulates for a new theory are seriously tested before anybody believes them). Everybody can check out a serious book on science at the local library and read about these theories theirselves.

From my own (small) personal experience (and to show that I do not consider myself blind for other possibilities), I can assure you that I've given many people near-nervous breakdowns because I kept asking the "Why?" question in classes when we were thought the workings of a new theory, until I was convinced of the reasonableness of the postulates of that theory.

So to conclude: within the framework of some acceptable postulates, you can say that some things will never happen. IMHO this has nothing to do with being blind for the truth and not accepting any other possibilities: any good scientist is critical.

PS: I also realize that there are some "fanatical" scientists out there that are indeed blinded by their own idea's and who refuse to accept that their theories are wrong (even if you show it to them by means of some experiment).


"The best thing you can become in life is yourself" -- M. Eyskens.

You are even more stupid and gullible than I thought you were. You can not recognize sarcasm if it bites you on the ass.

Are you the author of this opus?

You don't even know what heavy water is! FYI, there is no such thing as "water with extra hydrogen atom". "Heavy water" is a water molecule in which one of hydrogen atoms has an extra neutron. The setup described in this "press release" is a fraud.
Lettica & Crisp,
Thanks Again For the "Wonderful" Comments!
.......>>"You are even more stupid and gullible than I thought you were. You can not recognize sarcasm if it bites you on the ass."

True Sarchasim at best is often unrecognized!
you have my personal blessing, to put your own foot back in your mouth!
Simple Model Helps Solve Problems of Fusion Power

February 22, 2001 07:43 CDT

Physicists from the University of Warwick and the EURATOM/UKAEA
fusion research program at the Culham Science Center have discovered
an innovative way to use the science of 'sandpiles' to create a clear
model of how a fusion plasma self-organizes into a superstable state,
which is crucial to power generation from fusion plasma.

The result demonstrates a comparatively simple link between space,
astrophysical, and fusion plasmas and their overall confinement
properties, and is a perfect example of the unity of physics.

Nuclear fusion uses the same processes that generate energy from the
sun -- plasma fusion. Plasma gas is too hot to be contained by a
conventional vessel, therefore magnetic fields shaped like donuts are

Temperatures hotter than the center of the sun have been sustained
for tens of seconds in a plasma volume of tens of cubic meters.
However, the challenge is then to keep this small artificial sun
burning and confined in its magnetic bottle.

Fusion plasmas have actually been found to self-organize under
certain conditions to give exceptionally good confinement. The
superstable 'H mode' is not yet well understood, but may possibly
hold the key to creating a stable fusion plasma power generator.

The University of Warwick and the Culham Science Center team used
sand pile modeling, like other research teams in the past, to figure
out the problem of stable plasma confinement as many have thought
that there was a link to self organization - the ability of complex
systems to re- organize internally to choose a preferred state - as
it is a ubiquitous phenomenon in nature. They found a numerical 'sand
pile' that mimics the self-organization of the fusion plasma to its
superstable 'H mode' and that 'sand pile' model is simple enough to
allow detailed theoretical analysis.

Original Source: Press Release

Related Links:

University of Warwick
Cosmiverse Staff Writer
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